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Psychotherapy Classics

Hi Rachel, I sure do relate to what you say about not crying. I saw myself where you said it even seems like a contest where T tries to get you to cry so she can say "got ya!" But my T is so sweet and gentle I feel guilty for even thinking she's that way. It probably comes from my past where domineering, mean aunts used to see if they could make me cry, because I was a tough, defiant little gal and wouldn't give them the satisfaction. Just be patient with yourself, Rachel. Crying or not...Read More...
erica, good to hear from you. I do love my T and if I LET her, I know she will come closer. It's the letting part that is hard but the other day really helped. I guess, I was a little surprised she revealed that and also surprised that she had a T. She is in her upper 60's and I respect her for still working on herself. It was the first time, after many years with her, that I finally openly cried. Not even when my mom died and I went to see her, did I cry. Funny how little gestures make a...Read More...

Meanest Therapist Ever

you may not always like what you hear from your T (i know i don't!), but it seems to me like he's there for you maybe not in the way you'd want but perhaps in the way you need. you've stuck with him this long. i think your innate knows what it's doing. hugs (((TAS))) it ain't easy by a stretch, but perhaps necessary? depends on you.Read More...
I worried a lot about it when I was seeing the T with parkinson's. I was also concerned when I knew she was retiring, because I would want to know if she died. Then I worried that her disease would make it impossible to talk or communicate and I would be a mess about all of that. Never did talk about it. Altho I did ask her after a doctor appt (which she had mentioned) if she was okay. Before that one, I had a T/Pdoc who one day fell off the earth. His office didn't know where he was, none...Read More...
Liese and RT... thank you SO much for sharing your similar experiences and how it made you feel. Liese I often wondered how you managed to deal with that secretary. I remember you posting about her and how she kept throwing obstacles in your path. I would thank goodness that my T didn't have a secretary to deal with... LOL... so I got the wife instead Thank you for sharing. It makes me feel less crazy. RT... I would have died if I had to walk up the stairs sandwiched between T and another...Read More...

Oh, blast!

(((AFFINITY))) That sounds really positive. So happy for you. Is there anything wrong with having a one-way friendship with a T as long as it's confined to their office? I ask that because I do think my Old T had very much become my confidant. I didn't have anyone IRL to talk to and didn't know how to talk to anyone IRL. I see that he fulfilled some of those needs for me until I could develop other relationships apart from him. And I do believe that was very therapeutic for me. I also...Read More...

Any others to empathize?

You too Ghost Girl. My mum called me today acting normal but I could hear the alcohol in her voice. She told me her "test results" were good yesterday with regards to the "cancer". Such a shame she just couldn't wait to celebrate… Some things never change, but its not holding me back. You've helped me loads too, given me hope and reassurance, which is all I could've asked forRead More...
I'm sorry you didn't get hugs etc growing up - i don't think its that un-normal for us on this forum - i imagine form most of us, childhood wasn't he rosy white picket fence seen on tv … with hugs abound left right and centre … i have got my T to write things down for me, purely so id have her writing on a piece of paper for comfort (and not tell her that is why i wanted her to write it down). i don't feel guilty about that. im not wanting any thing form her anymore. I think I've felt so...Read More...
Wow. Every now and again I find myself wishing my mother hadn't died when I was a child - in my fantasy she lived and was kind and caring and well, completely changed personalities. Then I read about the kind of upheavals others have with their mums and I know in my heart of hearts she would not have changed and all her being alive for longer would have meant was more pain and suffering for me... Dunno if you've read up about narcissist parents? (Not tryng to diagnose your mum, just reading...Read More...
Hi Jillian, Thank you for responding. The word "intoxicating" exactly sums it up. The intoxication is gone. Sometimes it so stinks to actually see and experience reality. It sucks to realize and embrace that T is not going to rescue me and that even if she did love me, it wouldn't really matter. The love has to come from me.Read More...
(((SP))) She should be back in the city today. Her voicemail message is no longer set as 'away'. I worry she won't want to work with me anymore. Can't possibly care and hates me and wants to hurt me. Probably not true... But it's so triggering awaiting someone's return when I knows past was never knowing when someone would appear to hurt me after they were gone.Read More...


This is such a tough question to answer. I think if someone were seeing a T for, say, drug addiction or sexual dysfunction, attachment would be unnecessary. However, for people who were hurt in childhood and have attachment issues as a result...perhaps attachment to the T isn't completely necessary for healing, but it's probably going to come up. In that case, I think the necessity of attachment will depend on what the person in therapy needs to work through. I will say this, though:...Read More...

Why did this help so much?

My T has a very long, complicated way to explain this taking about some experiments and resonance, etc... Basically... I think it feels good because it impacts our physiology and promotes our well being as a result. Ever pet an animal and feel better? Ever been afraid at night but thankful you had a pet/human there? I think it feels protective and safe... That we can handle ourselves but if things get tough someone is there. I don't have words to describe emotionally but metaphors I can...Read More...