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Psychotherapy Classics

I am pissed.

Thank you you three. (((BLU LIESE GREENLEAF))) Someway, somehow, the next session ended up being a connected one. Therapeutic "make up sex" strikes again. I am going to try to roll with it, riding the high, and not fear the inevitable downturn... I really appreciate your words effedRead More...

Broken Translator

((((YAKU))))) Glad you saw your pastor and everything was okay. But sorry to learn that your projections have moved on to your T. It's so hard to imagine your T having any bad feelings at all. He seems like such a love. But you should try to tell him if you can. Maybe you just need a little reassurance. HUGS, LieseRead More...


((((((CAT)))) My progress in therapy has been agonizingly slow but I believe with all my heart and mind that I wouldn't have made any progress at all if it wasn't for this forum because I would have left therapy completely. There may have been times when it Interfered but overall I think hashing things out with You guys has been tremendously beneficial and opened my eyes in so many ways. And I'll be forever grateful. Just my take on it Hugs Liese Ps glad to hear that T made things Si easy.Read More...
Hey Broken. Welcome back I just wanted to say well done for being brave and posting AND for asking for your need to be met - ie asking people to welcome you back here. I think that's really brave and you should give yourself a lot of credit for that. Am so glad you have a new T who is making your inner girl make her presence heard to you. IS amazing stuff. Be kind to yourself. Hugs xxRead More...


LG... I think she was totally uncomfortable with the topic and didn't know how to respond and she HAD to respond so she was trying to keep the topic "light", hence the smiley face. This is where texting can cause problems. Obviously, some deep feelings and emotions can be triggered by a text ... yet texting is not the right way or the possible way to process the feelings, to be heard, and to work things out. It simply is not the medium for that. I think she should have texted back ... "I...Read More...

cleaning house and not letting go... update: progress!

I have some positive news on this struggle for me. I'm not sure what has begun to shift, but I have been throwing quite a few things away lately, and with some JOY about throwing things away. I have not gotten to the hardest stuff, but I have been throwing quite a bit away - working on it in spurts. In the past few weeks, I would say I have given or thrown away three bags of clothes, three bags of old school books (why did I keep them? they are science books and no longer even up to date!Read More...


Part of my trauma feelings involve me feeling cold- cold on the inside and outside, but I don't like it. so cold that i have to take a hot shower and drink hot water to get warm. Not much else works. I'm a skier and love it... but I don't naturally like cold weather. (I'm nevver cold when I ski because I am moving) I did find your post interesting, though.Read More...
Honey, if I knew about this my wonderful amazing T would be sitting right here next to me! But seriously, I'm sorry your mom is so unhelpful to you with this. Sometimes people who are not in therapy and are close to us feel threatened by the relationship we have with our T's. Perhaps your T could explain to your mother that you need therapy during the summer and provide some referrals for you. You would have to give permission for T to talk to mom. I think that seeing a T in summer is a good...Read More...
Hi Raven, I just wanted to say that coping with an ordinary 13 year old is difficult enough that I can't imagine how much more complex dealing with a child with RAD who was adopted at age 10 would be. It speaks so well of you that you chose to take on this challenge, but it is a very difficult road to walk. Of course there will be times, no matter how much you love her (and it's very clear that you do) where it will feel overwhelming and you'll feel depleted. I hope that the break from each...Read More...


(((((XOXO))))) The rescue stuff is confusing. I think I fell in love with my T because I think he has the life I want and I thought he could give it to me. Kind of a short cut, so to speak, instead of working on these things for myself and gaining them myself. Getting them through him. I guess I see that as rescuing. And wanting to be rescued. Because my life was too hard to face. IMO, it's not good to detach. You want to feel that connection with him so you feel that support all the time.Read More...
Yes, my T has a sheet she fills out every session. She is careful not to write while I am talking or we're in the middle of the conversation, so I actually don't always know what she is writing (as she will do some writing 5-10 min after something came up). One time she went to get water and I saw the form, as she left it out on the table and the first item on her sheet was "appearance of client." She tracks many things, med changes/current meds, my mood, appearance, feelings/thoughts,...Read More...

Diagnosis, meds, therapy, and feelings

Thank you so much Yaku, Cat, xoxo, Sadly, and Autumn. Your supportive words mean a lot to me and are helping me re-frame some of my thinking. I will write more when I can....right now thinking too much about anything in particular is quite triggering and I don't see T till Monday again, feels like forever from now.Read More...
Big thanks to both of you! I know it's not normal and I know its worse to keep everything inside, but I just do not have any clue in the world why I'm so guarded with T again. It's like this imaginary wall is between us again but we both know its there. I'm so hesitant to take away the bricks while T is on the other side just waiting patiently for me. I know I can trust her with absolutely anything and everything but I just can't wrap my head around why I'm so distant. In between sessions,...Read More...

T vacation location

It would be strange if he didn't tell me where he was going-it's not his style. He is very open. On the other hand, if he was more of a blank state therapist, maybe it would seem normal. Non-disclosure can be a good way for a patient to express feeling and thoughts about the relationship, with all those blanks to 'fill in' with one's own fantasies, thoughts, feelings...It depends on your issues and the therapist's style, perhaps modality. I usually get crabby with him when he goes on...Read More...

Changing the rules in the middle of the game.

(((((imagination)))) It's nice to meet you. You sound so incredibly mature and on top of things for someone your age who has been through what you have been through. I don't think you've done anything wrong although I understand why you would feel that way because I would feel that way too. It sounds like she was spooked by the suicide and even though I am sure she really cares about you, it sounds like she's struggling really being there emotionally for you. It not that she doesn't care...Read More...

Taking counselor to court?

I'm planning on asking my new lawyer for the family stuff about this or getting a referral to someone more knowledgeable on this area of law. Long story really. Not sure how to put it in a nutshell. Been divorced a while, daughter is being alienated by her mother as well as my "dad" (after my mom died the things about him she held in check became too much of a problem and we haven't spoken in over a year) and his wife. Daughter is upset over my not having a relationship with her grandfather...Read More...
forgetmenot, im sorry u have to go through things like this too, thank u though, for helping me feel less definitely helps me get through the day to know Im not just some nutcase with a wierd problem that nobody else has. I told my T, she said that it was..."emotional flashbacks"..Im not sure exactly ...if I explained them right, but thats what she called them. I just want to thank everybody for their suport <3 thank u so much everybody. You all help me stay strong <3 I have...Read More...

I'm sad and could use some support

((((INCOGNITO))) Even though you question your progress, I can think of two times recently where you and your T were really able to connect. I like how he asked you if you really wanted him to ignore what you wrote. It sounds like he may be learning how to work with you better. All those thoughts that you have about wanting to talk to T and then not being able to get it out and then feeling frustrated, they are like a really strong piece of rope tied around all the other stuff. That knot...Read More...