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Psychotherapy Classics

It's so great to read this, Jones- I'm glad for you. Manatee seems very caring and in tune. I too feel badly about the creative work and you feeling like it may not be the place to get that mentoring or validation that can b so motivational. But it is probably something that needs to be found within- I'm not sure. At any rate- I love the sound of the work you do together and you just seem like a really good "team." thanks for sahring- Love, BebeRead More...

Time to Know: Trust in Therapy

Thanks TN aand SG andJD and AG. I'm sorry I hijacked this little area, I didn't mean too. thanks for your reassurances. I'm hearing you but I find I just can't seem to take it in. I just keep thinking about it from my T's perpective, and what *he* would think, and he would think..."well, you made the decision to go, and now you are blaming me for not stopping you, when it very well may be in your best interests.." you know? I just...arg.Read More...
Oh, I wasn't meaning counter-transference in a negative way either, to tell you the truth. I was just reading an article on how important those feelings can be in certain therapeutic scenarios, as long as the T is aware of them and addressing anything that's not of therapeutic benefit, as you say.Read More...

T on vacation, I can't cope

Fly - I agree with R2G, that makes sense. The last two nights haven't been very good. For some reason I almost drift off to sleep and then I jerk awake worrying I won't wake up. I woke up twice during the night instead of sleeping through. I'm going to say this is related to my T being gone because I can remember suffering from the same problem after my grandmother died. I was scared I would die too if I went to sleep. It was probably unresolved grief (but for my current problem my T...Read More...

New forum suggestion (opps double posted! sorry. see other thread)

Learning2Fly ~ hi, I don't think we have "met" before. It's good to "see" you. I'm so sorry, totally messed up posting this thread... can you post your response on the other one? is that ok? so sorry again. I'd love to respond to what you have to say and thought it would be good to keep in one spot. sorry for goofing up this post...Read More...

Can't Express my Anger

Blackbird, thank you for your response. I do think expressing it makes the most sense, but it just doesn't seem to matter to my're right, it has been hard work. 11 years of hard work and I want to give up. I think that is why I can no longer express it, I think I have given up. I think I used to express it fine. You're right about physical ways....I need to get back on the treadmill. I know I feel better after a good jog on the treadmill. Stomping on pop cans would be great,...Read More...

T driving me home?

It is unusual to be offered a lift whilst one's T goes to get coffee, but it the t is a good T, there might be reasons that the T thought of that it would be a GOOD idea to do that, ie help you see him as a normal person. Also make you feel at ease. I guess only time will tell, like how you and he work together and how you look back on it, in years to come. Also I liked the T who offered a lift home, that was a real act of kindness and I am glad that it was accepted. Yea.Read More...

Seeking a new T

BB, I'm dwelling on what you said. I also forgot to say that no, I do not feel an attachment to my current T. What you are describing is what my 1st T was working on with me. We were working on assertiveness and saying to others what I need. I'm too non-confrontational. This new T was just there to help me through the transference. He never picked up where the last T left off and thats what I need now. I wish I had been more assertive when I got the boot. All I did was nod my head while my...Read More...
Thank you for your understanding Kashley. There is no need to be sorry for not posting more, we all have our own stuff to deal with and your support already has meant alot to I haven't been around or in the right place to offer others much. Thanks BB, I did have someone to talk to but she is so busy at the moment. I will be ok...this is all just another learning curve that I will get through. Thank you both for my hugs. ButterflyRead More...

response from a lurker

Thanks so much for your responses everyone... Jo, I did understand the context of your original post about "lurkers"... I suppose in a way, I felt a little guilty about reading your posts while not participating or sharing anything of myself if that makes any sense.... It is hard BG, but at the same time...i feel like a complete failure...thanks for your kind words. LG....yeah...think you were away at the time DF left if I remember correctly (glad she's back) Smiley...thank you BB, I'm doing...Read More...