I did something I really shouldn't have and googled him and found a blog about his granddaughter (whom I did already know about, he had to cancel a session when she was born and told me then, its his first grandchild and he has pictures of her in his office, the only family member he has pictures of, btw) There was some family info on the website about things like Christmas and my T and his wife's visit to his granddaughter's. I knew I shouldn't be reading it even while I read it, then felt like a total jerk after I did it. I decided that I needed to let him know that I did it because it really felt like I had crossed a line and violated his very legitimate privacy. One of the scariest things I've ever done. I was really scared that he was going to tell me we couldn't work together anymore which would be really devestating. Not to mention feeling incredibly embarrassed and ashamed that I had done it.
But, as usual, he was amazing when I told him. He didn't get angry, complimented me way too much for telling him and being willing to talk about it and we spend the rest of the session talking about why I had done it, how I was feeling about it, etc. He made it emphatically clear that he understood why I would want to know more, that considering the deprivation in my childhood it was a completely understandble longing and it was really ok. All while being very clear that the boundaries were important and needed to stay in place. I was blown away, I could NOT believe how understanding he was about it.
Talking about it connected me with some very deep pain about things I didn't get from my parents so it turned out to be really good work.
OK, so here's the problem.
Now that the relief of not being kicked out is over, I'm back to realizing that it doesn't change a thing about the boundaries. I understand that the boundaries are REALLY necessary to protect both of us and allow the therapy to go forward but emotionally I'm HATING them. I hate that this relationship happens only for one hour out of a week and I really miss my T between sessions. So, no one is doing anything wrong, I'm just having a difficult time accepting the limitations. The fact that my T completely understands why its hard almost makes it worse. Nothing anyone can do, I just needed to talk about it. I WANT MORE! There, I said it! I'll stop whining now.