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Psychotherapy Classics

Can I turn T against me?

Hi, Freud- glad to see your post...I'm sorry to hear you had painful rupture with your T...based on what you say, yeah, I think talking about it with your T is the best way. But, having never really found the courage to do that myself at least not in person, I know how extremely scary that can be! anyways, welcome here! Post more if you feel comfortable- these are great people! BlackbirdRead More...

found new T who will work with me including last session with the counselor

Hi Guys, been away on a training week for teaching, so had a lot of nice times. Liese, look at the chapter on emotional pain, - it is really good. I had the book for years before I opened it! Lamplighter: I think I was more mature that the C was , in the final session. I made her a card and sincerely pointed out her strengths and kept it very clearly on the positives, and she was just " lets us say our goodbyes and end' - so I said, " no, we need to say the good stuff and I need to thank you...Read More...

T hesitate to explain

Liese- yes, that makes sense..i would love to read that particular thread- It was AG`s but do you remember the name of it? "because it facilitates the therapeutic process"- this sounds like music in my ears, i`d love to hear more about the postive effects of all this obsessive thoughts of T. Thanks again for sharing with me Liese, you have a nice "edge" at it, that i appreaciate! Yes,, indeed my T is`no -sometimes i wish he was rather less good, because that would stop some of this...Read More...
Hey again, all. BB - Yes - I keep doubting that what I felt was really fear. Why would I feel fear? Did I make myself breathe fast and shake and cry? Logically, I know that's probably not the case, but it's hard to believe. I'm trying, and I'm trusting her more, especially that she'll accept all of my emotions. I'm still scared of some of them, but it's getting better. I am so aware of how many people on here are having really distressing problems with their Ts or with finding Ts, and it...Read More...


DF, i hope things are going better for you. i empathize with your angst. i wish i had answers, i am searching myself, and like you, felt so teary with ag's insight. ag, what you wrote was so helpful to me, too. (((DF)))) jillRead More...

The Breaks.

Hi Fly Sorry your message got stuck somewhere and you've had no input until now!! The breaks for most of us are difficult - my appts are usually 2 weekly so just manage and they're definitely harder for some than others coz we're all so different! I understand that being told of an upcoming break upsets you and I don't want to be provocative, but how would you feel if she didn't warn you before a break?? IDK but I think that would be worse Take care and let us know how you are. MorgsRead More...

a woman's 'mid-life' crisis .... i think ...

Hi Jill, Sorry it’s taken so long to respond, but this really resonated with me. It can be difficult sorting out what’s coming from where, can’t it? My oldest daughter left for college last year (she’s in her sophomore year now) and had a very difficult time with homesickness and was dealing with a few other major issues as well. It was a very difficult passage for her, and we leaned very heavily on our T for parenting advice (we actually joked around that we had stopped going to couples...Read More...


Rio, That is great!! My T and I spend time in the floor as well and I often feel safer there. I'm glad that you went with what felt right and your T asked to sit with you.Read More...

I am so FURIOUS!

Dear Diary, I hate this fucking family. My birthday is tomorrow and because I had told Mom not to call me so I could enjoy one birthday without mama-drama, I come home from work and find two presents on my doorstep. Yes, that would be nice if I didn't know what was to come. One was a card from my aunt with a check inside (also nice). The other was a gift from mom with a card and money and a note: "11-16-10 - 8:19 P.M. On this date, you asked me not to call you on your birthday so I will...Read More...


This is a good one, Jones. I need to do better at this. (She says while she hangs out in the forum, completely distracted from the dirty dishes to her right...) haha, this made me smile BG, this is sooo familiar! Morgs: Sorry for not welcomed you yet- its good to have you here! I hope you didnt felt ignored when posting on my thread (?) - i look forwared to get to know you better tooRead More...
Agreed, Morgs...I'm seriously considering meds, myself, right now sweetpea, and I know what a difficult decision it is, especially with the worries about side effects. I'm wondering about your worry about your parents...are they not supportive of you being in therapy? If so, that would be a really hard place to be...let us know how you are, if you can. BBRead More...
Liese... repetition compulsion, enmeshment, re-enactments are all very psycho-dynamic issues and I don't think your T would be thinking in this direction, especially as they all relate to how we look at our past to see who we have become and why we think the way we do today. And even if he works with these issues, he may not name them as such because the average patient in therapy would have no idea what he was talking about. These are fairly advanced concepts in psychology. I think you...Read More...


To Frog, Starfish, Preppie Girl, Blackbird and dragonfly. Sorry about the late reply but i have been really busy trying to catch up and study for my exams. I am really glad i have found a place where i can talk about my life and feelings without being judged. Also to have wonderfully people like you guys to help me through everything! The answer to your question BB, no im not getting bullied at school, thank god! :P I actually really enjoy school when im not SICK! But i do get hassled about...Read More...
If it will be too painful to read of a good T, don't continue with this... So, I had a littel wee emailing session with my T, over the past couple of days. I ended up actually asking for a session. I still feel "weak" for not taking a break, and kind of embarrassed. I was asking my T, how can I make a decision, and how it seems so much like a matter of right and wrong to me. I feel absolutely paralyzed by indecision when I *have* to be the one to make the decision. I wonder what that is all...Read More...

Second Opinions??

Hi IM, I just wanted to say welcome to the forums and that I hope you can find the understanding and support you're looking for here. And I am so sorry about your friend who died. It's incredibly painful to lose a friend, and the circumstances have to make it even more painful. I commend your courage in defending her. I have struggled with suicidal thoughts on and off through my life and I agree with you that sometimes it can just be so dark and painful, that dying can feel like the only way...Read More...

More questions

Hi Quilter, We've had a number of discussions about googling on the forum (a favored activity by many of us ) and I include some links to couple down below. One is to a massive thread Update on Transference which in turn, at the end links to the topic Transference II. I know that it's an awful lot but there are tons of good discussions on the topic there. Hope this helps. Ugh ... I've done it again... Update on Transference Struggling with Boundaries in Therapy This is a post I wrote...Read More...
Wow - June, I would DEFINATELY not pay for a full session if he missed part of it because of HIS schedule, make that CLEAR to him.There is no way he could argue with that.I am SHOCKED he did not suggest this himself. We need to learn that we can be assertive and clear, and this situation really shocked me. I hope I am allowed to say that. I guess I am old enough now to know that T's are just people too, and sometimes they need to be told when they have made a mistake.Read More...