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Psychotherapy Classics

(((((BB))))) So glad to hear it all. Thanks for the explanation re: the attachment stuff. It is helpful to me because you know I was in the same place as you. Any insights gained for you are insights gained for me. xoxoxoxo LieseRead More...
How are you now? I have just now read this thread and sorry I did not get here sooner, I am in the UK and know a bit about the system. A GP can refer you to have an assessment by a clinical psychologist. You have to be really REALLY upfront about how bad your symptoms are, as these guys are under staffed and trying to weed people OUT of their books. I got a really REALLY good psychologist that way, but it was a three month wait from asking GP to getting to see the P. Then you are in good...Read More...


((((Cipher)))) Thank you!! I am so glad you are taking what I'm saying as supportive of you, because that's exactly my intention. So, I hope you don't mind if I get up on my soapbox, in response to what you said your T would say. This is something I feel extremely passionate about. And as your T would probably point out, I am not a T. But I AM a parent, so I've experienced attachment needs from that viewpoint. And I also experienced them as a child and know how that went for me. So here is...Read More...


xoxo, I read the link. I thought it was interesting how changing the tone or projection made such a difference. I can't relate on the mother part but just to say that my mom was in my feeling brother has told her that. Unfortunately, I was too passive also as I was informed this afternoon by my daughter but not for the reasons she thinks...something I have to live with but as of now she is not holding it against me. I know this sounds weird but I would be so scared when my dad...Read More...

my first "real" dream about T

(((LAURA))) You did really well. I think you are right that I took him off the pedestal. He isn't very familiar working through the transference. I am his guinea pig. And so, that could have to do with his youth, his inexperience. The fakeness of his teeth, maybe that has to do with how I struggle with the relationship, is it fake or is it real? I think in my life, I seem to enjoy learning from an older experienced male. It's a pattern I've repeated over and over, enjoying relationships with...Read More...

Have you ever wanted to read your T mind for 1 minute?

Hi AG & Echoes, AG, I found the following interview interesting and this is what Howard Smith MD(author and psychotherapist) had to say. Duel relationships (which is what I'm seeking)are confusing, but the amount of information on the subject is mind-boggling. This is part of the interview about Dual relationships: Question: What do the professional boards and codes of ethics say about dual relationships? Aren’t they pretty much forbidden? Reply: I thought that, too. Then I went on the...Read More...
I myself know that if I put impossibly high standards on others, it usually comes back to bite ME somehow. I prefer to give myself and others a little bit of room to breathe- or life gets too stressful. Shit does happen. I have been on both sides. I have messed up, (not often) both personally and professionally, and probably will again at some point in the future. That said, it can still suck to look forward to a session only to have it not come to pass. I'm sure he didn't mean to hurt you,...Read More...

Dual relationships and boundary crossings

I haven't taken the time to read the article, but I will soon. Thank you for posting this, Kansas! I have stumbled upon another website about dual relationships and boundaries... I have researched this recently as I've gotten the feeling that my T doesn't have strict boundaries with me. She's pretty open about her life. At our last session I asked if we were terminating due to my insurance and my last assignment. T said that the assignment she...Read More...
I forgot to mention one thing: According to the consult T: (he agreed with me and may write a blog about it) There is a world of difference between telling someone that they "tend to be sensitive" (AND that we ALL do that at some point) and that "we ARE easily offended". The latter is not a constructive thing to say to another person in any context. Thanks again!Read More...

is this projective identification

Liese, I think projective identification would suggest that someone is provoking their emotions in another person and the person didn't have those emotions at all. I would imagine that in your case both you and your husband have emotions that resonate with each other not projected. I also think to recognize projective identification a person would have to very aware of their own reactions and emotions in order to recognize someone else's emotions. When I read about projective identification...Read More...

just kind of hanging

Number9, thanks for your support. I'm sorry you are feeling the same way, though misery loves company. I've been with my T for 4 wonderful turbulent years. In case that sounds really long, I saw him every other week for quite a long time until I fell apart. LG< Such good questions. Today I mentioned power struggles. They've always been a problem for me. I don't really know a lot about power struggles but I am imagine that they develop in the FOO with a parent who doesn't take control or...Read More...

Angry or jealous about my T life . PLZ help

Hi Anna, I'm really sorry that you are in so much pain. I can relate to what you have described. My therapist has much more that I do both socially and financially. I do find it hard at times when I look at what she has and what I don't. I have actually thought about it quite a bit. It can make me yearn for something that I don't feel that is easy for me to achieve. I'm particularly sensitive around and envious of her social network. It can be painful to hear about things that she's planning...Read More...

not wanting care

Thanks for your replies r2g and ninn sorry you have had to feel this way as well. r2g I've spoke to my t about waiting for her ulterior motives her answer was that her caring is unconditional sometimes i just wish she would agree with my warped perceptions of how bad i am and save me the energy of having to turn everything she says into the complete opposite so i don't have to have this attachment agony. (((ninn)) I'm quite sure you do deserve to be loved. how do you get to the point of...Read More...
Just in my last session T asked if I wanted to draw I have before and it has gone okay - the busting out the crayons stuff doesn't bug me because my inner kid is always around and I draw, color, paint and do other art stuff all the time (Im really visual) one of my Ts told me once I am an extremely playful adult and a lot of adults aren't that playful. I get the same type of comment from others and it's not meant as "childish". Hard to explain but...I think every adult should color and draw...Read More...

Compassion Focused Therapy is that good or not .

Hi Thanks for your replays , we tried first to work on the traumas ( I have more than one trauma in my life) and we began on what was the most difficult and the deepest pain, first my T asked me to write it down and to it like 2 times, then to read it for him, oh my that was near impossible, The words were just stuck and it took some minutes for me to even began reading it, and I was not able to look at him , and I cried and all the time I was trying to read it, and yes I had/have some deep...Read More...

Does your session ever feel completely different days afterwards

I also record my sessions and it is an eye opener. I now know for fact that what I think he is saying is entirely coloured by the mood I am in, so I can mishear spectacularly. And he may say one word (one of mine is 'limit') and I am triggered and I don't hear ANY of what he is actually saying, I only hear what I THINK he is saying. Also, I have had to really accept parts of myself, because I cannot say they are not real or true when the recorder just records what AHPPENED in that session,...Read More...
(((Raven))) Thank you for sharing. You never have to earn the right to offer support. I am nearly clueless all the time. I appreciate everyone who supports, no matter if they can offer advice or a hug or their own experiences. I'm sorry you have a similar experience with your own family. I know I am still in a lot of pain over my failure to protect my siblings in more way than one. I'm sorry they are angry at you, but I hope someday they can understand you were modeling doing something...Read More...
I think there could be a lot of truth in this statement. The intensity of having an unmet need on such a deep level could end up going in so many directions (intensity in relationships, intensity in trying to succeed compulsively, intensity in self-destructive behaviors) but in the end they can all point to the same place.Read More...