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Psychotherapy Classics

ack! ack!! update-

I used to share all my thoughts and feelings with my h. I learned that it is not a good thing for me to do, as he gets absorbed into me. What I am looking for now is for my h to become his own person, and not need me to make him feel ok about himself. I want it to become a strong and loving adult relationship. Right now that means ignoring a lot of my h's pleas silent and not so sielnt, for me to be dishonest or fused into him. I think...but that's me. My h is...different from most men. Very.Read More...


Sometimes for me LG it's that there is something I want to talk about but can't or don't have the thoughts organized enough in my head and I'm hoping T will pull them out of me. But you could be onto something with her break coming up. Maybe it's not an intentional thing on her part. Or maybe, you are sad because you will miss her?Read More...

dreams about T

I have lots of dreams about T1. I've only had two dreams about T2. The first dream I broke into her garage and organized it for her. In the second dream, we went on a field trip to a rug factory that she apparently owned.Read More...
Interesting poll. Right now, I'm home with my daughter, but also doing childcare for another toddler, so it's like being a teacher, kind of, on a small scale. Most of my career has been in Admin work, because I like helping/supporting people and I tend to aim well below my abilities in order to have sure success (seriously, you can imagine how embarrassing the question, "Oh, you went to Stanford, what do you do for a living?" is when you answer, "Admin" or "Childcare." I know these are...Read More...
Just found out that my T is "95% sure" we'll be meeting on Tuesday night, not Monday night. Wish he could have this stuff figured out in advance, but he has to wait for other clients to get back to him. Feeling so triggered about having to wait two more days to see him. It's RIDICULOUS to feel this way. Managed to wait my way through some bad inclinations, but they're still not going away as of yet...kind of building on me and writing, distracting myself isn't working so far. I'm surrounded...Read More...
I think you made a great decision in the end. I know it's super hard to tell of SI. It will help. The more you talk about it, the more your T can help, and the easier in the long run it will be to beat it. I think it is pretty unlikely your T will think you are making it up for attention or anything like that. You shouldn't feel ashamed. You were honest and authentic, and seeking help and healing - all very wonderful things. Try to be kind to you, althought I know it is super hard to risk...Read More...


Sorry. I didn't need to drag out anything difficult. Thanks for the empathy and information. No, I'm not on meds of any kind. H doesn't want me on them, because he's worried they might increase my bad thoughts. I actually have annihilation fears about meds making me "not me" anymore, so while I considered them when T gave the option, I ended up choosing not to see the Dr.Read More...


Yes, you are reading too much into that, PF. I think she was trying to get you to see that there are always options available to you. Ts seem to have this incessant need to make sure we at all times are making a conscious decision to be coming to therapy with them, that we don't feel pressured or forced, etc. She just wants you to be aware that you are making a choice to be there, that even though its difficult at times, therapy with her is where you want to be.Read More...


Hi Yak thanks for your answer, you are right it is all I talk about these days. I went through a big trauma three years ago (stalked) and she was there for me then and since and it is just lately that she doesn't want me to talk about any of it, that I should just pull myself together and get on with my life. What life? BB I can't pretend, I am not well enough. I am not callng much either. LG, yes she is punishing at times. It is her way or the highway and always has been. No I am not sure,...Read More...


Halo, I'm so sorry to hear about the regrets. It isn't your fault. I know about ect, not from personal experience, I'll admit, but from a friend- who ended up much more depressed afterwards- it really did a number on this person- but people pressured him to do it when he was really vulnerable, and in need of his attachment figure who was leaving him- so he listened to his attachment figure, his son- and did it, because he kind of had no choice anymore. It is very hard when we get really...Read More...


Congrats on the removing the emotional blockage that allowed the tears to develop! That's huge growth! This is good awareness. Maybe share that with your T, if you haven't already? Whatever it was, good, good, good work! (((((LG)))))Read More...

Spouses and Therapy

I mean- he needs to accept that he has wounded you deeply, and try to find an attitude of repentance for that wounding inside. Not just you- he has to do it too. But it's difficult, and exhausting and painful work. It should be the same for him, as you. Not just you carrying the whole burden. but both of you sharing it. So says my T anyway.Read More...


When I go silent, T sometimes makes suggestions or asks questions to get me to describe what is going on in my head. I get pretty embarrassed that I sometimes have to say I don't know or it seems like literally nothing...or worse, that I am incapable of putting words to the thoughts and feelings kicking around in there. I have told him how much I hate myself for silent, unproductive sessions, so he tries to gently push, which really is what I want from him. I just wish I knew how to break...Read More...

Is it normal for therapy to make you feel worse at first?

Thanks for asking, TN. I had my session last night...unless you mean the phone session, which I am still waiting to have scheduled. Last night's session, I just felt I couldn't get across to him how heavy the transference stuff is and its interference with daily functioning. I texted/emailed him about it and now he's offering a phone session, so I'm assuming there is stuff we need to talk about. Though, that might be because I told him I'm seriously considering quitting right now...I just...Read More...

Eye Contact with T

Debbye, how interesting that you got a feedback sheet from your T! I think that would make me feel both self-conscious but also kind of special that my T was paying attention to things. How sneaky that he wasn't telling you that he was doing that! Huh. AG, your final story about your T saying that he could still see you was a great one. Thanks for sharing that. It does make me feel like you two really have a connection (usually my T's attempts at humor at me are failures--except one time I...Read More...