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Psychotherapy Classics

Jones - I don't think you oversimplified. I think you made a very valid point from the content of my posts. I think my tendency to process in writing stems from my inability to recall anything in person. I sometimes blank so hard I feel like I am not even in the room. My writing is a way for T to not have to play 20 questions with me to get me to talk at all. I don't want to sit there for an hour and waste $125 with him saying, "Well, how about things with your Mom? No? What about marriage...Read More...
Yaku, these are really big decisions... and I will be praying for you! I've done a little bit of both working and staying home. I much prefer staying home, and with two kids any amt of time I could work would likely cancel itself out after daycare etc. The beautiful thing is kids are resilient... and so she would be fine in the right care, and you might feel happier contributing to the finances. I think every mom has to do what works best for her, because if mama aint happy aint nobody happy...Read More...

not sure why I feel like this

Thanks STRM. It feels like my body is going through all this stuff and my mind is just giving up and checking out - and then going too fast - and I hope I can find some middle ground soon. Thanks so much for the encouragement. ~~~ hmmm, I wonder if this is why my Ts steadiness is so helpful and grounding for me right now. It's such a contrast to the roller coaster I feel like I am on. The more steady and present she is, the easier it is to just hang on through the pain somehow. hanging for...Read More...
Thanks LG and STRM, we're going to still TRY for tomorrow morning, but he is not 100% sure whether his schedule will permit. If that doesn't work out, then probably some time on Saturday. I'm secretly happy to know a little bit more about his family. Not anything weird or too personal, but he is seeming more human to me right now.Read More...

i want a do over

Incognito, I agree that your daughter must feel really safe with you to say all of that to you. It sounds like you handled it well. I'm sorry your session didn't go well and you felt like you weren't able to talk about what you needed to. I've been there and it sucks. I'm sure your T would welcome any discussion regarding how the session went. I hope the next one is better!Read More...
I didn't react or say anything when she made the comment about Facebook. I wish I had said something about it though, but in the moment I remember thinking I wanted to appear unaffected by it. She can't see my wall, so all she can see is my bio, etc. Not sure why she would have looked me up on Facebook. I don't really care that she did, I'm more just curious why???Read More...
I didn't get a chance to read all the messages, but got the point that many of you took what I wrote about hugs in a negative context. Let me clear the air - that was not what I was saying at all. It struck me how people can see what isn't there based on their personal outlook and the day they are having. I have ALWAYS made it my intention to be positive on this forum and have never criticized the help I have received. In fact it was me who actually ASKED for a hug from you and got them!Read More...
Awww LG, thanks. It's funny. Sometimes he tells me how lucky he is to be with me, to be married to his best friend, to have such a great mom for his daughter, etc. And sometimes he is complete @$$ and acts like I do nothing, like I obviously don't care about him and he wishes I realized it a year ago and left him then. But, 99% of the time I talk with T, T can't stop talking about how thankful H is to be with me. So, I wonder if T believes that H ever acts negatively toward me. Also, I...Read More...

Meh, don't want to go.

BB - Actually, usually, he is very client directed. And usually I can say nothing at all unless he picks a topic. However, he always tries very hard to get me to do it. I think that is why he reads my journals. Literally, this guy has read over 140 pages of 1.15 spaced typed work (though some are charts) in eight months, and most of it is since December. He actually says he "loves" my journaling, and it's so good, he thinks I should find a way to organize it into a book, because my words and...Read More...

Small successes

Thanks everyone! Mayflower - that is so incredible that you were able to do something so effective to keep yourself safe and healthy. And extra kudos for doing it after your first day at a new job. Wow! Jane - that's so hard, making yourself be social when you really, really don't want to. You're brave for going out anyway, and I'm so glad that you had a nice time. Thanks for sharing your experiences...all of it helps me focus on the baby steps I'm trying to take, and I'm sure it helps...Read More...
Hi PF, I'm sorry I didn't respond sooner...I needed to "recover" a bit after my session yesterday. We didn't discuss anything about what I've said here on the thread, but that's partly a good thing, since it means I'm still working on giving the relationship time to build and for my trust to build before I say much else about my coping mechanisms. Ugh. A food diary sounds dreadful, although I'm sure the day will come when my T will ask me to keep one as well. Ok, I lied. We did talk about...Read More...