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Psychotherapy Classics

LL, I am speechless...still When I read this the first time I couldn't respond because I literally had no words. I'm actually trying to combine a list of sorts and see which ones stick out. So far Too much personal disclosure has been mentioned a lot. I appreciate everyone contributing like this. I know it can't be easy remembering this stuff. I agree, I think these examples should be in a textbook somewhere. Screw Freud, let's talk about what's going on right here right now.Read More...

Down and out...

I think it's a possibility, Beebs. You were SO not getting your needs met, the relationship was causing enormous frustration and repressed anger (it was not really safe to express it)and in the end it caused hopelessness. This all *could* lead to depressive symptoms. Therapy supposed to do the opposite. You should feel better... at least s ome of the time. When people speak of therapy as being tough and difficult they mean in the way that you are facing long buried feelings, you are looking...Read More...

Deleted for personal reasons

Hi sea-green, So glad you have found somewhere that might suit your circumstances. It's ok to go to counseling when it suits you...even if you go only when you need that extra support - it's good to be able to reach out when you need to. Nice to see you have posted again Take care, Faith xxRead More...


(((everyone))) I am so sorry. I can relate to the feelings that surface when seeing children interact with good daddies. I didn't call my dad!!Read More...

T is on vacation for 10 days

I am just going to write on this post tonight. It was a rough day yesterday with Father's day and today was not good either. I believe I had mentioned that I take medicine for health reasons. Well I have RA-Rheumatoid Arithritis and it is severe. I take some heavy meds-and today I had to have a medicine infusion done. Normally it takes about 3 hours but today it took 5 hours. I had to have lot of Benadryl put it me to stop a reaction and got nausea from it too. I had driven myself to the...Read More...

Taking a break...

Still out for a couple of days, due to Father's Day (hard holiday, I'm sure, for a lot of us), family birthdays, my anniversary, etc. Noticed this thread was "active" while checking a PM, so just a quick check-in. Hoping I can find my way back here, as I miss all of you, especially hearing about how everyone is doing. (((Hugs))) and thanks for the kind words and wisdom!Read More...
Kashley I can totally relate to that feeling of utter exhaustion after a session, sometimes I have to concentrate so hard to simply drive home. Occasionally I have to go to workor a meeting shortly after my session and I find it really hard to step out of the difficulties of the session and into a worls whre everything seems surreal for a while. The post session headache is a real downer, mine often start in session and typically last for most of that day or the next. I think the only thing...Read More...
This is exactly what I think it is! I'm so pissed that I made the decision and now feel better! It would have been easier if she was mad at me or if the decision was made and I was still upset, but the sense of relief is NOT comforting! Thanks Liese and BG... It feels so weird to put myself and my needs first...Read More...


BG, it all sounds good. I've been reading along, but not much to offer for some reason. It's great that your journey has progressed to peacefully rbing you to the point of considering this*for yourself* with no pressure or hinting from him- I love the sound of your T. He seem amazing form the posts I read from you. So glad you can consider leaving and trying your wings, with no pressure. Take your time- BBRead More...
I'm so glad that the longer session deal got worked out a bit more. I was surprised at how he reacted to it in session, so it was really great that you emailed for more clarification. I suspect there's going to be a lot of us who are T-less the week of the forth, yours truly included. Anyway, take care..thanks for keeping us updated. (((hugs)))Read More...
Well, I just got back from a session. I talked to my T about this and she had some opinions about it which I'm still digesting. She asked what you guys thought, since I told her I posted about it here. She agreed with the comments about showing compassion to myself, and that it was real and came from somewhere. She said the body is in a constant state of healing, and that its always good to let oneself feel. She didn't believe there was an absence of cognition, but just a division in my mind...Read More...

Failing at therapy

Puppet - thank you. I wish I intellectually understood how talking to someone would help me stop feeling terrible when I know there is rationally nothing wrong. I probably do not trust them when they tell me therapy can help and is proceeding as it should. It seems to me to be a bit like asking a butcher if it is okay to eat meat.Read More...
(((TN)))) I've had experiences like that too when my T doesn't show the emotion that I want him to show. We've started to discuss this but he hasn't given me any answers yet. IMO, it's an important discussion to have. My last therapist (she was wierd) would kind of pretend to ignore me and then say she didn't realize how much distress I was in. And, so with this T, I'm kind of like, did you get how distressed I was? You need to know how distressed I was. And I can't tell if you're not...Read More...


I do the exact same thing. I think I tend to see people as having only a certain amount of niceness or tolerance for me, so I avoid doing anything that would cause someone to do anything for me because it's like I'm draining a bank account that's already close to the red. And then I think I try to do something *at least* as equally giving (or whatever) because it's like I'm trying to cancel out the cost of what they gave to me. If that makes sense. I think the thing about someone doing...Read More...

triggered by drs

Dear JD, I'm so sorry you are facing something so scary, and an awful doctor to boot - you just don't need that and I wish I could MAKE everyone around you just take extra care at the moment. But I'm hugely impressed that through all this you are making such huge strides with containment and self-care. This is really beautiful to watch. Thank you for being brave enough to share this with us. I'm thinking of you and really hope you get just good, easy news from the docs from now on.Read More...