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This last week has been a very difficult one. In my last session with my T on Tuesday, we did some really difficult work surrounding my anger and grief about my mother. When I am dealing with these buried emotions, especially anger, it tends to really color my perceptions of my therapist. Although he really isn't behaving any differently from usual, he feels stern and remote and somewhat frustrated with me. And actually its me being frustrated with myself. We hit the end of the session and I was in a difficult place, We did a lot of good work but there's a lot left to be done and for the first time in a long time, I was feeling insecure and scared to leave. My T let me run a few minutes over to give me a chance to calm down. When we went to make my next appt, my T told me he couldn't schedule me for the following week, because I already had an couples session with my husband, and he's going on vacation the following week, so he couldn't schedule me for two appts that week. So he ended up scheduling me for three weeks later. He apologized and said it wasn't a good time, but then it never really is. He also mentioned me possibly coming in alone for the couples appt (which I'm going to do, my husband very graciously offered to bow out knowing I'm having a hard time.) I ended up crying in the parking lot for 10 minutes before I was able to leave.

I'm really struggling with anger and grief over what I didn't have and how little I felt I mattered. Not being able to get an appt for that long out especially when I wasn't in a good place wasn't helping. I ended up emailing my T a few hours later to tell him that I was coming in alone next Tuesday, and that I wanted to schedule another couples appt for when he got back from vacation. I also explained that he had felt very distant and I wanted reassurance that we were ok.

I didn't hear back from him. Which at first didn't bother me because he tends to take a little longer by email. But I still hadn't heard back from him by Thursday evening and by then I was getting really angry. We've been around the block a couple of times about appts, and him knowing I was in bad shape but telling me I couldn't get an appt was making me really angry (which honestly, he's been encouraging me to get angry at him, that its important for me to be able to experience getting angry in a relationship and not being punished, ignored or rejected.) and then not getting a response to my email was angering me even more. I finally made an emergency call to him on Thursday evening. He called back (which he always does within an hour of an emergency call). I have NEVER felt this angry with him and when I answered the phone, I asked him if he had gotten my email. He told me he couldn't remember. And I said, well, gosh, that makes me feel better. I wasn't saying much but I did let him know I was really angry that he hadn't answered. He told me he understood me being angry and that we would be fine. and then he said he didn't think it was helping. I told him I was really very angry but we would talk on Tuesday at my next appt, then I got off the phone. He did tell me to call again if I needed to. I was feeling so angry that I was almost refusing to talk to him.

When I got off the phone it felt like someone had ripped my heart out. And I was furious that I was angry and he just went on his way to his next client and I would keep until tuesday. I went to a really bad place. When I thought about the fact that he told me he couldn't remember, I suddenly felt like client #37 and that all of the talk about our relationship being real, about connecting, about his being secure suddenly felt like a total crock. That the relationship isn't real, he doesn't care, I was just another person rotating through his office. That I had been a total moron to believe that I could actually trust someone again. I KNEW better. That what had happened with my parents was the whole story and I could never expect anything else and it had been supremely naive to believe anything else. In other words, I went to a really bad place. It felt like the floor had collapsed out from under me. I ended up in a ball sobbing. Then I shut completely down. But every once in a while the pain would break through and I'd be a basket case again. I finally realized that I needed to call my T again, so around 9 I left another mesage with his service around 9:15.

When he called back, I told him that telling me that he didn't remember whether or not he had read my email made me feel like client #37 and I needed to know if our relationship was real, was I imagining the connection and the care and how deep the relationship felt. He was very clear about reassuring me that the relationship within therapy was real. He told me that he wouldn't lie to me, so he was honest about the email and he understood why I would be angry and feel the way I did. I told him about feeling like I shouldn't have trusted this and he told me it depended which this I was talking about. That I had trusted it as a child and been failed. And that I could trust it now but what I got in therapy isn't enough, it couldn't be and it was very understandable that I would be angry, and that when there was a disruption, it would evoke how bad all the failures had felt before.

He asked me how I was feeling and I told him that the worst part was that it felt like I didn't have a connection with my parents because something was actually missing from me, and that when I felt like our connection wasn't real, it just proved that something really was missing. He very vehemently (and thinking back on it later, I think he even sounded a little angry) told me that something was missing, but it wasn't missing from me. What was missing was what I was supposed to be getting.

He told me that he understood why I suddenly felt like I couldn't trust the relationahip but I had done exactly the right thing to call him. Then he stayed on the phone until I felt calm enough to get off.

I felt a lot better after the second phone call. I know I need to talk to him about everything that I'm angry about but I also felt that my trust in the relationship was restored so I stopped feeling like I was in free fall.

I am really struggling once again with the boundaries. One hour a week just isn't cutting it. Telling me you care and then sending me out to cope for a week at a time is making me angry. I didn't get what I needed then, and the boundaries are preventing me from getting what I need now. And my therapist keeps telling me that therapy isn't enough. And I think part of the reason it isn't enough is so that I have to grapple with the fact that I didn't get what I needed as a child and I can't go back and change that. So the frustration I feel with the boundaries makes me angry, but it also brings me face to face with my loss and the necessity to grieve it.

That the truth is that I am one of my therapists clients, that what he does for me is what he would do for anyone in his care. The relaitonship is real, he really cares for me, but I'm not special, I never will be. I was supposed to be special with my parents, but I wasn't. I am desparately trying to figure this out, but I think that the only way I'm going to get through the longing for something more with my T is to mourn what I didn't have. That the attempt to have something beyond the theraputic boundaries from my T is an attempt to get now what I didn't get then. But it's impossible. I need to mourn the loss and when I do that, I can let go of the relentless hope that I can get now what I didn't get then. Once I let go of that relentless hope, I can also let go of the hope that there will be more outside of therapy. But as painful as the longing can get, it's also painful to think of letting go of any hope of it being fulfilled.

I really need to talk to my T about this, I'm not sure if I'm thinking straight. And I think I want to explore what he means by therapy not being enough. Kind of a what's the point? Then why am I doing this?

I'm not sure if I'm making any sense but it feels like I'm trying to break through to something. There's so much anger to get out but I think there's a huge amount of grief under the anger.

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AG you are making SO much sense. I've been struggling with this too. My T can teach me all day long how to "help myself" but right now I just want someone else to help me. I don't want to do it for myself. I am tired of doing it all alone and only having myself to rely on for anything. Of course I want her to help me but that doesn't seem to be an option. I am client #38 and not special, not anymore than anyone else and trying to accept the reality of that has been incredibly painful and frustrating and depressing.

And well, as cliche as this sounds AG, you are special to me. and I really do mean it.
(((((((River))))))) Thank you so much, and it didn't feel cliche at all, it felt like it came from your heart, I feel honored that you feel that way. And I believe you because I really do feel the same way about you.

Thank you for understanding so deeply, I'm sorry for why you understand but grateful that you do.

And thank you for what you said, I feel like I am groping in the dark towards healing and understanding and you turned on a flashlight and said "over here, this is what you're looking for." It is still difficult for me to believe the things you're saying. You're right, I do think of my T as a shining light and a saving grace. It is hard to believe that those things are only my reflection but what you are saying is resonating deeply with me. So I promise I'll at least consider it. Thank you for speaking so deeply from your heart, your compassion and care come off you in waves.

Originally posted by Hummingbird:
You think the shining light, your saving grace is him, but it is actually your reflection bouncing off him and you just don't know it is you.

AG, I can't say it any better than this. It is true, what we see in our T, what we want from our T, what we need from our T is a reflection of what we are and what we are capable of being to oursleves. It's just that our parents failed to mirror that for us. You are all those wonderful things and if you need proof...look at your family, especially your children and what you mean to them. You are priceless!

I went to see a movie a few months ago (The Secret Life of Bees) and the lead charater (August, played by the fabulous Queen Latifah)absolutely touched me and I was captivated by her gentleness, her deep concern, and piercing insight marked by a certain kindness and undertsanding in her expressions. I told my T "that is what I have always wanted for myself and that is what I want to be for others." She smiled and said, "That IS you." and she shook her head ever so slightly because she seemed a little surprised that I don't realize that.
The reality is that therapy is not enough and it is never going to fill the void left by the damage done to you in childhood, and your therapist is never going to be the man you need him to be. (please keep reading... Smiler)

But there is going to come a moment when you realise that you don't need him to be anything except exactly who he is...

The thing is you don't need him to be someone else...
... The longing is for something more with yourself, for you to find a way to look at your own face in the mirror and see who you are instead of looking for his repsonse to you to know who and where you are and how you are doing.

I couldn't agree more. So often I long for my T to be my mother and I always conclude that then she wouldn't be what I really need her to be and I would lose what is most important and valuable. Her being exactly who she is to me forces me to recgonize and hopefully someday I will believe it enough, that all I want and long for is within myself. It is what is mirrored in my T, but exists within me just waiting for discovery. The closeness I long for with her is the closeness and understanding I long for from myself. And within this tremendous relationship I know that one day I am going to suddenly see this big gift wrapped package in front of me wrapped in the most beautiful paper and most elegant of bows and ribbons and say "wow, it's beautiful! Thank you!" And she will say, "You've had it all along." Kind of like the Wizard of Oz, where they each had exactly what they longed for within themselves all along. ...Now if I only had a brain... Big Grin

*sigh* All of this is so easy to get intellectually, yet so hard to convince the right brain.

This all sounds really hard. But how could one hour a week _ever_ be enough? One hour of being heard, one hour of feeling like a person? It really couldn't be. And it couldn't be for anybody. It's like, I guess, a model of what it should be (should have been, yeah, but should be again) outside with other folks.

Personally, I just don't know how. But I know it's true!
AG I think you make perfect sense. I also think you are very brave and an inspiration to me that you are willing to do this work and that you share it with all of us. I think you feel that you are getting close to something because you are and you just need some time with your T to finally sort it all out and make the most constructive sense of it. I know that you want him to take away the pain and loss of what you didn't get as a child. What was missing from your life and with that comes the frustration of trying to accept that our T's cannot do that. They cannot give us back that childhood and make it different and perfect and without the horrible pain and abuse. And so you need to grieve what you lost and with that comes the letting go and hopefully then you will find peace within yourself. I just don't think we can skip over the painful stuff to get to the peace and that is the hard part. Just remember that you are better than your past. While I would never ever want you to have suffered as a child, part of the wonderful, understanding, empathic, caring person you are comes from you rising above what happened to you in the past. As my wonderful T reminds good to yourself. And please know that whatever you need while on this difficult journey we are here for you. And as for being patient #37...just because you are not the only patient he sees does not mean that you are not special and unique in your own right and that your relationship within the therapy is very important to your T and that he cares... it's just that banging our heads on the boundary brick wall can be very painful. Been there, still banging my head, still don't have the answer but I know that my T cares and I'd rather have this than not have him at all.

HB... I just wanted to say that your response was beautiful and eloquent. I am so sorry you had to suffer as a child with only one hour a week of your mom. That must have been very painful, especially having to let her go over and over again. Sometimes I think that is worse. I just want to say that I hope you find peace in healing from all of that and that your voice on this board has been very helpful to me.

River... What you said about being tired of having to do it all alone and only having yourself to rely on resonates deeply with me. I have always done it all alone. As a child I was never able to approach my parents for help with my fears or emotions about anything because they were unable to handle it calmly and it usually meant trouble for me and so it was more frightening to move towards them so I learned to always move away and deal with it on my own. The problem was that as a child I did not have the ability to deal with things in the proper way. I didn't have the tools that I needed. So I have gone through life this way, feeling very much alone and always having to do it myself because it was "safer" that way. The whole concept of being safe infiltrates a lot of my therapy. When I was finally able to admit to myself that I felt safe with my T it was an amazing revelation and then I wanted him to just take care of me and make all the bad stuff go away. Having a "safe" someone to go to with a problem or my fears or when I'm feeling very much alone is a true luxury that I never had before. And I just want him to hold me and tell me that everything will be okay and that he will take care of everything. This is a very powerful feeling that comes over me when I'm with him. And it's why I crave being with him and feel so bereft when I have to leave his office. T uses that Wizard of Oz line with me at times. He reminds me that I have the power within me to find what I need I just don't see it yet. And yes this is all so easy intellectually but I think that knowing it is not enough, most of us know a lot about what we suffer, it's the FEELING it part that is hard. And this is why we need our T's. I have found when we are working on something difficult I seem to be able to "feel" it more deeply when I see my T get emotional about it. It's as if because HE can feel it then I feel it too and it becomes more healing for me if that makes any sense.

Oh and you definitely have a brain... a very intelligent one and more importantly a very kind heart.

AG, I'm sorry things are so painful right now. I always feel that "T is not enough" relates to other relationships in your life, for me my husband who is normally wonderful and loving but I think I like the interpretation that it is in ourselves and our T helps us see it.

I hope that you and your T can work on things to help you through this grief and pain.

I love to read your posts. You express things so well and they really resonate with me. What you wrote to River about feeling alone describes me completely. In fact, you said some things that I had never really thought about, or put into perspective. ie: The reason why you didn't go to your parents with feelings or emotions, the need to feel "safe" and how you now have that with your T, thinking that you had to do everything yourself to feel safe and so you did it alone. Wow, these are some things that I need to talk to my T about. We have hit on these in various ways, but you expressed it so clearly for me.

I completely understand the concept of wanting your T to hold you and tell you that everything will be ok. While my parents were always supportive of me, I never got that utterly complete satisfaction that you get from someone just holding you when you are afraid or sad. I have been able to do this with my children, without any forethought, but just because I think it gives me as much satisfaction as it gives them. I have no idea how to "ask" someone to do this for me.

Great stuff for me to think about between now and when I see my T on Tuesday. Smiler

He also mentioned me possibly coming in alone for the couples appt (which I'm going to do, my husband very graciously offered to bow out knowing I'm having a hard time.) I ended up crying in the parking lot for 10 minutes before I was able to leave.

AG, this is wood. I changed my name to Jo. Anyway I had the same thing happen to me on Thursday after my session. I was in my van curled up in a ball screaming in pain. Sobbing and hysterical after my T asked if I was the one who wrote such wretched things about her on that site. I called my sister and she offered to come pick me up. I should have accepted this offer but I didn't. I was sobbing like this in front of my T as well and she kept a stern demeaner. It is so difficult but I am seriously thinking of quitting with her. I have no direction as to where to turn if I do. If she tells me that she does not trust me then it is automatically over. I can not be vulnerable with someone who hurts me because they don't trust me.

I am so sorry to hear about how much pain you're in, and I hope it's somehow a little less awful today.

I think I'd be in a similar place if I only saw my T once a week, but I actually see him three times a week. I was such a wreck when things fell apart last May that my guy recommended twice a week. Then, I was so terrified by what was happening to me and the level of anxiety I was experiencing that I asked if we could do three times a week and he agreed, saying that it wasn't uncommon. It seems like most folks here are on a once-a-week plan. That would not work for me at this time.

Anyway, would it be possible for you to see your guy twice a week? I mean, classic psychoanalysis is actually 5 times a week, so maybe once a week just isn't enough?

And for what this is worth, you need to be special to yourself, and I think that's what your T is trying to get across. You're in the process of learning to love yourself, and your T is helping you with this.

This is how I sometimes see my relationship with my T. We are lost and wandering through a pitch-black cave and he's walking in front of me. He's got a very small flashlight to see with (this sometimes seems like a dying candle), and we're looking for the way out. So, while I'm also looking, he's the one with the light, which is to say that he can see a bit more than me, but he can only see and do so much with the light (information) he has.

When I read transference stories like yours and others, I often wonder (again) if I'm "doing it wrong" because I don't have transference feelings this strong. Sometimes I feel like I should be since he's the only one who has ever listened to me, respected my feelings and thoughts and actually gave a crap. You'd think I'd have feelings of wanting to have a father/son relationship with him but I don't really.

There's so much anger to get out but I think there's a huge amount of grief under the anger.

It sounds like you are doing exactly this right now: experiencing your anger and grief. It's messy and ugly and torturous and you have a giant boatload of it to process.

I hope my scattered thoughts are of some kind of help.

I hope my scattered thoughts are of some kind of help.

They really are. The fact that you care enough to respond in and of itself helps immensely and I also really appreciate your take on things. You are working so hard and it shows in your thoughts and insights, I appreciate the help.

And just because you're not experiencing transference doesn't mean you're not doing it right. I didn't go through this (at least this intensely or even close) with my first T. And my husband hasn't been through this with our T. Its not a necessary part of therapy, its just something that happens to some people. And you're obviously working hard and making good progress (although I know it doesn't always feel like that) with your T. He's a great match for you.

Twice a week would be lovely but a big part of the problem is we're having trouble managing a regular weekly appt. My T has been practicing a long time (30 years) and I think has a large client base plus as he has mentioned, he's taking more time off (his wife is retired and they have had they're first two grandchildren in the last two years, neither of whom live locally. Can't blame 'em.). Normally, he will also see me individually on a week when we come in for a couples session (these days about once every three weeks) but with him going on vacation next week, he couldn't give me a second appt this week. Which is why I'm using our couples session tomorrow night. We've been around the block several times about appts. I'm not happy about it, but its also something that's not going to change and I've decided I can live with it. And my T is totally open to hearing how pissed off I get about it so its working.

It's not really about the appts anyway, its about me trying to get what I didn't then and slamming into the impossibility of it.

I'm moving towards my grief, fighting towards it actually. I've already called my T this morning because I woke up so terrified I was having trouble breathing. I can't tell if the fear is of letting myself experience the grief because it will overcome me or the fear is what I experienced as a child in response to whatever I'm moving towards. Either way, not a good time. I keep telling myself its only an emotion but that's like saying Niagra Falls is only a waterfall. Smiler And I'm having this weird body memory, I keep clenching and unclenching my hands. both of them, but only one at a time. I keep realizing I'm doing it but have no idea why. My appt tomorrow evening should be fun. I just hope I can get to whatever it is. I want to be held by my T so badly right now (or my mom so badly then, I'll let you know) its a physical ache. Another thing to mourn. Gosh, I'm cheerful this morning.

And I'm having this weird body memory, I keep clenching and unclenching my hands. both of them, but only one at a time. I keep realizing I'm doing it but have no idea why.

I don't know if this means anything but have you ever noticed that toddlers do that when they want something? I have noticed that. Maybe it is an early childhood memory???

Also I wanted to say that I do understand what you are talking about and you are so much more gracious about it then I am. I read your posts with much admiration. And it's okay if you're not always graceful. I say that because I don't want to pigeon hole you or something like that. You have worked so hard to manage some of the most painful feelings this life has to offer. You are a trooper. I mean that. Oh yeah AND AND you have so much to give all of us as well. Your comment on my thread really helped me. I am going to read it to my T this afternoon when I see her.

waving my torch wildly because it is just emotion and the Niagra is nothing more that a whole lot of tiny little drops making a lot of noise.

(((((((HB)))))) Thank you! I love that description of Niagra, I actually burst out laughing (and as we all know fear recedes in the face of laughter!). And I must admit the picture of you capering about swinging a flashlight around and screaming "over here, it's dryer this way!" didn't hurt either. Thank you, as always, for your encouragement. You make me feel the the little train who could. Big Grin

I loved what you said about the toddler doing that with their hands, it really resonated and I think you may have hit it.

And I don't know how to thank you, reading what you wrote really lifted my spirits. And I'm so glad I could help. I hope things go well with your T this afternoon, please let us know how it goes.



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