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Psychotherapy Classics

Jones: "I also think there are many important reasons a therapist will say 'hey, it's time to look at the relationship', and there are many complex things that happen inside clients when they do say that - including our avoidant attachment patterns." I think this applies to my situation. It helps to have words on it. Excellent points, Jones and TN and STRMS- You guys know that I'm dealing with this kind of issue in my therapy right now. My take has been that it's just not the same for every...Read More...


apparently my grandfather, whom I never knew- was well-acquainted with Walt Disney and even received some valuable gift from him of a couple of the first frames of "Snow White!" I wish I had them now, to pay for all my therapy expenses...ahhh...unlimited sessions! Say hello to Walt for us, BG!Read More...

Happy Birthday, R2G!!!

Thank you everyone! The showcase was spectacular - all the kids were absolutely amazing and I was so proud of them! The birthday was... My students made it very special by having a little surprise party for me, which was very sweet. It was kind of sad, though, that while I put on a happy face for them and all their efforts (ten year olds planning a party and keeping it a surprise is a challenging feat!) I really could not let their joy in. Worked on it with my T and have uncovered some yucky...Read More...


Yaku, I struggle with asking for too much too. And, I worry about my T moving things around for me to accommodate me. It feels like too much. But the truth of the matter is, that I am so flooded right now, like you, and I really need the extra emotional support. I feel so much better knowing it's in place. My life runs smoother. It's one less thing to worry about. I am so glad you asked for what you wanted even though it was hard to do and it's hard to accept!!!Read More...


How did I miss out on all the fun going on in here? good thing my fam is in bed, I'm laughing pretty hard at some of your comments! anybody read the book "potatoes not prozac?" Eggs are gooooood, LG. What's wrong with the yolks? but seriously...pickle relish in deviled eggs? It can't be. DF, if you are laying in bed awake, worrying about your eggs...I suggest you do the crepe thing. mmmmmmmmm. Roll it up, with bacon and cheese. (BB impersonates Homer Simpson gargling...)Read More...
Thanks, STRM. I'm doing OK now. I realized even if I don't get to talk to T, our family is doing dinner with our pastor's family tomorrow night. If H is up for putting our daughter to bed again, I may take separate cars and hang out and talk with them a while. It has been a while since I updated them on how things are going (other than brief responses to them checking in on me).Read More...
Hi Liese, This is actually a really complex question - it's not surprising it feels confusing. Does your T tell you directly that he doesn't bring up issues unless the client brings them op themselves? There could be all kinds of reasons why a T would deal only with the presenting problem: 1) They don't know there are other problems (remember Ts are *not* psychic, despite sometimes seeming that way) 2) They don't feel the client is ready to look at the bigger/deeper problems 3) They feel the...Read More...

Advice for a newbie

Thanks for all the replies. The session was today. I am still very tearful- still very mixed. I asked about seeing him privately and he said he isnt allowed to see ones privately that he has seen else where- kind of as I thought I managed to pluck up the courage to ask him about the best type of therapy for abuse and he has said face to face stuff- he said that would obviously have to be with someone I trusted - which I used as lead in to ask about his private practice. I dont think the fact...Read More...

they said I don't deserve treatment

I'm so glad the mediator affirmed that you deserve to be treated better! I am sorry it is such an unnecessarily complicated process and that the insurance company seems to see this as an opportunity to undermine you further. I hope as you recover from the stress of the experience, you will be able to hold onto the fact that objectively, YOU DESERVE TO BE TREATED WITH RESPECT and you deserve the care you are receiving. The fact that you were able to make it through this meeting shows that you...Read More...

My H Said ....

((Liese)), I don't have anything to add, just wanted to say we're in the same boat with our Hs. Mine is scared I'm going to grow and later abandon him, but he doesn't want to work on himself in therapy. He thinks he knows his own issues and can work on them himself. It makes me sad, and I too feel like you do about leaving them behind. But we have to do what's best for ourselves and realize that we each have our own work to do, and we can't force it on others to do their work. They have to...Read More...
Thanks, BG - I really do need to learn how to stand up for myself. That is why I like going to GP. She makes me feel safe to assert my own opinions. Liese - Thanks so much for asking after me. That's very sweet! I have a separate thread with the details in Personal Accounts section, but I am just spent right now. I feel like I don't have any more to give, but the toddler I watch is coming over soon, so I will have to find something in myself to offer these precious little ones.Read More...
I often give my T thank yous. Only once or twice have I been able to muster my ability to say those words directly to him in a heartfelt way, for the depth of everything he is giving. However, when he said he would like to see my journals, I started writing little prefaces to the journal entries I email and including a quick little blurb that is a direct note to him, and usually express my deep thanks for how considerate and careful he is with me. Sometimes I text thank yous as well. These...Read More...


Ag, I can see how it seems as though much of the convo was about Ts feelings. In her defense, I started the convo by stating, "I would like to discuss how things went during our last session and I'm wondering how you are feeling about things now?" I intentionally made an effort throughout the convo to check in with her and not just make it about me because it was important for me to know how she was feeling. Typically, I do not feel that she makes the therapy about her. However, I do still...Read More...

Friday Fun

Hi again, Thank you all for the encouragement about sharing more and I really do intend to but there's been a lot of grief associated with both the memory I processed and leaving my T which stands in sharp contrast to how incredibly good the session was and all the positive things that came out of it. So I am struggling to process all of my emotions. I don't want to write about all the grief and give the impression that things are bad. On the other hand, if I talk about all the good stuff, I...Read More...

T is pushing me again

Based on my very limited knowledge of the session, I respectfully disagree. Therapists are trained to be very conscious of their demeanor, voice and tone in response to clients. It sounds to me like she was being callous on purpose, like she was trying to stir you up, to get you to question your fears in the first place. The reason is probably because you did try to get over your phobias by sampling some of the foods you're scared of, but then you went back to not eating them again - your T...Read More...
Thanks Jones- you really get it. I appreciate this so much. Yes, yes yes. I think I am going to try the pillow punching thing, next time. I am going to whale the hell out of those suckers. I used to kick my dryer, but that gets my kids too scared as it is so loud, so I better not do that.Read More...

Someone else has my session

Oh Daisy, I am glad you contacted your T and that he responded so quickly! This really is NOT a trivial thing - I think any of us would feel let down by what happened with your appt time. And this might be just my own stuff, but especially when another client comes into the mix. Please ignore if it doesn't apply to you, but I get VERY TERRITORIAL with my T when it comes to the "others." I also know that embarassed or sometimes guilty feeling that creeps in after contacting T. Please try to...Read More...
Morning all, Quick update - the rash has stopped spreading and stopped itching. I still have the hives and such, but they are starting to fade. I'm hoping it was simply the meds and it will all be gone soon. Now, I just have to make it til Thursday so I can get something new. Happy (argh) Monday!Read More...