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Psychotherapy Classics

Cause hash tags are a twitter thing and not really meant for FB I don't know any way of blocking them. I have an old internet acquaintance who's posts I have unsubscribed from. He hasn't hit my instantly unfriend line so he remains on my list for now. There is a little arrow on the rhs of posts in your feed. Use the drop down and it gives you the choice of removing that single post or unfollowing that person. I can definitely see why #yesallwomen has been so triggering. Re: talking about it,...Read More...
I don't think I will ever get what I need; not even a breath if it. As I told my T - the fundamental truth that is my biggest, deepest pain, right down to the depths of my soul - and which I really do not know if I am capable of truly accepting, is that I had just one chance to be given what I needed - and now that childhood is well and truly finished, I will never ever get that. Not even a little bit. I really do not know if I can ever accept it to the level I need in order to be truly free...Read More...

Trying to slow down

Hi Catalyst, Yes I am bipolar. I have absolutely no objections to taking meds and have been on oodles of them and various combinations of them with relatively low success. In fact my moods seemed to be more severe as far as mania goes with meds, so three years ago I decided to only use them when I am in an active manic or depressive episode. I have been trying to manage this disease largely through cognitive and behavioral strategies and it is often overwhelming and difficult. I am feeling a...Read More...
I live in fear that I'll run into my T at work. I deliberately chose a T in the town adjacent to where I live to reduce this possibility. So while it's unlikely that I'll run into her in Aldi on a Saturday morning, I do work further afield and it's fairly inevitable what we'll run into each other at some point. We do have an arrangement where if we think it's going to be possible then we'll talk about it. Brief moments I think I'd be ok with. Anything more... bleurghhhh. I'm totally down...Read More...
Hi Liese... thanks for asking. Things went really well today. I took a few risks and we had a good talk. T was very kind and accepting of me and I am more at peace today. I hope it lasts. I am still processing the session and I hope to post about it tomorrow. Thanks Mallard for your thoughts. I can definitely see that some of what I'm feeling I'm thinking T is also feeling. It gets hard for me to separate the feelings and to make sense of them when I am so activated. Hugs TNRead More...
RT, I asked about the painting today that I did not take off the wall.......SHIT......he gave it away during down-sizing and re-arranging a lot of stuff. I thought he was going to say he gave it to another client.....he gave it to the local charity store. I drove as fast as I could over to the store....BOO HOO. Someone else bought it. Oh well. I'll get something, eventually, from this guy!Read More...

How would you deal with YOU if you were in HIS chair?

Thanks VeryH, I feel just mixed up. Angry one minute and ashamed the next. The implicit message is that this is the right way to do therapy and if I dont like it I am wrong. It's non-negotiable. She is a nice person and listens when I am there - the previous one could be more unreliable on that front. Maybe I just wont go back. sapphire-blueRead More...
((Pengs)) thanks love Yes, she's due any day now. Last week was supposed to be our last session but they pushed back her due date to this weekend. It's going to be extremely awkward seeing this person now lol! I'm still worried about how I'm going to feel when she actually has her baby, especially since it's a girl, but we'll see.Read More...
((((SD)))) I couldn't handle the sense of powerlessness the relationship evoked for me and it was less painful for me to suffer the loss. Seeing T twice a week evoked longings that I couldn't work through because they were so intense and wouldn't let up long enough for me to create space in between them. I also couldn't, oddly, make the transition back to once a week but maybe that would be an option for u to give u the chance to have a break from the intensity. I wasn't able to work through...Read More...

Kicking and Screaming the feeling of dependency on T

Thank you very much for all your input. It has helped very, very much. Affinity, your post was spot on about slogging through. That's exactly what it feels like, and when it is unbearable...somethings changing; growth. I've always pushed through the pain and it is the healer. I keep forgeting that! Thank you. Liese, it is a huge trust issue and he will have "super" power over me to crush me. My own parents could not be trusted and my first T was arrested for multi-million dollar insurance...Read More...

Can You Relate?

Skylynx: Thank you for replying. To risk the interaction is terrifying...If he says something I don't understand I will not address it because it requires me opening up and being seen...Being seen is so difficult for me. I keep telling myself it will get better with time. T. Sp: He brought up last week how there are two parts of part wants to be close and then the other part steps in and wants to protect the other part from getting close...this is when I just want to fight him and...Read More...
The imbalance is tough. I've been with my T for 2yrs 3 months. Developed feelings early on. Think I would have been attracted even in a non therapeutic setting. Have had feelings of love for T for about 1 1/2 half years. I've shared my feelings with my T. T has been great and understanding. Much better than some others I read about here. T has said she loves me deeply. I believe there is some counter transference but not sure just how. Parts of me believe that T doesn't really care and this...Read More...
((VH)) I'm very sensitive too Sometimes my brain will sort of suck things in and put them in a void... then feed them to me slowly when I can handle it. If I did get triggered right away it's like... it was immediately captured and put somewhere else and I just continue on. Sort of like how I dealt with trauma growing up, for example my dog was given away as punishment, I didn't find out until the evening and immediately after I had to play in a sports game, and study for an exam. So it was...Read More...
"transference facilitator" is a good word. and "they loooove" transference" is a good word, too. Maybe it feeds their vanity. I was at another forum where someone said that the T shouldn't say the cold fact that they can never be the father or mother, as it could cause a breakdown and panic episode. But instead the T should say they will support and help the patient with their inner child feelings. I felt this was a better way because my adult self knows I can't be my T's child, but it's my...Read More...

T Hugs

Thanks Daggers! . It's still hard knowing he offers to his other clients and he won't to me. All because I was honest how I felt when he didn't. But you are right I'll learn to ask others when I need help, because this I know I don't! Everyone on here is great! I just never have good advice to give yet....Read More...
Thanks for your reply, Draggers! Those are great ideas! I think I'll have to look into after school care program for my younger child. That isn't an option for my older one, I don't think. I think for him I might have to look into the city bus route. I've seen a city bus at the school...I just don't know where they go from the school. My parents and I live too far away for the kids to walk safely (across a highway and such). Another thing is money. At my current job, I only make $10 an hour...Read More...