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Psychotherapy Classics

A Therapy Question

I email mine from time to time more so I can get something that is bothering me clear and if I send it off, I will quit thinking about it. I usually try just writing it down to see if that gets it calm, but if not, and I need to function I send it off because I figure she does not even have to read it, but at least it is not with me anymore. Sometimes she will respond, but I usually do not want her to and if I do, I say so. I only call for scheduling matters and I hate texting in general so...Read More...


Hi Frosty, I'm not saying you'll be in therapy for 20+ years. Don't get scared. I was in therapy a little bit, mostly in college. But back then, I didn't attach at all to my T's. And it was harder, because I was using the therapists in training at the college and could only have access to them during the school year except for breaks and then the next year, I wasn't able to have the same one. And, so that might be part of why I didn't attach. But it was also harder for me to open up. I had a...Read More...
I feel bad for my T, because he said he is personally inclined to hug, but feels professionally restricted. The only thing he is clarifying with the professional association is the legal issues, I think, but they will probably say what you say. If I ever do get a hug, it will have been so much work for both of us to get there, it will probably feel a bit anti-climatic, LOL. Edit: Just reread the whole article, LOL. First thing that really stood out is the distinguishing of therapeutically...Read More...
((((YAKU)))) BIG HUGS. Sorry you are feeling so bad right now. I felt bad when I saw that T hadn't taken my gift home but I never told him. It's hanging in a prominent place in his office and he doesn't have a lot of knick knacks hanging around - so I should feel pleased about it. It doesn't bother me anymore that he didn't take it home and maybe some day I will broach the subject with him, though it's been 9 months since I gave him the gift. I guess you can see why my therapy is moving at a...Read More...


Broken, I reckon you need to sit down with T again and re-negotiate your therapy. Dropping down to 1 session per week AND limiting out of hours contact is way too much at the same time. Can you go back to 2 sessions a week - if you did that would you feel more contained and safe each week - would that reduce your out of hours contact? OR - can you still email her but not expect replies? I just think things have changed. Us BPD's are hard work - that is a given and any good T who works with...Read More...
Hi Forever Grateful! It is nice to meet you. Love your name! I'm sorry you had to say goodbye to your T. I agree that it sounds like she really cared about you. The book sounds like a really special wonderful that she gave you something you can always keep to remember her by. It's pretty normal to feel sad for a while after your T leaves! I'm so glad you were able to have a positive ending with her, though, that will help. Keep talking here and don't be afraid to talk to your new...Read More...


Hi rookie, nice to meet you! I can relate to your are doing great so far--4 weeks since you used--and think...if you use'll have to go back to the beginning and say ...'it's zero days since i last used'...try to hang in there...lots of times people don't think when they say things...keep posting here if you need to...thinking of you...keep us posted if you want to...mlcRead More...

The Hokey-Pokey

hi tygr, Im in the uk to and was a little confused with the pokey i'm glad i'm not the only one who knows it as "ohhh the okey cokey" that song used to played at every party used to go to along with push pineapple shake the tree i was at a pub recently and randomly decided to do the dance through the window at my friendRead More...
((SD))) (((TN))) Thanks. I do have some wonderful people in my life, it's just hard for me to stay so connected. My friend and my brother both live a bit away from me, and due to my financial situation I hate to use the gas to go and see them. I know that sounds lame, but I have to conserve where I can. They were both so good to me this weekend, I am grateful for them in my life. It's just so hard having to ask for this kind of help. For the mere necessities of life, like food. It's very,...Read More...
aw, I am sorry to hear you are feeling so sick. They do say that it is a very good sign for a healthy baby if you are sick a lot, though. It just sucks to endure it! Should go away after the first trimester though. I hope so much that your T will be able to help you calm the anxiety, and that it will help with the sickness. It makes sense that you would be sicker when anxious, cause anxiety just makes every symptom feel worse. Deep breaths! hugs, BBRead More...

Birthdays and T!

Thanks for all the support! I needed it! The day came and went-- NOTHING! Wishing things were different, but oh well. I thought that my biggest wish would be for for T to acknowledge my special day, but I guess now my biggest wish is for me to overcome this attachment to her and realize that I am on my own. I feel so disconnected with T right now. I'm startin to wonder if she's the ONE for me, or is there someone else better suited for my BPD issues?--BrokenRead More...
Somedays, I love that you don't give a stuff that I don't have a T that does make me feel better. JustMaybe, thanks for saying you learnt from my posts. If people really do get something from them, I would hate to take that away. I just need to start believing in myself a bit more and that may take a little time. Before I started this thread I truly was ready to start again with another T and not go back, but the responses I have had here have been very useful and have given me some food for...Read More...


Thanks for hugs Liese and kashley. I actually dreamed about T last night only we weren't in his office or doing therapy. He didn't act surprised or upset that I found his wife on facebook. He was surprised that her profile wasn't privacy protected. He didn`t think I should blame myself for being curious. He`s been understanding before about the fact that anybody would be frustrated by how little that I can know about him outside our sessions and so searching for info is a way to find out. I...Read More...

questions about empathy

Jones and JD thanks. Her statement about empathy is sometimes in response to my asking what she is doing. Sometimes I think she is preempting my question and explaining. I may be so shut down I cannot get it. I am not sure I recognize it from anyone, not just ts. The reason it comes up with ts is because she says it and I have read about and people here seem to like it.Read More...
I think my T will be good for me with all of this. T doesn't know I think I am BPD - all she knows is that I have had early trauma, neglect and have attachment issues - she is aware that my abuse started when I was pre verbal and that I am 'frozen in time' and that I have significant trust, abandonment and rejection issues. She knows I dissociate and have very few memories of my life before 18. She knows about SU and that I feel disconnected from life and do not have close attachments to...Read More...
I wanted to share with you guys about my session this past week. I asked T what the purpose of emailing would be and he talked about being able to simply connect with someone during the week. We talked a lot about having someone to connect with on a deeper level than I am currently experiencing with anyone else. You guys were barking up the right tree, so I just wanted to share that with you.Read More...
(((((MH))))) No need to respond... just wanted to send you hugs and thoughts and say that I totally can relate to how upsetting this would be. I am so sorry.. Trust develops when there is predictability, dependability, not pressured demands just to trust. (I want to go tell your T a thing or two.) I'm so sorry that this happened right when you were going to talk with her about something hard - a true act of trust. Our Ts have power and control just by being Ts!!! I'm frustrated that she now...Read More...