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new year's resolutions...(someone had to do it!)

a friend forwarded this to me, after we spent new years eve discussing many of these same issues. it is from a Christian perspective. one line..."I determine to spend more time with those who encourage and support me than with those who are negative or bring me down."...really hit home. hope you enjoy, jill BRINGING IN THE NEW YEAR By Paul Meier, M.D. As a Christian Psychiatrist, I surprise a lot of my clients or radio and TV "family" by saying that I do not believe in making New Year's...Read More...

please no more. (hurting, at my limit, but safe)

Marsh, True North, kashley, STRM, starfish - i read your messages last night and fell asleep in tears. it was the worst night and time in a long time. your messages and encouragement and thoughts and responses helped A LOT. thank you so much. (btw, Marsh - the suggestion to go find youtube videos was a good one - it was about all my fried brain could do, and it didn't cheer me up, but it did distract me and help me withstand the pain longer... one video at a time...) my T called me back...Read More...

crime shows and nightmares

wow - thanks everyone! your responses and all the conversation on this has helped me feel a lot better about this. I just thought I was so alone and so weird and stuff about this. I have two safe friend who know I avoid any very triggery movies. I have walked out of a few and just asked to go see another (and have always had movie theaters be very accomodating - just saying I can't see that, it's too much, I need to see something else...and with the cost of movies...) I don't understand flat...Read More...


Hugs to you, PF! Sorry you are having a rough time. Hang in there! These holiday seasons can be dreadful....almost over and our Ts will be back and life will resume to "normal" very soon!Read More...
Hey, Cat... that is so wonderful. First that he took responsibility and did not get defensive. Then he was willing to "hear" you and allowed the session to go even deeper. He did not back away and neither did you! So Congrats on that one. You did a lot of really good work with him today. And it was also good that he didn't charge you for the session. It does help a lot when you repair so well after a disruption in therapy. When the T allows you to actually see his care for you and to feel...Read More...

I'm sabotaging...

JD, I have to agree with the others. When i get in these moods I tell myself that I can only do one thing a day. I then do it and the next day I do the same. baby steps is good. I find if I look at the whole picture it becomes overwelming and then I just want to run. I hope this helps. PGRead More...
MH, It is ok, I really wasn't offended. I actually was more confused than anything. It did make me do some head scratching to try and remember when and where I had said that to you. No harm has been done. I deleted my post as well so don't worry, accidents happen. I am sorry that you are having a rough time right now. Please don't stop posting.Read More...
Hi Russ... You've gotten some great feedback here and I don't have much to add except that I want to say BRAVO to you for standing up to your Dad and shaking things up a bit. And yes I imagine it feels way uncomfortable to do that but I think it was a really important step for you. As for those long buried feelings....I think I knew mine were there sort of behind a door that was bulging out but that had some strong locks on it. I started to let them out very very slowly. I started with oldT...Read More...

The waiting is the worst

3 1/2 more days til I see T in session. Is that a light I see at the end of the tunnel???? Or is it another train coming down the tracks?? Hi Moomin, Welcome to the forums. Sorry you are having a hard time while your T is gone! Debbye (((((( )))))) I know its not the same but we all care about you too!!Read More...

panic attack/I'm upset w/T

I can see why you would be frustrated and upset with T, Lizzygirl. I can see how it would feel a bit like he was dismissing you, rejecting you, not really wanting to help. A different way of looking at it, however, might be that he believes you are strong and intelligent and that you have within you the capacity to overcome any obstacle or challenge. Even though right now you feel dependent on him, he knows that it is actually YOU doing the work in therapy and that is YOU who will carry you...Read More...


DF, I am interested in knowing if this works for you as well. I certainly hope so. Sorry for being so late in responding. I have been jumping around to try to catch up with all the post. But, I do want you to know that I have been thinking about you!!Read More...

is true core 'change' really possible??

Hi Jill Honestly Jill I can't give an answer and doubt anyone can What can I say here but if the meds help stay with them, why put yourself through more pain without them? Well, at 50 (+12) I understand your doubt and your feelings so well - I guess because of returning to therapy (after 35 or so years) I'm **very** slowly, cognitively, trying to come to terms with the fact that, for me, some of these things will not change, and, in some ways also, that's my choice and what I need to learn...Read More...
TN, For the same reason there are lousy auto mechanics and bad dentists and idiot doctors and jackass college professors who can't form a complete sentence. Just because you have a degree and a license it doesn't mean you have any business being in your business. Right, because this guy actually knows how to do therapy. I really don't think oldT did, and it wouldn't surprise me if oldT did have a breakdown. You may laugh at this idea, but that man may find himself in an even worse position...Read More...
Hugs Ruby, that is a lot of stuff you have been going through. I remember thinking that my Old P wanted me to kill myself so he wouldn't have to deal with me anymore.....I also felt that I was failing therapy too. I think we put the negative emotions and feelings that we grew up with onto our Ps and think that they are feeling and thinking the negative things that our parents and others in our past did. So if in the past your parents made you feel like a lost cause and a failure then it...Read More...
Hi Sweetpea, I am so sorry you are having such a difficult time currently. Being ripped apart inside is so descriptive of just how you are feeling. Just keep coming here to talk with all of us so we can support you while waiting for your T to come back. You are not a failure!! Just a person that is struggling right now. Take it easy on yourself and take care,Read More...


DF- GOOD LUCK with your group therapy today!! (have you went allready? if so, how did it went?) I hope that seing the group again today, gave you the very needed support and help, so you can manage to hang in there and cope well another week before seing your T again... maybe the week doesnt seems so long anymore now? Hugs anyway..Read More...


I am a little worried that LizzieGirls's T asked for a hug. It would have felt safer if he had asked if she wanted a hug. But he asked for one. I think I would call him on it, and ask why and that he must be careful of his own feelings around a client. Just cos I have been through one therapy experience where the T DID get attracted to me and started acting on it and it all ended in tears. So be careful. i don't want to spoil the nice feeling of it, but it is a little unusual.Read More...

Merry Christmas

Hi ((Puppet)) Hi ((Smiley)) Good to hear from you and hope your Christmas was as good as it could be Amazing how many of us have had internet problems over the hols If I was so inclined, I'd swear it was a plot Thankfully I'm not so inclined - just a case of major overload with most providers Keep posting - most of our community will be returning after observing the festivities or observing obligations MorgsRead More...

Is it Possible......

Hi Marsh, I don't have a lot of time right now, I need to get dinner on but I wanted to reassure you that you described how it was for me to communicate with my little ones. Of course, just because I did that too might not be too reassuring on the sanity front considering the source. But seriously, you're not crazy, you're having reasonable reactions to unreasonable circumstances. The creativity of our minds in preserving our sanity and sense of self is really incredible. This is not a sign...Read More...