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I know somewhere recently we had a thread going in which we discussed movies, but alas I cannot find it. So, I'm starting a new one that will be easy to find.

I just finished watching Phoebe In Wonderland. Very good movie and I can relate so much to the main character. Yes, I realize she's only 9, but still.

What are your favorite movies? New and old!
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Now and Then is one of my all time favorites. It's 1996ish? But it takes place in the 60's (the 4 main characters are 11ish) and then flash-forward to present day where they are all adults. Some big connections for me in this movie, and some great quotes.

I can also watch the teeny-bopper flick 10 Things I Hate About You over and over again. Another one that has some serious quote-age for me Smiler
Hrm...random ones coming up here that I have seen a million times.

Oh Brother, Where Art Thou
Pride and Prejudice, BBC
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (because it's based out of 1980s San Francisco, awesome) or Star Trek: First Contact
French Kiss (guilty pleasure for me and my 2nd older sister)
While You Were Sleeping (another guilty pleasure, sister movie)
The Fifth Element
Rocky Horror Picture Show (although, this is more just a me and H thing...not something I'd probably pop in the DVD if I were home alone, like the others are)

I'm also kind of a horror film nut, because as someone who has constant nightmares, I like to make sure they're as effed up as possible, but I don't think any of them would really make my "list." I must be missing like a million. I like a lot of your guys' selections too, but I don't own them, so I don't consider them favorites. Also, left a couple that had serious/triggering stuff off my list, just in case.
We could definitely do a film festival together. I LOVED Oh Brother Where Art Thou, thought it was hysterical and had an awesome soundtrack but know very few people who would agree. Pride and Prejudice, French Kiss, Fifth Element, Labyrinth and Rocky Horror are all on my list too. And you're a Josh Whedon fan! Now if you just didn't leave clear across the country...

Other movies for me

Color Purple (noticed this is popular. Favorite quote "I may be black, I may be ugly, but dear God, I'm here.")
Armageddon (very guilty pleasure, it's a Bruce Willis thing)
Heart and Souls
An Ideal Husband (Rupert Everet version)
The Importance of Being Ernest (Rupert Everet/Colin Firth)
The Lord of the Rings trilogy (extended version)
Dodgeball (guilty guilty pleasure)
A Room with a View
Secondhand Lions
Toy Story 3 (loved all three, but this one dissolved me into a puddle. of course, I was in the middle of saying goodbye to my T and sending my daughter off to college)
Casablanca (doesn't matter when I come in I cry at the end)
Love Affair to Remember
Bringing up Baby
The Philadelphia Story (does NOT get better than Hepburn, Grant and Stewart. All three were at the top of their game. And the dialog is to die for.)
A Christmas Story (You'll shoot your eye out!)
The Addams Family

OK enough goofing off! Big Grin Sorry this is so long, I really love movies.
Did anyone ever see "Lost in Austen"? It's a modern version of Pride and Prejudice where someone in current time gets trapped in a time warp and ends up in the story of Pride and Prejudice which happens to be her favorite novel so she's familiar with all of the characters as well as what is SUPPOSED to happen in the plot. If you like Jane Austen, you might like it. I really liked it, but its one of those movies that Austen fans either seem to hate or love.

Speaking of time warp movies, I liked the Lake House, The Time Traveler's Wife, and the one with Meg Ryan and whatshisface. Not my all-time favorite movies, but I do seem to enjoy time travel movies.
LG - Time Traveler's Wife, I liked the book (except the very end), but not the movie.
Kate and Leopold, also, yes also a guilty pleasure on occasion.

Funny how both of the Star Trek movies I mentioned involved time travel to the past. I just now realized that. I guess I'm hoping they'll come to the past and beam me the hell out of here!

AG - I liked Serenity, but I was so angry at not finding out the pasts of certain beloved characters (lose ends) before they exited that I am still a bit bitter.
Hey, I found a thread I feel safe to post on today. Yeah! Thanks, STRM. Here's my list, in no particular order:

7 pounds
The Bucket List
A Beautiful Mind
The Sixth Sense
Dead Poets Society
Pride & Prejudice
My Best Friends Wedding
Steel Magnolias
Mr. Holland's Opus
National Lampoon's Vacation (to WallyWorld)
Finding Nemo
A Christmas Story
Home Alone (the first one)

Tonight I watched the 2nd Diary of a Wimpy Kid movie with my kids. It was pretty funny. But probably not in my top 20.
Speaking of time warp movies, I liked the Lake House, The Time Traveler's Wife, and the one with Meg Ryan and whatshisface. Not my all-time favorite movies, but I do seem to enjoy time travel movies.

I own the Lake House. Smiler But the movie I like about time warp with Sandra Bullock even better than that one is Premonition. The critics didn't like it, but I did.
Originally posted by MH:
Speaking of time warp movies, I liked the Lake House, The Time Traveler's Wife, and the one with Meg Ryan and whatshisface. Not my all-time favorite movies, but I do seem to enjoy time travel movies.

I own the Lake House. Smiler But the movie I like about time warp with Sandra Bullock even better than that one is Premonition. The critics didn't like it, but I did.

oh yeah, that was an interesting one too, but I definitely preferred the Lake House. I was let down by the ending of Premonition.
Good thread -

Sound of Music
Mary Poppins
It's a Mad,mad,mad,mad world
Smokey and the bandit
Drop dead Fred
Nightmare on Elm st - 1st 4
Any Bing Crosby and Bob HOPE MOVIE
Spaghetti Westerns especially with Clint Eastwood
The Trouble with Angels - (all time favorite)
Yesterday my T2 told me I need to watch the movie, "Kinky Boots". She said this out of nowhere. Just randomly, in the middle of my session, you NEED to see the movie Kinky Boots. Its a requirement! Go rent it!

So I watched it last night and I see zero relevance to my therapy with her, aside from the fact that I like boots and I like drag queens, though I've never discussed either with her.
Hm. Well, a most of my favorites are horse movies. Big Grin I'll limit those to a couple though.

The Prestige
Something the Lord Made
Good Will Hunting
Ordinary People
The Bourne Trilogy
Ocean's 11, 12, 13
The Terminal (love Tom Hanks)
Finding Nemo Smiler
Dancing with Wolves
The Replacements
The Sixth Sense
Blazing Saddles

I know there's more, but I think that covers some of them.. Smiler
Originally posted by kashley:

The Terminal (love Tom Hanks)

I really liked that movie a lot. It wasn't very well-received by the public but I thought it had a lot of depth and it was a very unique and original plot. i also loved the deeper meaning behind it, how despite being trapped, he most the most of situation and never gave up trying to free himself. He never lost hope.
about a boy
lars and the real girl
swing kids
the visitor
radio flyer
robin hood - men in tights
rocket boy
monte python and the holy grail
christmas vacation
toy story
blind side

edited to add:

ponyo - sweet animated story made a couple of years ago. now kind of sad bc it's japanese and there is a tsunami in the movie, and post recent awful tsumani in japan, it's a little sad. yet it's still super sweet, maybe more so. it's happy and no one gets hurt. not realistic. the main charcter has been compared to someone who is autistic and it's an interesting comparision. i like how sweet the bonds in the movie are.

temple grandin movie - inspiring about how people can overcome odds and how we all have such value

new in town - a sweet chick flick

this american life documentary movie shorts - really interesting stories
Last edited by janedoe

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