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Psychotherapy Classics

Bully--Documentary Film

It was just released in theaters-- might have a limited showing, but it's one of those films that will go worldwide, for sure. Thanks for the sweet words and the hugs. Bullying is such an epidemic in schools and hoping awareness will improve this situation for my children.Read More...


(((((BB)))))) Thank you so much for popping in. I hope you don't delete because you said everything so gracefully and beautifully. Your post was very honest, especially the following: I default to resentment and jealousy just as you do. I do think it is a good thing to acknowledge that life is and can be unfair but then to move on from there. And maybe I too suffer a bit from wanting to live in some kind of utopian world. But if we didn't have a vision of something better than ourselves,...Read More...

Old (not very healthy) friends found me. Do I reply?

R, I haven't even read anyone elses responses I am just going to say what I truly believe and that is NO. No I do not think you should contact them or get involved with them again. I know someone very close to me who did that with (drug addict friends) and they are now dead. What seemed like a good idea turned out to be a turning point in their life, that they would later regret and a turning point that saw them OD. So my answer is NO. Sound harsh? Maybe, but then I think death is a little...Read More...
((BB)) Hey you - I had to take a bit before bravely clicking the read button because I'm going through some... stuff with my own stuff right now! But then I saw it poofed! Which... I understand... I do that lots. I have TONS of reasons to justify my relapses or justify clinging on to things because I don't want to lose them. Even my ED stuff right now... I've talked myself in to why it's happening a few times. Not really sure if that was what this was about. Hope you are doing okay bb...Read More...
(((B2w))) thanks for that reply. Rationally I can understand that my mother has her own issues but I wish I could *feel* it. That's actually one of the things my T insisted on, that this is not my fault, and I can understand that my mother has problems, I can understand the importance of it not being about me, but I still don't *feel* it. Will it ever sink in? What a bad time for my T going on holidays, I'll only see him in another week so I'm on my own here Thank God I decided to get...Read More...
No, I wouldn't. Not at all. Never. That counts for my stepmother and father who raised me. But my Mother. Difficult but I think, yes I wouldn't mind having a talk with her if she was my neighbor from time to time. Bring her some pot plants. Exchange cakes and meals. The occasional dinner gathering. Definitely a Christmas card through the letter box.Read More...

Does anyone have any happy memories?

I do, yes. I remember when my little half sister was born and I came from school and Dad made a rocking motion with his arms which indicated that she had been born. To hold her for the first time was wonderful. I wish I could have had the freedom to look after her more but my stepmother was EXTREMELY possessive of her because my Dad had abused her caretaking of me when they argued. I had a great relationship with my grandmother when I was a child and my family across seas. They really doted...Read More...
Hey Becca here. Thanks to everyone who read and replied to my rant from yesterday. Well therapy didn't go so well today. I'm done. I really can't afford to go anyway. Some of the stuff going on in my life, which I did not elaborate on yesterday, involves my job and my 14 year relationship with a man who wants to marry me, but I refuse. I have been cut to part-time in my job. I am running out of money. I don't live with my boyfriend. Things are not going well at all and I told T tonight, that...Read More...

Not sure of how to move forward

Autumn, Good luck to you. This situation would be quite difficult, especially working with a sub T and then having some attachment form. I think you are very brave to be admitting these feelings, and the fact that you can see your own needs in relation to working more effectively with sub T shows that it would be a good idea to follow your heart on this matter. I like what everyone said about discussing these feelings with subT, and of course, what my good friend Somedays said about throwing...Read More...

I win...

Thank you- all of you- for your support. I guess I'll see Cowboy again next Week, it'll be three week break. the kinda thing that would've totally floored me with Guru t, but doesn't seem to matter at all with Cowboy. we'll see how it goes. I dunno what I'm doing- why am I there? However- I appreciate your support. I'm trying to care about it, as best I well, dears, BBRead More...
Cat, hi. I never posted here, because it was a bit triggering. But, it is good for me to face my feelings about my dogs. Just one more feeling thing I stuffed down I see. I re-homed my two dogs when I was depressed and just felt so overwhelmed with all I had to take care of. I think I understand some of what you are going through and wanted you to know I care. Many hugs!Read More...

T asked if I had changed my mind about anything since starting therapy with him

Thank you so much Liese, Starrynights, hopeful and Lamplighter (who was NOT too late at all!!) Thank you for understanding my fears are very real for me and for making me feel like what I felt mattered since you took the time to respond. It means a lot to me to have someone "care" and I will hold your advice close for when something like this happens again. It is so much better to admit to T you are hurt, so T can help to fix it.Read More...
((((FMN)))) AG said it so beautifully that I don't have anything to add except to say that hopefully when you feel more secure with yourself, differences of opinion won't throw you so much. That is what's happening with me. Differences of opinion aren't as threatening to my sense of self as much as they used to be. It's a welcome relief. LieseRead More...
Thank you for writing this, heldincompassion! This is exactly how I feel, too. I have been racking my brain trying to understand these attachment feelings (because I haven't talked about it yet with T) and this is how I feel. My mother was also always anxious, and overprotective and controlling...she always wanted to prevent "the worst (in her mind) from happening." Well, I think what happened was that I was always trying to make sure she didn't worry, that I never felt able to really open...Read More...