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Therapy Mad Libs

Gender of your T: female Food: Chocolate Delight Magazine name: Mother Earth Adjective: Fresh air Location/Place: Homestead Noun: Stream Verb ending in ing: Fishing Type of Animal: Chickens Adjective: Feathers Noun: Eggs Adjective: Clucking Noun: Forest Noun: Shade Number: 50 Neutral/safe body part: Cheek Type of animal: Horse Neutral/safe body part: Neck Adjective: SoftRead More...

why does everything go wrong at the same time?

Thank you LL for your support. I appreciate that you could give me support even in the midst of your pain of being Tless again. I think you are right and my T is very good, accepting of me, not judging me and it doesn't seem to help me open up and talk to him about the things that are important to me. It also means that I don't think finding another T would help me I tend to think I am permamently damaged and I don't know what to do. In many ways I wish I hadn't started therapy. Now I'm so...Read More...


1.) What song makes you happy when you hear it? Which one makes you sad? Happy - Walking On Sunshine Sad - Against All Odds 2.) What quirky habits do you have? I rub my eyebrows. It's a self-soothing thing. But I've been doing it more the last few years, maybe due to more anxiety, and it's actually caused bare spots and abrasions. 3.) Do you have pictures on your walls? Which kind? Family, flowers, nature, photography, paintings...? Yes, but none of them go together. I've never been good at...Read More...
yaku, thanks for saying that. i think i need to keep thinking and to keep my options open at the moment. stoppers, yes, that is definetely a possibility. its a little hard to let go of her at the moment but when i get a better idea of what can and cannot work i will ask her that. TN, thank you for saying that, its so nice to feel welcomed and not judged here. i'm going to make an appointment with her in about 3 weeks, i just found out she's on holiday at the moment. but maybe thats better,...Read More...

Your Ts...5 qualities.

Oh my goodness. Your ex-counselor did not handle that well at all! I'm so glad your new T made you feel more comfortable with using the trash can, should you ever need it. I have this visual of you sitting on the bus holding that trash can. Wow! I can only imagine how that must have felt. So sorry you experienced that.Read More...

What animal is your T?

My T2 reminds me of a leprechaun. I know that's not technically an animal in the sense that this thread intended, but that's the most fitting description I can come up with. She's tiny, but full of fiesty energy. What she lacks in size, she makes up for in personality and charisma. She is sassy and quick-witted. Very opinionated and does not hesitate to call me out and challenge me. T1 reminds me of a cat. Or an old dog. Or a sleepy dolphin.Read More...


(((Frosty))) I agree that it sounds like a cold. I'm sorry. I know this must be really scary for you. I hope you're feeling better. I get panic attacks where it feels like I can't breathe and it is the scariest feeling ever.Read More...
Yaku, It sounds like you are very emotionally entangled in your T today. I hope your appointment goes well with him tonight. Hopefully he is not tired and worn out, but more importantly, please know that it is not your job to worry about T working so late. These are choices that he is making.Read More...


LG - Make it or Break It started up three weeks ago, I think? I try to DVR it (I don't usually make it up till 9 on Monday nights!) and then watch it, or I actually caught up on the last season watching the full episodes on Family Channel's websiteRead More...
What a revealing session. I think he made the right decision in self disclosing as it is part of the reason why he has messed up with you twice and I loved your power dressing, will remember that if I need it. I think he certainly realised he had to eat humble pie and appropriately. Well done. I am impressed actually. With you and with him for being well and truly able to apologise and admit what a F*CK up he did. He is really able to accept that and take it on board and he did not seem to...Read More...

Easter and feeling sad

Jane, hope its ok if I bump this thread. My Easter was kind of weird for me too. I woke up Sunday, and unexpectedly, what I remembered was an Easter morning 23 years ago. My father was beating my sister, who was 2 years old, still in diapers. I don't remember what she did to trigger his rage, but he was whipping her, and then screaming at her to shut up and stop crying (how could she? she was shuddering just trying to get a breath between sobs). Then he started shaking her violently because...Read More...
She bills my trust fund and they pay all of my bills promptly. It sort of rubs me the wrong way that she is asking for my SS#. She is making $600 a week from me and is paid on time. She doesn't have to hassle with insurance or worry about a limited number of appointments. I'm not sure why on earth she could possibly need my SS#. And I was clearly hesitant in giving her my SS#. I asked her, "Why do you need it?" and then after she responded I said, "Um......." hoping she would jump in and say...Read More...

what helps with anxiety?

For me,if it's anxiety that comes unexpectedly, I try to "still" my system. I use a technique my Yoga teacher taught me. I place one hand on my stomach, and the other hand on my chest over where my heart area. I breathe into my stomach until I can feel it inflate with my breath. It really helps me settle. There is something about having your hand on your heart that seems to calm it down. I guess it's kind of like when a child is really upset and you put your hand on their back. Feeling your...Read More...
Thanks for checking in, TN. I sent him just a single text today to say I'm tentatively reestablishing the thread and projecting that he was glad to be rid of me and frustrated to be receiving my texts again and that feeling that way hurts. So, it is reestablished, but I am not feeling the need to send him anything else, which is relieving. That way, I am not avoiding him out of trying to manage HIS boundaries and not contacting him in desperation just to get by (which is OK once in a while,...Read More...
Thanks, LG. I'd love to see what you come up with. I need to pick a representation for T. It is still being written in my head faster than I can write it down myself. So far, I have: Mom = Sorceress who turns into a witch Dad = (False) prophet Grandma (mom figure) = Oracle People who did bad stuff = Dark creatures (not too much differentiating as I don't have it in me to dwell on each of these people individually) High school teacher whose care kept me from killing myself (also a...Read More...

T Search :(

I do remember this thread. The feeling of being a porcupine resonates with me....I am pretty sure the T I met Friday hates me already. It is exhausting to think about the effort it will take for a new T to know me. Seems impossible. Thank you for your kindness, TN. I am sorry I can't write more. Having trouble forming a thought. seaRead More...

Complaint against the ex C

She was clever in that everything that she wrote down makes her look impeccable, and there are no guidelines on the ethics code for the BACP for termination or referall. It DOES say she should have referred me to someone which she didn't. I am working on it. I don't hold out much hope. You have a real case with your ex T though.Read More...