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Psychotherapy Classics

I had never really considered doing this until recently. Boundaries with my T aren't something we sat down and laid out as "these are the rules about being here"...they've just kindof come out as has been necessary. The first time we had a hard session, she told me I could call/email between sessions. The first holiday that passed since I had started going, she gave me a hug. And the first time I felt like I really needed one, I felt like I could ask for one because of that (this has only...Read More...
((((ORBIT)))) I'm glad you were able to tell her how you were feeling but I'm also glad she is able to give you more support. That's the best news I heard in a while. You are in good hands. Maybe you didn't feel like you deserved more support and thought your only option was to quit? LieseRead More...

clinical reasons to stay with T

((((AG)))) Thank you for your reply. I am still struggling to understand it all. Trying to understand a profession that encourages people to reveal the deepest parts of themselves, and then draws lines in the sand. "You will feel more for me than I will for you and that is the way it must be." The intimacy is HUGE (on my side) but the relationship fits into cell A5. (took an excel class today). I can understand intellectually why it is that way, I suppose. I was just unprepared for the...Read More...

Expressing anger

Hi Hopeful! I just started taking Wellbutrin again, and I have similar concerns! I wish I could offer some good insight, but I'm in the thick of a similar experience. I went on Wellbutrin just a few days ago because of failings with my T in regards to expressing any kind of anger without judgement. As you said, feelings just are and need to be acknowledged, or they become toxic. Due to the fact that I felt like I could NOT express these feelings, I started feeling the depression coming on. I...Read More...

My T will not admit that he thinks about me outside sessions UPDATE

Lady Grey: I am glad you found it touching, I am deeply touched by it. I find it has thrown me rather - that he so clearly cares about me so much. JenDark: Yes, it is wonderful to be able to record sessions. I often hear so much later - things I did not or could not hear at the time. And to hear his kind voice, sometimes that just gets me through a really difficult time. He is sort of there for me, all over again. I just wanted to add the bit he says about a baby's needs as it is applicable...Read More...


Hi JenDark, I think you are right...I am totally a person who is trying to read more into what people are actually saying...bad habit and not real useful for me. I think I get it how important it is the therapeutic relationship is now since she said that and now exploring it more since that appt. and she has said she is "eclectic" that style really doesn't matter. I just finished writing it out and I know what it is now and the thing I have been trying to resolve which is my attachment...Read More...

"seating charts" in therapy

Our set-up is pretty limited. My T. works in a clinic and just has an ordinary office. There are three chairs: T.'s rolly desk chair, and two ordinary chairs side by side. I always sit in the one directly across from T. We're about 4 feet apart. I'd like to be closer sometimes but I don't think it's going to happen. It would be interesting to see if it would change anything.Read More...
Hi Raven, I think Catalyst said this really well. I don't have much more to add, but did want to chime in and say that I was told something similar by my T when I expressed concern over the possibility that I might unknowingly manufacture a memory if I began exploring some fragments. She said she thought it was still a good idea to try and talk about it, because even if what I "remembered" was not exactly what happened, what was important was the effect it had on me and that was something we...Read More...

Terminated therapy

Hi born, OUCH. That sounds awful... but you're in the right place... I think almost everyone here has at least experienced the high-octane feelings you're talking about, if not the outright rejection on top of that. Please continue to post if it makes you feel better... is there really no hope of you seeing a therapist regularly? Big hugs, effedRead More...
That's how I feel today - I don't want to see her again. I'm finding all the reasons why she's not doing a good job or why I should be mad at her. I went to pdoc the other day and he said age had sent him a note stating I was quitting my meds. I did tell her I had cut down and wanted to quit, but assured her I would talk to him first. I was mad that she contacted him behind my back and that she didn't trust me to talk to him. Now, the logical, adult me knows I'm being ridiculous, yet it...Read More...
1. Are you Married? Yes, it will be 26 years in May (which believe me seen from some angles is a miracle. We came close to splitting around six years ago.) 2. Close with your parents? No, my dad is dead, which didn't make a lot of difference since I didn't see him for 28 years before his death (there's a post on here somewhere or see "Forgiveness" on my blog for that full story.) I barely speak to my mother by my choice. 3. How many people can you tell your deepest darkest secrets too male...Read More...

my self parenting ability is really crummy

Hi Jane, One of the biggest needs that any of us has is to be listened to and heard. You are scared of hearing yourself in case you can't meet all of your own needs. But simply in listening and hearing - even just a little at a time - you will be already meeting a need. Needs don't come in all or nothing... we eat a little bit of food and it nourishes us, even if we don't get the whole feast at once - which maybe our tummies couldn't handle anyway. xxJRead More...

Have I found another silly reason to run?

Hey Autumn, I was happy too that I was able to do it. Part of it for me is not being able to get past my love feelings for my T. It's not as intense as it was before. It feels more stable now. I feel more stable, although I'm sure some of you would beg to differ considering my most recent threads. But I do feel like the relationship is something I can count on. My T's wedding ring came off a year and a half ago. My problem is that when he shows up with a ring on his finger that will be the...Read More...

Increasing anxiety around my T's return

((((AUTUMN))))) As difficult as this has all been for you, you are approaching it with a great sense of responsibility to yourself while still acknowledging the potential for uncertainty. The thing that I am coming to realize in my own work and what I see you coming to terms with is that sometimes in order to be true to ourselves, we have to deal with a little uncertainty. I know in the past I'd rather have the sure thing even if it wasn't good for me than to acknowledge how something might...Read More...
I went to watch this film last week and thought it was alright. Absolutely loved Viggo as Freud! Keira gets a bit creepy with her acting sometimes (I still have the image of her jaw printed in my brain - don't ask). Halfway through the film the dialogue between Otto/Freud/Jung gets really boring because I zoned out and have no memory of what they were talking in some of those bits. The freaky bit was going to the afternoon session, and I could swear all the (older) people in the cine room...Read More...