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Psychotherapy Classics


I was put on Seroquel when I went in-patient for 12 days last December. It was my "mood stabilizer" and due to it knocking me out cold, was taken at night. Within 30 minutes of taking it, I'd be out cold, literally. My dosage was 300/night. As soon as I started it my sleep was disturbed horribly. Bad nightmares, so vivid, like I was awake in my sleep. It was awful. I also got horrible SI once I was home for a few weeks. My P switched me from Seroquel 300 to Symbyax 6/12. The change was...Read More...

Tantrum with sweetP

Thanks LG and Yaku. I think that I said all that to him, with my hand on my mouth, giggling a lot, and really shocked that I was saying it at all but feeling utterly safe. SweetP is so safe. He was actually encouraging me: " Go on, S, please try and say more of this if you can." It was very lovely to be able to let off steam and not get shouted at. It was really kind of him. He KNOWS I am finding the holding issue really hard and has been asking me for over two months about how I feel about...Read More...


LG I agree with what DF said, I'm sure there are great things about her or you wouldn't be with her. But fwiw, I've been married 25 years and would never go through my husband's phone without permission, nor would he go through mine. Have to admit that it would be a red flag for me. AGRead More...

T returns from vacation update

Yaku, R2G, LG, Df and STRM, Thanks so much for the cheerleading. It's been hard but hopefully beneficial. T also told me that I have many core strengths, that I'm very determined and very motivated. That was really nice to hear. He made some nice eye contact when he apologized for being insensitive. Or maybe it was me who was finally able to allow the eye contact to happen. He also reiterated that there is no time line for me. He knows how far I am from reaching any of my goals in life but...Read More...
Thanks DF and LG for the hugs, I need them right now Great idea to jot down license plate numbers - I have a friend who is on the local police force, so she could easily run plates if need be. I also like the idea of talking to my friend and possibly his lawyer. I hate that this jerk is so intimidating - now that he's met me and seen my car, he could easily find me if he wants to which scares me even more. I want to say it's ironic that this looking-over-my-shoulder stuff is happening right...Read More...
Yaku, Getting triggered is so tough. To me, it's like having two realities in your head at a time but the one becomes so overwhelming and I lose the ability to sort things out. I was in a little car accident yesterday and as I was looking through my car for my insurance info, I got triggered. All I could hear was this voice, saying "you idiot, you're so f**king incompetent, who did you think you were to bring these four children into the world when you can't even keep your insurance info in...Read More...
Forlorn, I am sorry you are dealing with this. I know how painful a termination can be. I have read some of your older posts from last summer, and it seems as though you were feeling hurt by T all the way back then, about 9 months into your therapy. You talked about how she pressured you to talk, when really a T should be willing to sit in silence with you if that is what you need. You also mentioned that she told you that you weren't special to her, and there were other hurtful things. When...Read More...
Hi LG... this comment with Monte's comments on the other thread gave me the motivation to send him that email about bringing in stuff and also telling him again what I felt I needed to be in place before I could go on to the scarier stuff on the other side of the wall. I guess I needed to feel that he could offer me some of the warm fuzzies that help to ground me, make me feel more safe, and help with my emotional regulation. Especially because I have to get back to normal and go back to...Read More...


Hey Jane, I think we both suggested the same thing at different times, for the same reasons. Twins! I think I put it a bit harshly, saying it was a 'terrible' word. I certainly didn't mean any of us, including Jo, was terrible for using it. I've used it often myself. I just mean that without us intending it it conjures up these images of people who maybe have ill intent, which is very likely not true. So yes, as Beebs writes, I meant it (I'm sure JD did too) just as a musing for all of us.Read More...

my sessions are TOO long!

I feel that my view that 90 minutes is a good standard time and only run over when there is mega stuff being processed, has been affirmed here by you guys - so thankyou. I am not sure I will tell him because I look back and remember telling him before and it just gets awkward keeping on telling him and he is doing the lengthening of sessions in my best interests, but I have finished a session myself, I just get my shoes on and that signals " enough!"Read More...

New forum suggestion: a private General topics forum. What do you think?

My only issue with group PMs is that I'd hate to exclude opinions from people it just didn't occur to me to add right away. There are a lot of times my threads get great input from people who I wouldn't even have imagined could relate to the topic at hand (or maybe, because their own perspective is so different, it helps me see things outside of my box). That said, I do get how it would just suck threads out of the regular areas... So many good points...Read More...
Oh (((BB))) Greater love ... page two!!! sheesh!! Thanks my friend - you know I'm around and thinking of you but my care and hugs by post is all I can offer to you while you're going through such painful stuff! The insights, advice etc put forward by our forum family members is excellent so I don't worry on that account as there is plenty of support!! I'm sort of in a weird place that can only be described as putting one foot in front of the other - no major dramas - just an underlying...Read More...
Hey all, thanks for thinking of me! The sunburn is still there, only the patches have shrunk down considerably. It still itches like mad, and while it's not peeling, it's more like a lizard - molting in big, ugly patches. The doctor said that since it's a med reaction, I could be red in the burn spots for a few weeks I did find a swim shirt (the breathable 3/4 sleeve mock turtleneck type) that is SPF 50, so that takes care of most of the torso... I haven't been back to the pool yet, though,...Read More...

I'm sad

I hope you are doing ok today, incognito. I'm feeling sorry about the way my reply to you came out, because it didn't say what I intended, and on re-reading it just now, I realized I was writing a lot of it more to myself than to you...I am sorry about that. I need to be more careful posting, as I am in a bad place and should consider more careful before I write, lately. I meant what I said though about you being lovely and me liking you. I hope that is ok. hugs, BB I hope you are doing a...Read More...

What do YOU do?

Monte... reading this was so helpful to me (and I hope to you too MTF). I was thinking of how to get around that wretched wall that is blocking me from revealing more of me to my T and to get beyond the grief of oldT. I think show and tell is a great idea. I did some of this with oldT and it did not really go over too well but I think that had more to do with his incompetence than it being the wrong thing to do. I'd like to share things with my T like some old books, childhod pictures, old...Read More...
And that's what makes you wonderful SG my heart just melted when I read the situation between you and your daughter. It's the determination to be the best mother you can, along with the humbleness to know that no one will be perfect, that makes you a wonderful mom. I'm sorry to hear about the move. Those must be odd feelings to have and to try to process. Do you think she would be open to occasional updates? Like a card from you every once in a while. It might help, even if you don't keep in...Read More...

control and boundary violations

Oh gosh, thanks everyone for your very valuable perspectives and insights. I have to run out and don't have a lot of time to reply but wanted to tell you puppet that it didn't bother me in the least that you talked about you .. I like listening to other peoples stories and how they relate. It's interesting and helpful. I will be back later to reply more. Oh, by the way, in this vein, I told my T yesterday that I felt like a hamster on a wheel. He told me that he wants me to see myself as a...Read More...


(((((Frosty)))) good for you I am so proud of you! You did a great job and I'm glad that things ended on a positive note and with you in control. I think she said that because she clearly wants to hear from you sooner rather than later, and will be wondering how you are doing. I'm sorry I don't have more time, I will be back later on... hugs, BBRead More...