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Psychotherapy Classics

Oh Butterfly, I hear you. It should really come with a health warning. I think it was Sheychen's new T who told her, I only think it's fair to yell you that it's going to hurt, etc. etc. And I really think they should all do. Mine has told me at different points that people leave because it gets to painful but not in the same way Sheychen's T laid it out. Leaving is not an option for me because I need his support right now. So I have to find a way to deal with the pain. Butterfly, I'm barely...Read More...

being angry at myself was way easier than this

Thank you TN I'm so sorry about your grandma too. I was thinking about what you said - and I think there is something about grandma's and their grandkids. kids rebel and push back a lot. grandkids... we are enough different and enough alike too... there seems to sometimes be such a special bond. oh, I am not making any sense. but thank you TN. thanks for the encouragement too - i so needed that this morning...Read More...
Lampers... I remain beyond thrilled that you have found such a good and understanding and knowledgeable new T. I pray it continues to be that fulfilling and healing relationship that you have worked so hard and searched so long for. On a selfish note, I will very much miss your posts as you were very helpful to me during my crisis and some of your words were very healing to me. You really did understand what I was going through and I feel sort of a kindred spirit to you in our joint searches...Read More...


Hi Beebs... sorry for not getting back to this thread. It's certainly fine for you to take down your original post. You need to do what is most comfortable for you. I just want to say I'm glad that what I have posted has helped you to understand further some issues that you deal with. You are welcome to use anything from me in talking with your T or SD. I hope you are doing okay today. Remember, one day at a time. Hugs to you TNRead More...

Dreamt of my new T

thanks BB, I am resting. I am feeling so relieved that I told her, I have never done therapy with this bit disclosed. AND I like my new T. She is really nice. She is like me on a good day Also I am beginning to be able to remember and feel how my old ex C loved me, and that helps now instead of hurts.Read More...


Deepfried Wow that sounded like a really good group session, well done for getting that said there - that took courage. And interesting to read that your group T sees you zone out a bit at times too - might you be able to mention that to your T? It might help validate what you've been feeling all along? You're not on your own with that ....I think there are many on this forum who haven't told those they work with, friends, certain family members etc that they are in therapy...myself...Read More...


I just wanted to say thank you so much for your response BB, I feel like I have things I want to say, but my mind is blank So thank you again, your response was perfect.Read More...
((((Frog)))) It doesn't sound like you set out to deliberately get drunk before you went to your session, although you may have sub-consciously wanted to test your T by the sound of things Be kind to yourself. There is nothing wrong with making an honest mistake like having a glass or two of wine on an empty stomach - it is easy to have more wine than you planned when you are feeling nervous.Read More...

survived turkey day

i made it through, too. last year was the FIRST year i did NOT have my parents over for thanksgiving, and THAT got me out of the will. this year, and only for my kids and somewhat, yes, for my dad, too...i invited them up, but, they cancelled at the last minute!! nothing better than two LESS for dinner! especially if one of them is my mom!! ho ho ho!! how many days til Christmas!!??? pray for icy conditions!!! a 'two-fer', would it be possible?? jill oh, and i didn't even HAVE to ask my...Read More...

intimate conversation

HI SG, So good to hear from you again. I'm sorry to hear you are having the same problems. Maybe I can help you with your list, if you want. Or your private T. Maybe you can ask him if it's something you can do together. I would be happy to help you with it, if you want to PM me. I've asked my husband to go to therapy but he won't. So I do this all alone. My husband really had a bad childhood so I can't blame him for not wanting to face the pain but on the other hand, he often makes...Read More...

Dialectical Behavior Therapy

df, just have a second, but thanks, and yes, that was a clever way to validate you, i have said what you said, 'it wasn't THAT bad', but i like that it was real, this is real. so MANY of my feelings as a child were NOT validated, as i suspect yours weren't, so it IS hard for us to see that what we are feeling is REAL. real has to be touched, y'no?? but, this is real. that is a great perspective, thanks for sharing. jillRead More...
Hi JD I'm so sorry you lost your response...TWICE, no less...I just HATE it when that, I'll growl with you...grrrrrrrr. Here's a mad face, too. I'm really glad, though, to hear that the Circle of Security diagram and the description of our experience of it was helpful to you! One thing I should say, though...and I really hope this doesn't dampen your enthusiasm, because that isn't my intention at all...but I did just recently end the therapy with the couples T who showed us...Read More...
BB ~ I've been reading along and just wanted to say I love your honest navigating and questioning of this. I have struggled with dissociation on and off for several years, and I maybe have a perspective I can add that is a little different - but not sure how to word it. And you have such great responses here! (I have learned a bit myself! and been comforted that I'm not alone in this too.) I'll respond myself later when I can - if I can - and you too, take all the time you need to process...Read More...
Frog, I'm sorry that you struggle with SH and that you didn't feel like you had the response that you needed from your T. I see that you've worked that out a bit now. LL: I think it can vary between T's. Some see any compassion or sympathy regarding SH as a way of encouraging it and others go straight the reasons behind it like Mac's T. I have had issues with SH and I remember the first time that I told my T last December when I had done it again. It had been years since I'd done it and I...Read More...


Hi Jill, I sleep fairly well on it (I've always had some insomnia but it's no worse on it than off. ) But I do take it first thing in the morning which seems to help. And I agree, I like the decreased appetite. I'm overweight enough, without a drug increasing my appetite. That's why I got off my first AD, Nortripyline. AGRead More...
LL, I am so happy for you that you found a wonderful T. Thankyou for sharing your journal about you and your T. I thought it was beautiful. It is just great that that the relationship is important between you both and that she knows that touch is a healing thing for you. I couldn't be more happier for you. You have worked and searched for such a long time and now have found it. Please keep us informed. (((((((LL)))))))Read More...

Blooming boundaries

S- hope you`ll manage to bring up this dream with T-. Sorry your in a bad place..maybe telling the dream itself will ease the pain a bit? sharing stuff, happens to have a great revieling effect. And this dream seems to be important. Gonna answer your first question here, about boundaries... (oh- and i can imagine how diffiult it is to adjust to these new sets of firm boundaries..i think your wise to see the importance of them though and hopfully you`ll benefit from having these firm...Read More...


Hm, DF. I am really really sorry to hear that your parents are like that. Good on you for surviving, and with such a beautiful intelligence and spirit. I wonder if you can say something like what you say above. I'm imagining a conversation where you let her know that you understand this is paranoia, and there are problems with paranoia, but that you also understand this particular paranoia is a direct product of the way you were brought up. It's not random, it's about them and their reach...Read More...