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I'm hurting right now. Badly. I saw my T on Monday morning after a two week break and had an intense but really good session. I had sent him an email when he was away and had a really bad reaction to his response which has felt very dismissive and about which I got very angry. But I really knew it was coming from me; that he really wasn't being dismissive. We were able to discuss it very openly and talked about the difficulty for me of knowing he was meeting his new grandson in his "real" life and how left behind that could leave me feeling. We, once again, discussed how very odd the theraputic relationship is, bounded as it is to a limited time and place and that it was understandable that it was difficult to experience it as real especially with a background like mine. Talking so openly with him about it is part of how I can really believe that it is real.

We talked about our need to be special, and he pointed out that it's a biologically driven need. And when it's met as a child, we have to later experience the loss that comes with realizing that people outside our family may not always see us the same way, but that's part of the human condition. That even people who had "good enough" parenting struggle with the problems and losses that all humans do. I started laughing so hard I couldn't talk for a few minutes. When I could finally speak, I looked at him and said "So I've busted my hump for the last three years so I can have "normal" problems?" He very wryly agreed. It was a great moment.

The best part was at the end I finally got up the nerve to ask him something I've wanted to ask for a long time but have been too scared to. I asked him if he ever thinks about me between sessions or when he's away. He was very quick to answer and said yes, of course I do. He talked about when the relationship is real and deep that he carries the person with him so of course he thinks of them. And then he pointed out all the stuff in his office (most of which are gifts from clients which we've discussed in the past) and said that he can't help but think of those relationships when he looks around his office.

I left much better having worked through some confusion and difficult problems and on Tuesday had the first day in a long time where I felt really good, and glad to be here. My husband and I had a couples session scheduled for last night, but on Monday night, he heard from work that he was on twelve hour shifts for the rest of the week because of a problem at the plant. He realized he couldn't make our appt but urged me go alone.

So I did, and I wasn't expecting it to be at all difficult. I felt guilty for how much I was looking forward to doing a second session in as many days. So I showed up, explained to him what happened to my husband, and he was fine. I started talking about the kids (we've had a family problem that's caused some issues going on for the last few months, so our couples sessions as of late have been more about our parenting than our marriage which is actually in the best shape its ever been.) I was feeling pretty nervous but not really thinking about it. But one of the things I do when I feel like that is babble. You think my posts are long you should hear me when I'm feeling like that.

Have I mentioned that my T knows me really well? He finally stopped me and asked if I was agitated or nervous? That I seemed to be speaking very rapidly and what was going on. I stopped and realized that I was doing that and said I really wasn't sure. I had made a joke right after I got there about feeling guilty about coming in again alone and he asked me to talk more about that. Then we went into what I fondly like to think of as "velvet bulldozer" mode. He's incredibly gentle and patient, but absolutely relentless. And I recognize that I trust him on a very deep level because although it's excruciating difficult I stay with him.

And so we pursued my feelings of guilt about coming which I've actually had since I started seeing him individually. He was my husband's T first and in the beginning my husband was reasonably not in favor of having me see him alone. But as things progressed, everyone got more comfortable with it. So for a very long time now, neither my husband or my T sees anything wrong in my going, but I always have, I realized as we talked about it. As we pushed through the feelings I hit feeling like I had to compete for his attention. When he asked me how else I could get time for him I really struggled for an answer (frankly, he had to ask about three different ways before I could even understand the question; that's how far I was from having an answer.) The answer was that I could ask for it. But realizing that led to the feeling that I couuldn't let anyone notice me. If they noticed then they would take it away.

It was as I was saying that, that it all connected. When I was little the only sense of connection and care I experienced was during the sexual abuse. And although I was deeply confused and ashamed of it, I was also terrified my mother would see what was going on and I would lose the care and connection. So I was doing what I needed to to get what I needed but I was deeply ashamed of that. To say this realization was painful is kind of like saying it gets a little cold at the North Pole.

My T was incredibly reassuring and gentle and said all the right stuff. But I didn't see this coming at all and felt completely blindsided. The emotions have been really intense. I ended up calling last night just a few hours after the session, then spent some time on the phone with a very dear friend who stayed with me for awhile and i only slept around five hours last night. I managed by sheer force of will to drag myself out of bed and go to work. But the feelings are very difficult to deal with. And in thinking about how I felt, I realized that on some level I despise myself for wanting to live so badly that I was wiling to do whatever it took to do so. I get intellectually that I was a child, and the instinct to survive is incredibly powerful, but my sense of shame is screaming something different at me. And I am vividly remembering wanting to die so the pain would stop.

I know that this was long ago and I've survived it and even that I am blessed with a lot of people who love me, but that all feels so thin in the place of this pain. It's going to be very difficult to hit the "Post Now" button, I don't want anyone to see me right now. But I also know that if anyone would understand, it will be you guys.

And I know I would be the first one to tell people that sometimes you're seeking support and sometimes you're providing it but it feels like lately all I've been able to do is take. And I'm sorry about that. AS always thanks for listening.

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Okay, first of all...what HB said so eloquently.

Get ready because I'm going to do a lot of shouting...and it is all meant lovingly.

My hands are shaking as I type this so I hope it comes out okay. AG, your bravery and courage just brings tears to my eyes. And you think you TAKE? Please. Don't even go there, okay? I spent a few months lurking on this board reading most of your posts. You give WAY more than you've ever taken, spending time to share so openly of your experience and letting people know that they're not alone. And then there's the fact that you more or less helped to save what little sanity I had left over the past month, even in the middle of your own pain. No small task. So THANK YOU for posting about what you are going through and letting us love you back a little. You more than deserve it just by being you.

You are so brave to look at this horrible pain that you shouldn't have had to little girl should EVER have to endure...and for you to feel shame at wanting to survive it just BREAKS. MY. HEART. Do you hear me? Smashes it flat. And your courage to put it out here amazes me more than I can say. I admire you greatly. You are one of the "deepest" and most real people I've ever had the honor to get to know. Funny how that happened on a message board, but there you go. I am SO SORRY you are feeling this shame that you absolutely do not deserve to belongs completely to the person who hurt you (and I'd really like to hurt them BACK for you right now...grrrr...), but I hope this is the last of it, that it just burns up in one final blaze and that you are finally and forever FREE of it!

And I am just beside myself at HB's Wonder Woman idea, because guess what? I HAVE a Wonder Woman costume that my husband bought for me last Halloween! Only worn once! What size are you, anyway? Cause I'm sending it to you! Complete with cape and those arm bands that can deflect bullets. The gold belt doesn't turn into a lasso, but I'll bet I can get my husband to rig something up. Oh, I can SO see you in that costume.

HB, help me talk her into it, okay? Big Grin

We love you, AG!!! Hang in there & don't give up! Smiler

Peace, hugs, & prayers,
Hugs to you AG. I would like to thank you for sharing this. These feelings you have come to understand are pretty hard to hear because I think that is my story too. Seeing it in black and white told by someone who is going through the same thiing is so comforting and reassuring and most importantly makes me feel not alone. Thank you Angel.
Hi AG.

I'm gonna start by saying how much I admire you and people like you who have survived such pain and can be so open, honest and helpful to others. You are a real inspiration. Everytime I hear a story like yours it just shakes me, it saddens me so so much.

Like everyone else said, there is no way you should feel any shame whatsoever about this. However, I do understand what it's like to feel shame and stigma about things that we both know in our hearts we shouldn't. When you're mind goes to "shame mode" by default, it is very difficult to get through it and see that we're not to blame. It doesn't matter where the truth lies because those feeling can be overwhelming, even in the face of facts and rational thinking. My T had a difficult time getting through to me on that issue. He had to really push me to get me to see some sense. Yet I still struggle with shame in other parts of my life.

On a kind of a side note, I can relate to what you are saying about having one of those "eureka" moments with your T when you connect your current behaviour/situation to what you endured when you were younger. And I can only empathise with you but for me, at least, it was a very unpleasant experience.

I'm very happy, however, that you have made such great progress with your T. Yes it hurts and I'm sure I can barely comprehend what you're going through but you have to be good to yourself as you have achieved so much, made so much progress. You're incredibly brave to still be there, working things out and facing the hurt.

I really wish you all the best.

Take care x
Mrs. P
Thank you all so very very much, I really have no words to express how I felt reading all of this. You've all helped me immensely; having so many voices say that what I believe isn't the truth is a huge relief and to be so accepted and loved when what I expect is condemnation is an incredible gift. There is no where else I could have gone and been met with such care and understanding

(((((Myshrink members))))

HB & SG, I really appreciate the label, but trust me the costume wouldn't do much for me. More the Gandalf the Gray type with those oh so forgiving voluminous flowing gray robes. Hides a lot you know. And a staff! But ok, I would like the gold cuffs. Big Grin (You guys are too kind!)
AG- You have always been SUCH an incredible pillar of wisdom for me- and I now gather for many others as well. Even your sharing in pain bears truth for me. Your naked honesty and crystal clear ability to communicate your thoughts/feelings have helped me in my recovery. Of what I know about you- we have very similar stories, and the tragic result is confusion in love and attachment. BUT your amazing courage to push through your pain enough to share it with us- in this little community- astounds me. You are one "Brave Little Toaster"(Did you ever see that Disney movie)You give us strength when you share; you give us a chance to feel and show compassion when you are hurting, and a opportunity to love you in the way you have loved us. You are a wise strong lady who gives and gives. I am one one of the so very grateful recipients of your love. Thank you- and know that you are amazing. (the gold cuffs sound cool) Ditto to all that strummergirl and hummingbird has said. Keep talking and keep sharing and let us give back to you. You deserve the best of love and life. Helle already know how I feel about you but the others don't. I have so much respect for your courage and generousity. Your compassion is boundless. I adore you and you have been vitally important to my own therapy and the progress I've made there. Without you in my life this would not have been possible. You are always there for me when I'm falling apart. You lend clarity to my confusion. You reassure me when I'm ready to quit or throw something at my T.

I hate that you are in pain and you don't deserve it. I wish I could just wipe it all away but since I can't I will be here for you and I know that this is something else you will conquer because you are strong and brave.

I am honored that you are my friend.

Thank you all again so much for the support, you've been a huge part of helping me pull through this. I'm doing much better and am now in the process of doing what I call "re-arranging the furniture." When a fundamental assumption is called into question, it affects so much else of what you believe to be true, so there's a sensation that internally, I am sorting through all my beliefs and rearranging them and their relationships in light of new knowledge.

As the emotional upheaval has cleared up, I came to understand something very fundamental. I have believed, on a very deep unconscious level, that if I am getting my needs met, I MUST be doing something wrong. So I think through all this intense work with my T, there has been this nagging guilt that I am doing something wrong, that there must be something illicit or shameful in my relationship with him. But getting both his and all of your reactions to what I did makes it clear this isn't true. So I am trying to entertain (and convince to stay permanently! Big Grin) the notion that getting my needs met is a good thing, I'm not doing anything wrong by doing that and my feelings for my T are good ones and perfectly acceptable. It shows so many things in a different light; I'm looking forward to discussing this with my T at my next session. Thank you all because I know it would have taken much longer, if I would have been able to do so at all, to work through this if I hadn't been able to speak of it here and be met with such amazing understanding and support.

And may I say there's a delightful sense of joy in thinking I can just relax and ENJOY how I feel about my T, who is after all, an amazing man. This could be fun! Big Grin


PS TN, you KNOW the feeling is completely mutual. Big Grin
Hi Ag,

Thank you so much for sharing all this. I'm so happy that you managed to see things clearly, it can be so hard after a particularly good session. You know you have made a breakthrough but you can't sift through all of the stuff and make some sense of it.

The thought of you doing things such as "enjoying", "relaxing" and "having fun" makes me feel so happy Big Grin I hope this good feeling and clarity lasts for a long long time.

Shame and guilt are such all-consuming feelings regardless of whether they're founded or not.I'm glad you can see that these feelings have no place in your heart. You deserve happiness and comfort.

And like HB, I can see myself in your feelings of wanting to escape helping or taking care of yourself. I always feel guilty doing something that's exclusively for my benefit, without there being something in it for others. I even told my old T I felt guilty going to see him, that it was self-indulgent and narcissistic. I reiterated it so many times to the poor man. To be honest I still struggle with it. There's no point in denying it. But I'm hoping, like you, I can learn to relax.

Take good care,
Mrs. P
Good Morning Everyone,
Ag- Therapy is work, and quite often that work sucks. I am so glad you are on the other side of the shitty part, and can bask in the sun of clarity. I'd like to meet you there someday.
Right now for me - I am up against a wall in therapy, but I can't seem to define the wall, other than it look like granite.
I too get triggered when my T ignores or ends a conversation too abruptly. But that- right now is the second largest issue.
My last session- he was pushing (at least it felt like that- but ever so gently) I began to feel very sad and alone- then nothing. I had my head in my hands and he was gently rubbing my back - I I just went completely numb. Could not figure it out. Is it possible there is nothing there to feel? Or is there something I don't want to- or I am not ready to look at. I was trying so hard to feel something- because I felt like such a fake. Here this man is consoling me- I couldn't talk or feel. I feel guilty thinking maybe I am making stuff up- and wasting this man's time- and there is nothing to look at. Can anyone relate to this?
He called me a few days later to check if we had a Monday appointment (I see him every other Monday) He wanted to reschedule because of the holiday- we did not have an apointment so it was cool. I said blah, blah... and ended with- "Have a nice weekend" His response- "Ok, bye". Now- he should know better- I have trouble with shit like that- abrupt endings. I still don't know why, but he did it again. That man triggers me more than anyone else. I fumed and stewed, then thought- I am not going to let him ruin my weekend. Suddenly I realized - he is not the person I am angry at. I callled him- he called back in about 2 hours and we talked. He asked - (concerning the apointment) "What would you like to do?" I couldn't answer. He asked- "Hele- what do you need" Again I couldn't answer, I didn't know. It was good that he asked, but pretty bad- that I don't even know what I want or need. We hung up, and he immediately called back to tell me that it is ok to be angry with him. For some reason- that made me laugh. Could it be that I no longer trust him and that is what this wall is about?
Intellectually speaking he is wonderful with all of the super limbic regulating stuff.
Signed- Very Confused Confused
AG- I call that rearanging stuff- grouping and regrouping
Hi Helle,

Sorry I didn't get to you sooner. I don't know if any of my waffle will help but I'll try my best to make suggestions, I feel it is up to you and your T to find the proper answers.

I think it's perfectly natural to go numb. Were you talking about something particularly difficult at the time? Trying to make yourself feel something that you don't feel is quite impossible in my opinion. It seems like you were overwhelmed or didn't want to feel a particular emotion, however subconsciously. I know how frustrating it is to feel nothing. But be gentle with yourself and give yourself time. You are there for you, not your T. He was consoling you- that was his choice. You did not make him console you. He did it because he cared for you and wanted to help you feel better. Do not feel guilty for receiving the care you deserve. I know you wouldn't expect anyone in your position to feel guilty either.

Though I can COMPLETELY empathise with your feelings of "this is nothing, I must be exaggerating or making this all up. I can't cry even though I want to. There mustn't be anything wrong and my T must be so sick of me." I questioned my T quite a lot about this. I needed a lot of reassurance and even when I got it I rarely held onto it for too long. I think the best thing you can do in this situation is be completely honest. I told my T how I felt and he said he would never judge me. He said that yes, he was being paid to do his job but he also chose to do it because he wanted to. And that he wanted to help and support me. And that he would never tell me something false just to make me feel better as that would be very very wrong of him. So if your T is a good T then he will feel the very same, he will not tell you what you want to hear just to make therapy run smoothly or to stop you from being upset.

It's perfectly ok also to not know what you need. You're just in the process of figuring things out. I like the fact that he called you back to say he understood if you were angry. My T knew i was angry at him before I did! I'm sure your T has worked with lots of people who took a lot longer and a lot shorter time than you to come to various conclusions. There is no set time limit. Funnily enough I also laughed when my T said that he felt I had been angry with him for a number of weeks. Just because I hadn't really realised it. He didn't take it personally, he knew it was misdirected anger. And that could be how it is in your case too. It's just another emotion and one you can discuss with your T as well to make some headway.

And finally, as for being sensitive to your T and his words/'re talking to the expert of oversensitivity to ones T! Roll Eyes

I was paranoid about judgement from him or earning disapproval by divulging info that I thought would lessen his opinion of me. Which was not a good thing. Though through my relationship with him at least I got to recognise it. Like I said, your anger is possibly misdirected-however, that does not mean it is unfounded or silly, you're just working through your feelings with someone different to the source. That's what Ts are there for. He should not take it in any way personally. I dread running into my ex-T after finishing with him. It is a strong possibility but I try not to worry about it too much. I'm attracted to him and being around him makes me nervous and embarrassed and overcome with sadness and longing. So I think it's fair to say that man has a serious amount of "power" over me. But I'm hoping that won't last long either for you or for me. Once we understand the real source of these feelings and work through them then I think the strong feelings with our Ts will fizzle out. At least I hope they will!

End of essay!

Best wishes,
Mrs. P

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