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Hi everyone,

Just got home from meeting with the new T and I feel like dancing...I think she's the one! Big Grin

Walking up the stairs to her office, I wasn't so sure. It was five flights in an old, musty building downtown (I was too scared to take the elevator). I was huffing and puffing when I got to the top, and then I couldn't find her office right away. But when she opened the door, it felt like coming home. Her office is spacious and bright, with pictures of some tropical place on the walls, a comfy couch, and a vase of gerbera daisies in my favorite color (bright salmon-orange) on the window sill. I love light and color.

We introduced ourselves, sat down, and then I gave her a brief account of my original therapy goals, and my attempts at therapy thus far. I kept from going into too much detail about this last therapy experience, just gave her the general idea and said this was also something I needed to work through. She was very empathetic and understanding and quick to grasp what happened and what I needed. She said many of the same things I've heard here. She is very down-to-earth and real. She knows exactly how to do the kind of therapy that looks at processing old hurts - we even started going there a little bit today, but I stopped because it would have been just too much for today. But I can already tell I am so ready to go there and do this work. And I didn't have to explain anything to her about how to do it, or have to justify, or argue with her - she already gets it and knows exactly what I'm trying to do, and maybe it's a bit premature to get too hopeful, but I think she knows exactly how to help me go where I need to go with this!

I cannot tell you how relieved I feel to have somewhere safe to look at this stuff. It was such a relief not to be so scared or to have to try to ignore unconscious seductive overtones. I've heard that real therapy is hard work, but I think there is a such thing as the wrong kind of hard work that really just makes the hard work harder or even impossible. There were even silent spaces during the session. I told her, I'm not used to that. My ex-T was always taking over the conversation. Not that I always minded, but I think it was one of the reasons it didn't work out (I think he didn't like silence and felt like he had to direct things). She said she used to be like that, but she has found that as we spend more time together we will eventually go where I need to go and do the work I need to do. That's good, right? (rhetorical question)

And to top it all off, my insurance will reimburse at 70%, even though she is out-of-network. So I made four more weekly appointments and my next one is Monday morning.

In case you can't tell I'm on cloud nine or ten or something like that. Big Grin And I couldn't wait to tell all of you and thank you so much for all the experiences you've shared, and all the hope and encouragement you've given me! Of course you know I will keep you posted on how things go. It feels so good to post something positive.

Gotta go for now...take care! Smiler
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Hi SG.

So so happy for you (if a little jealous Big Grin) Your experience sounds so nice and you really do deserve it, every time you mention your past experiences I feel so much sympathy for what you had to put up with. Now you can discuss things openly, take your time, be understood.

I have to admit reading your post got to me quite a bit, not to put a downer on proceedings, this is actually a very positive thing, but my old T was never afraid of leaving silences. I think I found it awkward as it left me have to experience my emotions, they weren't pushed aside quickly. I sat there, for better or worse, and soaked them up. My god, I have so much respect for my ex- T. It's only after finishing that I can truly appreciate what a wonderful man he is Frowner

I also made an effort to get a new T today. So hopefully I'll be posting something equally positive in a little while. I've actually been recommended to someone else as well so I will go and check them out. It's scary to think about starting again but I really hope I can do what you're doing SG and get cracking on this work.

All my best wishes SG on your new relationship Smiler

Mrs. P
Hi HB,

Thank you for what you said. I read your other thread and I'm sorry to hear that you are having such a hard week. I loved AG's suggestions. I have only one suggestion to expand a little on #3: do something that makes you laugh really hard. Big Grin

BTW, your description of your T always intrigues me. It sounds like he has an extremely dry sense of humor. It brings to mind one of my geology professors. At first he seemed intimidating, but once I caught on to his dry humor, he quickly became my favorite prof and I loved him to pieces. Come to think of it, I also had a chemistry prof like that. It must have something to do with having a very scientific, analytical mind. Anyway I always enjoy hearing about how your T works with you and how he helps you. And like many others I appreciate your sharing what you've learned with us.

Mrs. P,

Congratulations on the new name! At first I thought we had a new member. Wink

I'm sorry to hear that my post triggered you, but I'm glad you spoke up about it because I really should have thought about that and toned down the enthusiasm a bit. It actually seems a little strange to be so enthused about the work to come. Like, Yay! I get to grieve...wait a that a good thing? Actually I think it was just relief at not having kind of a toxic dynamic going on beneath the surface. And I was feeling down again about the termination and blaming myself this morning when that new T opened the door. Anyway by next week the hard work will start and I'll have toned down. I'm really sorry for not having been more sensitive. I love this board and the people on it so much and I want to always be supportive.

We've both gone through some really hard stuff with letting go of our T's at about the same time...hey, does that make us sisters? Big Grin Please let us know how the meetings with your potential new T's go. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Hi all,

I kept the appointment with the couples T today. Originally I had left a message asking her if she would be my individual T, since my husband didn’t want to come there for couples therapy anymore. The couples T and I have tried to connect several times by phone but we kept missing each other. Then I found the new individual T yesterday, but decided to keep today’s appointment so I could formally terminate the couples and individual therapy at this clinic, and also tell her about the new T and try to end on a more positive note.

I was worried about running into my ex-T. In the waiting room I sat farthest away from the door behind a lamp. There was one other young woman there, sitting where I usually waited for him. I kept my head down when her T came to get her and I’m pretty sure it was him. He’s the only T who doesn’t say “Hi” or something like it out loud when he picks up his patients. This T was quiet and they walked away in the direction of his office.

The couples T started out saying she wouldn’t be my individual T because we had started out in couples therapy with her, but she’d be glad to continue couples therapy if we change our minds at some point. So in a very upbeat, positive way, I said that's okay, I found a T that is a great fit, who knows how to do the therapy I wanted to do and described it using the right words this time (psychodynamic, relational). Last time I described what I was trying to do, she said no one at this clinic is trained to do that. But now she said lots of therapists do that kind of trauma therapy, including the one she tried to send me to. I pushed back a little and said no, I’ve been trying to get this kind of therapy for a while and I usually get told to just stop obsessing and work on your marriage, but there’s more to it than that. But now I understand why my ex-T and I weren’t connecting because he doesn’t do that kind of therapy. She would not agree to that, but just said, well I’m glad you found someone who works for you.

I said I wished things had ended on a better note with my ex-T because it seemed like at the end of that last session we still did not agree, that I was being made to feel like I was being transferred because I was pursuing him, which he knew wasn’t true. She said, my impression was that you were being transferred because your feelings were getting in the way of the therapy. I pushed back again and said actually, I think it’s because he couldn’t help me understand my feelings in the context of the therapy. She would not agree to this either, but went back to, well I’m glad you found someone who works for you. She asked whether I’d had a session with the new T yet. I told her about how my ex-T left in the middle of the session, and how I started crying, and how I couldn’t really get started on therapy and needed to talk about my feelings concerning the termination, and how the new T said I could leave early and we could start up in a couple of weeks. I said I need to talk about what happened with the ex-T, but she didn’t seem to want to listen to that. Then I said to the couples T, I know I’m not going to be listened to here. She just responded with, well I know you’ll find what you need.

So what was I looking for here...I wanted to speak up and tell her how I felt about the therapy and termination in a respectful but truthful way, and to end on a positive note about the new T. But her response was not what I expected and it affected me even though I didn’t want it to. She would not give an inch to validate any of my perceptions about what happened whatsoever.

I will work this through with the new T on Monday but I just needed to post about it here too because I’m feeling poisoned again, by whatever is going on here. And I’m feeling triggered about my ex-T even though I didn’t really “see” him. Feeling jealous about that patient I saw, that she got to spend some time talking to him, but also remembering the unconscious mind games and not wishing them on anyone. I need to let go of all of this and I know I will eventually. But it hurts again.

Thanks for letting me share.
I'm sorry but everytime you talk about these people, it makes me want to drive to Minnesota and B$%(% slap some people! That session was one long "I'm covering this clinic's butt so we don't get sued" She wouldn't agree to anything you said because it would be admitting that someone actually screwed up or was wrong. So much for putting the patient first!! These people should NOT be practicing therapy, they suck at it. The arrogance is absolutely breathtaking! Just in case it's not coming across they MAKE ME ANGRY! Mad Look at me I'm shouting!

And I am so proud of you! You went in there and spoke up for yourself and honored your own experience. You must have scared the crap out of your T, being faced with someone so much stronger than he was must have freaked him out. I am SO glad to know you're out of there and found a T that can work with you. I'll stop ranting now, but hold your head high. You ended that in a very mature, caring way with really clear boundaries.


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