Trigger warning ***talk of CSA***
Do Not Read if You Are Not Safe
Over a year ago I was telling my T about a memory I had of my brother asking me to perform a sex act and me saying No. He asked, tried to bribe me and then pleaded and eventually left when I said no. I told my T how confusing it was to remember that and he asked me if I felt disappointed he left. That wasn't all we talked about that question really irritated me and so I avoided talking to him about my CSA, flashbacks, and current problems with sex because I thought he didn't get it.
Today I tried to talk about the memory again and I couldn't. He tried to ask me if I felt he was blaming me (because he wasn't). All I could do was tell him I felt so guilty. I felt like if I could say no then there must have been times I said yes. He said there is no yes when there is 10 years difference in your ages. I couldn't tell him how I felt in my flashback. I didn't feel scared of my brother. I felt tired, like I didn't want to do it, I didn't want what he offered me to do it because I had lots of chocolate from easter. I just didn't feel like it. I hate myself because I must have felt like it sometimes to not be scared or worried about being forced. I hate knowing I was a participant.
I know T cares about me and is trying really hard to help me but I can't keep going in his office and crying and not being able to talk. I also don't want to talk about this until he understands it because I don't want him to know.
I am so alone and I don't know how to live with this memory. I'm sorry for being sharing it.