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a la lady grey's fun topics, this one is a real pet peeve of mine...

i HATE it when a t doesn't have a clock for you to easily see. and when THEY have one that you see them, discreetly, checking.

if I were a t, i would be so egalitarian, and this would be a definite MUST. why make it any more one sided than it already is!!!

for me? t1, just he could see clock, t3 actually had several in the office, all over the flipping place. dbt gal, only her, i every now and then would angrily look behind me at it to get the time. dr. pa?? what do YOU think?? the man does no wrong, of course i can see a clock, too. unless his water bottle is in front of it!
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It's funny, my T has like 4 clocks in his office. One of which is on the bookshelf behind his chair which I can peek at. That clock is a little small...I wish it was bigger because I have to stare at it longer than I would like to figure out the time. Razzer

I know he has the other three in his view. Two of them are analog and one is digital. I wish he had the digital one in the client's view. Maybe I should ask him to move it...
I should be doing HW but I cannot resist commenting on this topic...

My current T has a clock on his bookcase shelf which is behind me and I cannot see it. I always wear a watch but I only checked it once so far. I told my T I knew where his clock was and he said I was probably the only client who knows this (I tend to doubt that). He complimented me on not looking at the time and allowing him to end the session. The thing is.... I have never caught HIM looking at the clock... he must be really good at it LOL.

OldT... his very small clock was on the table next to me and facing him. At times I would be angry with him and I would turn the clock around so he could not see it!! That forced him to check his watch but I was being perverse and didn't care. Other times I would turn it so we both could see it. I knew the session was at an end when he picked up his book to write me a receipt so I didn't really care what the clock said.

There's a big clock on the side wall where both T and I have an equal view of the time by turning our heads slightly. She has recently relocated her office, but in her old office it was an option to sit where the clock would be behind me. I would just periodically turn around to check the time. I didn't care if she saw me do it. I never disguise my efforts to watch the time.
My T wears a watch and there is a large clock on the wall to my right (I have to turn to see it but it's not much of a stretch) but, like TN's T, I have NEVER noticed my T checking a clock. And I must confess that I really do leave it up to him. I have asked him how much time was left in a session to see if I had enough time to bring subject up. But I basically go by his body posture. My T always sits in his recliner and takes off his shoes and tucks a leg under him. When he takes his leg down and starts to put on his shoes, I know the session is ending. I also think that due to going to therapy for so very, very long, I had a really good feel for how much time I had. It could sometimes feel very difficult to leave my Ts office but I've never really struggled all that much with the clock. Unless I am conveniently editing my memory. Big Grin

Ditto STRMS,

I have no idea of the time if I am back in a memory, dissociated or if T is talking to my child this seems to be most of the time recently Eeker then it's up to her to finish the session and ground me well before that. I have never seen it as my responsibility unless I knowingly were to go over time, which I don't. Sometimes we do go over and I always feel guilty, but T tells me that it is her responsibility not mine, so I must try and accept that.

My T has the clock on the wall behind/beside me, so that I can't see it. It's frustrating sometimes (and especially that he won't tell me the time if I ask). On the other hand, it's good to relax into the session and let him worry about the time. He usually starts glancing at the clock a little while before the end, so that gives me warning not to start into anything too deep. :-)

There's a clock behind me. Most of the time I wear a watch too but like June mentioned I bet he would think it was rude if I looked at it. He used to end sessions asking me if I had any thoughts about it but it was too distressing for me to end that abruptly, so now a few minutes before the end he'll say that we need to start wrapping things up and then a couple minutes after that he'll ask me my thoughts. I hate saying goodbye, I dread that moment. ~D.
Well, he has only one, a digital one on a shelf. I could choose to sit in a place where I could see it (right next to the door) or sit closer to the T, which I have been pushing myself to do, and not be able to see it. He doesn't mind if I check my phone. Also, he never forcibly winds down the session. Part of that is because I'm often a late night appointment (so my husband can watch our daughter after he gets home from work and we don't have the extra expense of a babysitter). Part of that is just how he is. It means accepting that we will often start a session 10-20 minutes late. That would bother some people, but he always makes sure I at least get my hour and the few things I've been going over the edge, he said he wouldn't care if he had to stay all night if it meant I was able to deal with what I was experience and leave in a "safe" place. I know he probably wouldn't actually have wanted (or felt it was appropriate) to stay all night, but it was reassuring. It also doesn't bother him if I check my phone for the time...I start to feel guilty when he lets me go too much beyond my allotted time. So other than the frustration of the session always ending right around the time I feel comfortable opening up, I have no problems with time, clocks, etc.
Wow, I would so NOT feel comfortable if my T were to just stand up and walk to the door...

Personally, I am OK with the situation as it is with my T. I can see a clock if I glance to my right, which I do on occasion, mostly to reassure myself that there is enough time to cover another topic.
My T wears a watch, which she checks sometimes. I must admit that at first this made me feel very uncomfortable because it made me feel unwanted, but I have sort of learned to live with the fact that she has other patients, so she has to finish on time. When it's nearly time for me to go, she always picks up her diary from the coffee table, which is my cue to wrap things up. I am always allowed to 'ask/say one more thing' after we've made a new appointment, which is great.

it's very interesting to see how there are so many different variations - of how T's do things and of how we all react to it...

my old T would have the clock facing in such a way that we both could see it. this is after i said that i would prefer if i could see it too (i think it took me about 2 years to do that, i didn't really think i had a say in stuff like that at first)

my new T has the clock almost behind me so if i want to see the time, i have to turn my head. which is what i did last time. i don't care if its rude (but she is really pressing my buttons at the moment - so maybe rude is what i'm aiming for)

i'm a bit of a control freak so i like to know how much time i have left.


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