Needless to say, my twin and I had a warped view of Christianity. We were constantly afraid of being "left behind" so losing sight of my mother in the grocery store brought a lot of fear. In addition, we were terrified of being "sinful" and of God's wrath. I always felt like I should be a missionary because I needed to do something overtly sacrificial in order to prove that I was worthy of heaven.
In high school, a cousin tried to rape me. I prayed very hard to be "saved" from the situation but I couldn't get past the idea that God would vindicate me and opening my trap would only cause problems in my family. I told my sister and no one else. Around this time, I began to spend a great deal of time in my walk-in closet (reading, writing, talking on the phone). I wanted privacy in order to protect my family from the horny little beast I was becoming. My mother is a walking mask -- I had no idea that mothers would comfort their daughters with more than, "Pray on it, dear." It seemed that everything, including the purchase of tampons, was wrapped in quiet judgment. I was becoming unstable and would cut myself, dye my hair black, and write sad poetry. My mother never ventured into the closet, she never talked to me about it -- she chose to see it as a phase despite my transparency -- I was severely depressed. When I would try to talk to her about anything she'd blow me off. Apparently, I was not Christian enough.
I am now a follower of the Course in Miracles. Not exactly Christian, not atheist. I went to AA meetings a lot (much to my mother's mortification) and found a more open, loving God and I've been a believer ever since. However, the damage to my sense of self due to my mother's misguided attempts to keep us from burning in hell has definitely prevented my growth. I can't blame her or Christianity completely BUT it certainly helped put me in this current crisis.
I know that many of you found religion to be a shaming construct -- has this something that you, too, have gone over in therapy?
My T is simply empathetic. He hasn't said anything either way -- he's leaving it up to me to make decisions, I suppose. You?