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Psychotherapy Classics


DF - Late here, but just wanted to say that I have definitely felt what you are describing. Every time I think I have conquered it, it comes back later or in a slightly different form. Sometimes, I experience it as being almost mechanical, sub-human in a way. I sometimes feel like I am just some input-output machine and depending on what other people invest in me, it goes through a series of calculations and puts out a result, but there is no real connection between me and those who are...Read More...


I've never had a drug addiction but was married to someone who was an addict. Recently I was complaining about how he used drugs to numb his emotions. My T2 said, "Does that sound familiar?" and then I realized she was referring to my eating disorder. Hit me like a ton of bricks when she held that mirror up.Read More...


good thread! Draggers ~ I love the Dave Barry quote! "The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart." ~ Hellen Keller “The friend who can be silent with us in a moment of despair or confusion, who can stay with us in an hour of grief and bereavement, who can tolerate not knowing... not healing, not curing... that is a friend who cares.” ~ Henri Nouwen "I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to...Read More...

just sayin' hello

Hi Jill Lovely to hear from you and wonderful to hear so much good news. Thanks for updating us. That's just awesome about being approached to show your art, I hope it goes well. I hope you continue to enjoy all this progress. AGRead More...


This is really difficult. I haven't had to live with siblings in so long and the last time I did, my older sisters were already out of the house for quite a while and my younger siblings are much younger 10, 11 and 16 years younger, so I was more like their mother. The best way I've found to deal with family conflict in general is to choose not to participate when things start to get to an unhealthy place. I'll use an example with my mother, because she is actually the least mature one in...Read More...

I wish T would just answer a question UPDATED after session

I just wanted to tell you all about my session. I did go to it and it was akward and difficult for the first half. T was talking about the parts of my email that we've already discussed. I was frustrated because I thought he was avoiding the touch conversation but I couldn't say anything about it. Eventually he asked me how affectionate my parents were when I was child which broached the topic of touch. He told me that he never assumed that a handshake was okay with a client but that he was...Read More...

Out of step

Hey Jones, It's amazing how many different interpretations can be made about one sentence/scenario isn't it! I guess that's one of the wonderful things about this community - the sharing of perspectives!! I hope you're doing okay Jonesy! Have to go now - Morgs is being 'social' today (almost unheard of outside the office) and having her one friend in this town for Good Friday lunch!! Woo hoo!!! xx MRead More...

Easter Fun

There's no one I'd rather be "stalked" by than you, feathery Beebers so "stalk" all you want! I'll return the favor eventually Starfishy!!! It's like old home week. Nice to see you too! Hugs all around...wishing lots of Easter goodness to all SGRead More...


((((df))) i don't have any real words of advice. i have struggled with this at times. one thing that helps me shift my thinking, or at least my actions, is remembering this: others need me to say no. (and they do) they need to you to take care of you, they will be ok if you say no (even though they may say otherwise) and for you to not enable stuff. they need you to say no, have boundaries... that kind of stuff. (not all the time - but when you are trying to make such a shift, saying no at...Read More...
Yeah, I agree with you Kashley- it's because what we talk about is so deep, and because so many people are in distress, and because we understand the distress and need of support since we are in the same place ourselves. That being said- I think Frosty has the right approach- we should all very naturally do what we feel like doing and are able to do and not feel guilty about that. One of the benefits of having so many posters here, is that at some point everyone eventually (hopefully) gets...Read More...
DF - Thanks for understanding. I'm less concerned with him shifting boundaries than finding a way to feel connected (whatever the configuration is) and then disconnect safely. He did, at least, affirm that he saw my asking for that as a VERY positive thing, of me trying to be responsible for taking care of myself...and then proceeded to try to take care of the situation in a way that excluded me. I think he must have had an off-day, attunement wise. I also wonder if he's got some...Read More...

need help

Hello Chance Not sure what you mean by maladaptive daydreaming, but if you think talking to someone would help, mention it to your family. There are other things as well like True North says, and you can always do those in conjunction with therapy. Therapy can be hard work but it can be useful to have someone from outside your immediate circle to talk with. Keep checking in on here and let us know, I have not always posted but there is always something in posts here, someone who will replyRead More...
I think I can answer this one 1. Wearing one of my "special" necklaces - the ones that have sweet meaning behind them (gifts, or memories of when I purchased them.) I fiddle with it all day long and each time I touch my necklace, I feel the memory of it fill me. 2. My student's smiles - no matter how crabby I am, they compliment me on the simplest things and smile, and I melt. 3. The ultra-soft cuddle-fleece blanket I made myself a few weeks ago - I've been snuggling with it every night for...Read More...

Resistance/Feeling STUCK

Hello Quilter. This sounds like an awful place to be in, that you're going to therapy to get/feel better and yet find yourself in opposition to the very person who is supposed to be helping you. Here's a couple of questions just to clarify: Is it possible you actually don't like your T? I've had Ts in the past where just who they were as a person really rubbed me up the wrong way, no matter how kindly or willing to listen to me they were, I found myself getting more and more resistant and...Read More...