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Psychotherapy Classics

Oh Draggers if it wasn't so awful for you to go through such crap with MIL and FIL it sounds like a very bad sitcom Honestly it does sound like an emotional war zone with land mines everywhere How was the inline skating?? Are you all in one piece?? Hope you're well and happy now without the desperadoes MorgsRead More...

Therapy being terminated against your will

Hi Sadly- Sounds like it could be interesting but I have yet to lose my T. We have been through some seriously painful shit, but we both seem willing to see it through- and work things out. but I bet I could learn from reading others stories. I have fired my T a few times, but he always acts so gracefull about it, that I have to go back. And we end up talking and working things out. maybe because- even if he were not my T- as a regular person I would like him and want to have some sort of...Read More...
Oh, TN! I've been following along with your posts, and I'm so pleased for you that this T seems so warm, compassionate, and competent. That is so great. No, it's not over, and it will probably take a very long time. But at least you can know (even if the feeling is just fleeting!) that you are headed toward healing. Big hugs to you and a very Merry Christmas.Read More...

frustrated by transference - wish I could see clearly

Thanks LG - yes, it helps to recognise and thanks STRM = I did tell him today and he said that he already really appreciates that I keep trying to be really transparent even when I am telling him that I am experiencing transference but don't know who it is, and also that I tell him I am hiding something because I am too scared to tell it yet. He was sweet and kind about it, as usual. Infact we talked a lot about my fears that he will end me before I am ready and he explained the limitations...Read More...
Morgs, you are a darling, so kind and thoughtful. Happy Christmas to you down under x Yes anybody who is alone over Christmas or struggling with family, friends ...many thoughts and much love to you. I seemed to have collected someone elses turkey for sure as it's way bigger than what I ordered ...(H gently reminding me there are only 4 of us eating and did I mix up pounds and kilogrammes when ordering?!!) there's plenty for all, once Morg's party has finished. You're all welcome of...Read More...

Error Correction

((((((((((Marsh)))))))))) I am so terribly sorry for your loss, Marsh. I have two girls myself, and it is my worst nightmare that something would happen to them. It is shocking to me that anyone would ever say to a parent to "get over" the loss of a child. Ever. I can't imagine ever "getting over it", and I'm so sorry for the pain and rage that must be evoked every time someone thoughtlessly says such a thing to you. I very much agree with what everyone said, especially this idea that AG...Read More...

returning a gift back to an old T?

JD, Sorry for the late reply, I've been sick and offline. I agree with Frog, that was a great "ramble" and not rambly at all. I really felt like I was there with you in that parking lot and I could relate to the mixed feelings that you were having seeing her again and reflecting back on your relationship. As far as feeling like it's not ok to want and wanting to be good enough, it is ok and you are already good enough. I know that is so hard to accept and I may as well be the kettle here...Read More...
I asked both my T and my Pdoc about emotional flashbacks. They seemed unfamiliar with the term. I explained to them that I think this is whats happening to me sometimes. I just got a blank look....Shouldn't they know this stuff? They both deal with trauma. Makes me wonder sometimes if we know more than they do. Just get on the internet docs.Read More...


Hi LG... well in my mind signing the email with her first name is more "informal" to me and friendlier. I think initials are colder. My oldT with whom I would frequently email would sign his mails all different ways and sometimes not sign at all LOL. The only consistent thing about him was his inconsistency. Don't read too much into it. Hugs TNRead More...


I had a my last session yesterday before my T goes on vacation and he was definitely being weird. I've only been seeing him for a few months but he's always very serious, almost stoic. But this time he was laughing, joking and talking about Tv shows. Very out of character for him, and when I told him he was being "weird" he told me it was for us to banter a little and that I needed to laugh more. It was interesing to say the least. I didn't really feel like a productive session...We didn't...Read More...
True North or Mayo, I've not visited the Forum for several months and have missed the insight, encouragement and support found here. I have C-PTSD and struggle to recognize any flashbacks that are not visual. I would like to read what TN had to say about emotional flashbacks. Can you share the link with me? Thanks, DeeplyRootedRead More...


So sorry UV to hear about your sister and that you are feeling so down and unable to reach out for support here. I'm not sure what happened between you and your T but most everything can be repaired if both sides are willing to try. Sometimes when we need the support most is when we try to run away from it. That just comes from old maladaptive coping skills that really did us no good. The good thing would be to move towards others for comfort and help. It's just so hard because we found out...Read More...
Ruby, welcome and don't ever apologize for ramblin....we all do or have or have at least felt that way. I think it's great that you finally posted! Yes, it takes a while I think to settle into a "groove" so to speak with therapy. At least it did for me. To a certian degree, I don't feel like I really accomplished a whole lot of tangible stuff until about a year into it. I also realize that all of the stuff the first year was absolutely necessariy, although, maybe not earthshattering! I don't...Read More...

I'm so stupid

Hi Incognito I have a very dear friend who says the same thing, that the only thing that keeps her going are her children. It is a very painful place to be in and that anxious pain in your chest is horrible, I have had that but not at the momnet and never for extended periods of time. I so wish i had something useful or helpful to say, and i'm really sorry that i don't. Happiness is so elusive, it comes and goes and i was just thinking is that at least by knowing most people have a happier...Read More...

juggling too much

Thank you dear froggy, Draggers, STRMS for validating what has always held me back from talking more to others....overwhelming shame and a fear of being misunderstood by others. We very slowly make advances in educating the public about mental health issues, but have a long way to go still it seems and as STRMS says, the stigma still remains. Thank goodness for solid, caring support and understanding here from folk like you Marsh, Oh yes, totally get that. I am so fiercly independent in that...Read More...