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Psychotherapy Classics


Hi ab, Hmmmm, it sounds like you are really torn about this T and whether you want to continue. I will tell you how I read her comment and you can see if maybe this fits for you. If not, toss it out! I read it as her saying that like the old Christmas ornament, she will always be there. Every year you put that tree up and the ornament is there even though you didn't take it out all year. So, I think what she perhaps meant (and I'm just guessing here) is that even if you take a long break,...Read More...

am i alone in this?

Hi Jane, You are not a weirdo and you are not alone...I too find it really hard accepting praise or having people be nice to me even though I really want to be able to accept it. I agree with your T that it is about learning to receive the good from others. Hope your hand heals quickly. Hugs ButterflyRead More...

depression and medication questions

HI, I have resisted anti-depressants for years. I currently take a very low dose of Wellbutrin, I wonder if it is doing anything. I also take a low dose of Trazadone at night to sleep. I used to have Prozac added into the mix as well, but i stopped taking everything in the spring and i have found it hard to get back onto the Prozac because of stomach upset. I would suggest giving it some time, even 4 weeks to start, which i know seems like a hard thing to do but it takes your body sometime...Read More...


I think my T has maybe 15 based on the days he works and that I'm his first client of the day on Tues and Thurs. I wonder what he would say if I asked him.Read More...

In a tailspin

Thanks STRM and Jane. I've had other times where I don't feel real in the moment either. I had another session today and it happened a bit then, too. Just everything in general feels a little disorienting right now. T suggested I sit somewhere with an armrest I can grab on to and literally hold it to have something steady when everything else isn't. I felt a bit like a mess in session today. Just kept apologizing and then going quiet because I found it so hard to express anything. T was very...Read More...
I would email OldT usually every other week until those last few weeks when I was in panic and fear and then I emailed him maybe twice a week and called once. I would rarely call him previously to those last 5 weeks because he was lousy on the phone. Most times I would hang up more upset than before. He was much more reassuring via email. I texted him only a few times... like maybe 5 times in the 3 years. He initiated some of those texts to me. He would also initiate emails sometimes. NewT...Read More...

humorous things, in looking back, that i have had to have 'fixed' by my t...

cool thread, Jill! One thing that T had to "fix" with me is that there was this one guy who I had gone out with and liked, but then when I went to his house after a few more dates I saw that he had five cats and that freaked me out so I broke things off. So she is trying to get me to "take a closer look at what (I) find attractive in potential mates". because is it really dealbreaker if someone has 5 cats? Funny thing is that about a month later, I found out that T has 6 cats!!!! LOL No...Read More...

what are 'the RULES' in therapy???

liese, yes, i told her the validation issue is one that needs addressed daily, the minimization was how i kept my sanity for so long, but, now, 'it' needs to be recognized and explored in therapy, and, hopefully, put to bed. strm, yes, i have felt the same way...'that i could have written them' with some of your posts...a sister in therapy, for sure. that 'bringing it up in the moment' is going to be new, and already, toward the end of the appt i felt a little 'something' i should have...Read More...

I think my T is giving up on me

Hey Monte, Lovely post, Monte. So sweet. I want to ask him more about the ornament. Maybe I will tomorrow. And maybe he'll tell me I'm not a big jerk. When I saw it, I thought he put it there, right in my view where I typically gaze and comment on things, just to torment me, to see how I might react. Why can't I see it as a nice gesture? If only I could stop the insecurity. Always been a problem. If only insecurity was attractive. Who said that, Holly Hunter??? Anyone remember that movie?Read More...

So angry could explode me and her.

Well it was nothing like I was afraid it would be, my return to therapy. I talked openly and honestly about my feelings during the break then as I spoke I stopped myself and said "Oh, oh, I'm not just talking about you and missing you am I", T said "go on", and then I begun to talk about my early abandoment days, and couldnt believe I had gone back into one of those flashback places again and not been aware of it, it feels so real at the time, It felt like the realness of seeing T again...Read More...
My T does allow texts, phone calls to her cell, and emails, but she also can take a considerable amount of time to reply. Sometimes she replies within a few minutes. Other times it may be 7 hours later. She welcomes the texts and encourages me to send them to keep her updated on my crazy life so that we don't have to spend the entire next session going over all that has happened but can focus more on processing. I don't mind that she can take a long time to reply to a text. it can be...Read More...


frosty I'm a bit late I know. How hard for you to have your dad going for in-patient treatment but I guess the short term treatment will hopefully help him long term, so it will be worth it frosty. I'm glad that there is somewhere he can be helped ...and that sounds a niceish place too ...that might be easier and less stressful for you than the difficult times you've had at home recently. Frosty I am really glad of that, that must be a huge relief for you (((((frosty)))), I have experienced...Read More...

I gave me T a Christmas present and now feel like a big Jerk!!!

Hi Frog and TN, So glad you liked the post, Frog. My T always says there is always hope. And, he has given me hope. What a beautiful gift! And I want to tell you all that for the first time in a long time I don't feel like dying. I'm still not overly optimistic about the future and I have a lot of work to do. But I guess what I am trying to say is that I do feel ((((((HOPE)))))) for the first time in a long time. So the message for all of you out there who are still struggling and can't...Read More...
Well Jones! - what can anyone say? You're right - there are two people in this *relationship* with so many dynamics in play . However if, after talking this out in your head (cognitively) and no doubt busting your gut feeling it out heaps (emotionally) and sussing it our here in our community!!! you still feel it doesn't work for you - move on my friend (but leave a tiny door open, just in case ) Go gently with yourself ((Jones)) MorgsRead More...
(((Halo))) I'm sorry you still have another week to go and it feels so hard. I understand about needing that routine. I feel like my routine has been off for the entire past month and I'm anxious to get back into it as well. It helps when the routine is at least stable and something I can predict. There is enough unpredictable stuff without it being all a mess too! I hope this last week passes quickly for you. Keep posting as much as you need to. We are here.Read More...

family stuff

(((((Jane)))))), I'm sorry that your mother can be so difficult to deal with. She sounds like a toxic person and I can see why you wouldn't want to talk to her on the phone. I think that an alternative to giving people ultimatums is to set boundaries for how you like to be treated and then give that person the option to either respect and honor those boundaries....or they can choose not to. Remember you cannot control other people, you can only control your reactions to them. Instead of an...Read More...


I agree with Catnip here. If by argue you mean outright arguing over something then the answer would be never. If by argue you mean that we have a misunderstanding or other type of rupture where things need to be worked through and clarified then probably every few months.Read More...

I'm afraid of being alone tonight

I made it through NYE, but unfortunately not new years night. Drank most of the day my anxiety was still high. I feel so ashamed, but I did SI last night. My T is back tomorrow so maybe I can talk with him...I dont even want to tell him about it...YuckRead More...