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There's probably been a post about this already, but idk, I'm relatively new. The past two nights I keep having super vivid dreams about T. It probably has to do with the fact that she's on maternity leave and it's finally hitting me. I talked to T2 about these dreams a little bit today but she's taking it the wrong way, I can tell (she thinks they're, like, erotic dreams) so I'm steering clear of that conversation for the time being. In both dreams I'm in the room with T and two other clients of hers and she's saying goodbye to us all. She shakes the two clients' hands, but she hugs me instead and kisses me on the head like a mom would do. This is probably because of the transference which is due to my mom never being very affectionate towards me. Anyone else ever have dreams about their T?
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Hi Ra, There is a thread somewhere here with many posts about dreaming about T. I think I started it and cannot find it. I dream about him all the time. I write down all my dreams and am very good at interpreting them. Most dreams are very significant. Sometimes we lack the language and then the symbolic takes over when we sleep. It is facinating. I dreamed of him occasionally when I had an 18 month stretch of not seeing him. I knew my mind was telling me to go back and I ignored it. There is a good book/website by Tony Crisp. It talks of dream symbols and what they could me. I find it very accurate and it may help you. I wish I had the nerve to ask him if he ever dreamed of me!!
Thanks AG.

SP, you may not have honed the ability to recall your dreams. Many people don't know how and there really is a technique. I bet you've dreamed of your T. Some people don't have an interest in remembering dreams. Right now, I am having a terrible time recalling dreams, past two weeks. It is bother me and T said the inner me and the outer me are in conflict. We are bringing up some serious crap from the past and it is effecting me and I think inner me is trying to protect outer me.
SP, do you ever get sleep paralysis with the nightmares? That's happened to me with hallucinations; man, women or chld appear and sometimes I actually feel them touch me. So friggin real and very frightening. I scream in my sleep for my husband to please wake me up. All he hears is little wimpers. But, I am screaming desperately for him to wake me because I cannot move. Crazy!
Last evening T called to say she has an ear infection and cannot fly (she is in Florida visiting her son). She said today's and Thursday appointments are cancelled. We have a third appointment scheduled for Saturday (because T thought we needed to be doing 3x/wk right now), but I may not be available due to waiting for movers. I won't know until Friday.

So, last night I dreamed. I dreamed that I was waiting for my session with T. OldT (yes, THAT oldT) comes up to me and takes me to her office. She proceeds to tell me why she was a good T for me. All the things she had done right, how she had helped me. It felt like she was trying to talk me back into seeing her again. (Remember that 6 weeks after I quit her, I called to ask to return to her, and she said no.)

I was getting very anxious because I was going to be late for session with T. I finally said I had to leave. I rushed to T's office and was a little more than five minutes late. I was feeling very upset about that. T wasn't there.


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