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Psychotherapy Classics

UV, I just meant I'm not a big fan of diagnoses, so I didn't feel like you were hijacking the thread or going off topic. It's why I posted the link in the first place. My T had a fairly eclectic approach, but definitely had a psychodynamic approach. Frankly, I think he used anything that worked with any particular patient. But he never saw clients as a diagnosis. He would just be with a client and let it unfold and deal with whatever came up. So with people like me who had an insecure...Read More...


True North
((((TN)))) I don't know if you appreciate what you just did but it was really terrific and it seems like you just took two big steps forward. You really stood up for yourself with your T in a very nice and assertive way and I love the way he responded. xoxo Liese I am editing this to add that I hope that doesn't come across as condescending or patronizing.Read More...

being in two places at once

(((YAKU)))(((DF))))((((AG)))) Thank you all for sharing your experiences with me. It's hard for me to know what is going on exactly but I like to think that maybe I'm growing some new neurons. Yeah!!!! Yaku, That's interesting that your T said that you were in the past in the present. Yes. I think I understand that. DF, you really had me laughing with "only TWO places?" I love the way you describe all the things going on inside of you at once. I have that too but I'm not sure this is what...Read More...

now I am stuttering?

Hugs JD - I am so glad that the on-call T and Eq T were there / are there for you and listened to you right when you needed them to. This pastor guy is an absolute creep who needs to be kicked out. You can't treat people like he has and then hide behind religion. Sending strength to you.Read More...

T's first name.

Blackbird: Nice to meet you too! A trip it is indee!. Even if I think of my T's name it makes me feel...I'm not sure. Like I want to hug her and kiss her and say 'Come with me, lets go fly around the world!'. It becomes too overwhelming. Too interpersonal right now. To embarrassing. If I used her name in session, I don't know what I would do. Run out the room I think and go red or something.. She says my name every now and then. It feels very formal rather than comforting for some reason. It...Read More...
I love it here. I come here daily now. You guys really help me (even if not directly...just knowing that there are other people who know what this journey is like). It humbles me. Somedays: It is similar for me too I think. When I am low, I feel that everything hits me hard and it is a real struggle to get up and get on with my day. But when I'm okay, I can function. The detachments to people feel so natural to me, that I'm worried that I will never get through it. I do a lot of thinking and...Read More...
(((Yaku))) I'm so sorry to hear about how you are feeling Yaku. It must be so uncomfortable for you. Perhaps it is to do with overwhelming anxiety about what went on? Perhaps you are entering depression in new ways because of what went on. Your body cannot process it all at once? It might be trying to go into 'numb' mode. You might be having to deal with a lot more than you are perceiving and as a result, you are going into some sort of 'mode' to be able to handle the feelings.. I am very...Read More...
I would love to have a parenting thread, but I would feel too exposed discussing it here in such an open forum. While I value my privacy, I value my kids privacy even more, and would be terrified if someone I knew read here and put two and two together! how would a closed forum for parenting issues be on here, I wonder? Let me know if you find a good place, SG! BeebsRead More...

9 days post termination: deciding on next steps

Ahhh tygr - sounds like you are being too hard on yourself re jobs. You're struggling with stuff - it takes its toll and means you aren't in a position to be as good at work as you would like. Be kind to yourself about that - don't let it become another stick to beat yourself with! Sorry - lecture over!! Reading back I was in a way good mood last time I posted!! But yep my therapist is ace. I'm so lucky with her. It's still tough at times though (bit harder at the mo) and I would much rather...Read More...
Jane, thanks for sharing. The above is exactly how I feel. Luckily, a lot of what I had been experiencing calmed down after we had my last, very long session, all about sharing those memories. I still have some other unresolved stuff, but I'm not having attacks of physical pain and flashbacks often throughout my weeks like I was.Read More...


HI ND, I felt really scared for a long time too to be angry at my T. Even the anger I tapped into recently was from one and two years ago. It's very hard, IMO. So don't be too hard on yourself. This October will be 4 years that I'm with my T and it's taken me this long to get to this point. But then again, I could be unusual in that way. But I very often felt like you, that he would leave me or not want to work with me if I was angry at him. I know now that everything is okay. Can you talk...Read More...

Thread View Count

Yeah, 50+ views with no comments is the worst. I try to imagine that there is just some forum gnome who views the same post over and over again to harass me or something. Between my ridiculously large post count and thread-count views, it's a wonder that I am not in a constant state of PAD myself...only NEAR constant.Read More...

‘If’ Thread

Ok - I'll try. 1. A Gardenia - I just love the smell. It is so peaceful. I love the look of the beautiful white flower against the deep dark green leaves. 2. I've always said I would be a bird but I really think I'd like to me a wild mustang running free through the wild west. 3. My book, Hmmm... Finally free 4, If I ruled the world, there would be stronger punishments for criminals. The money in this country, would stay in this country. Perhaps then we would be able to care for our own...Read More...
Hey Ladygrey. Aye the anonymity is something I like a lot. Privacy is a very big thing too. Exposure is threatening. Hmm sometimes I delete things too. I've been thinking of deleting a few replies on here where my identity is shown, but I'm resting assured that I'm conspicuous enough as it is!Read More...


Thanks FMN! I've made three: the brown monkey with the white face, a white monkey with a brown face (the other monkey's sock "twin," but she looks more like a sheep) and the kitty cat posted in the chit chat section. I started making them at the beginning of the month for the purpose of giving T an anniversary gift. I found it to be a good focused task I could do in order to take my mind off stuff. It gives me a lot of satisfaction to do something where there is a finished product.Read More...

"pastoral counseling" - updated: from bad to worse.

((((((((Jd))))) I just wanted to send some hugs your way...I am so sorry about what was done to you, and I hope that you will be able to find a church where the people are accepting and respectful, and know how to share real love with one another. You deserve to feel comforted and cared for...prayers, that you will find a really beautiful place that fills your heart and soul with God's love and comfort. I wish I could bring you to church with me- nobody is allowed to kick anyone out of...Read More...