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Vision boards?

Liese... Almost the opposite of anything I've been trying to generate is happening. I think I may hang it backwards.,, lol I'm not asking for much!!! I still haven't told my T I have one. She gave me a laminated one she made (more inspirational stuff) when she moved offices. I like that one too.Read More...
(((s-b))) (((TN))) I am so happy your T put the word out like that, I thought of you a lot when posting this. I am really glad that new T said she will be introducing C-PTSD in her trauma class (and she hadn't heard of it before we started working together!) She said since I introduced it to her and she has since researched it and read Pete Walker's material, she feels there is an urgent need for T's to become educated about it, and she wanted to do her part to further that training. I...Read More...
(((starfish))) That really touched me to read your reaction to reading this, thank you so much!! I felt really afraid and vulnerable after I posted it (I usually do after postings, it's so hard for me to leave them up) so it really meant a lot to read your kind words (((draggers))) Big hugs back to you dear (((pingles))) I thought of you when I saw T's doggy because I remembered you saying in one of my threads awhile back how much you love animals! I thought, I can't wait for pingles to hear...Read More...
Thanks AG, for making me feel welcome! Things are getting more stressful: T emailed a very short message stating she was out all week due to illness. I'm praying she'll be able to keep the babies, that's the most important thing right now. Glad you like my signature. I've even had it engraved on a ring. Which reminds me: I'll start wearing it again right now.Read More...
Yes, she MAY hate you - but, ethically a T shouldn't see someone they HATE. So I have a feeling she doesn't I ask my T a lot of she hates me… she says 'Not today… and not tomorrow or ever ever'. Well. How true can that be? Ya know… it takes a long time to build up trust enough to at least assume they think they don't hate you. I don't think ever in my life will I be 100% confident that deep down someone hates me but is just being nice because they haven't seen the reason to hate me yet. So,...Read More...

What does resolution look like to you?

((((cogs)))) just want to say that it really sounds to me like you are going through alot of the same stuff i am. i always feel as though there is something i want/need to talk with T about, especially as it pertains to our relationship, but i don't know exactly what it is i expect or what exactly it is i need to say or experience with him. it's very confusing, and wanted to say also that the quote from Leise is very spot on and something i will be pondering over the next few days. session...Read More...
((((RT)))) first and utmost, i am so sorry to hear about the passing of your step-father. i send you my cyber-hugs and prayerful support during this difficult time. i think your T's offer is such a thoughtful outreach of human compassion. i am really sorry to hear that your partner's reaction was less than supportive. i am happy to hear that you plan on thoroughly discussing this with your T. i hope you can pursue it safely with your partner as well. in the meantime, my thoughts and prayers...Read More...
(((liese))) (((lucy))) (((draggers))) (((LLF))) (((Jill))) I'm so glad it's helpful to you guys Jillann, I'm sorry the group isn't going well I've tried a few groups in the past (not DBT groups, just regular therapy groups) and it was not a good experience for me either. I hope you still feel some of the benefit, I agree with Cat it is very good info!Read More...

Any experiences with this?

Thank you Lucina, RM, Jillann and RB44 Lucina: That was very considerate of your Therapist to do that! It is nice to know they truly care and that we are just not an appointment. RM: What you shared was interesting. I could see how it might be difficult to reach out if the Therapist lowered the fee. (I hope you are still reaching out if needed ) Jillann: "I trust her to make sure her boundaries are held and her needs are met." Great statement. rb44: That was nice of her to meet you halfway.Read More...
Hi Rachel, When my younger sister was 16 (she's 46 now!) she was addicted to drugs and pregnant. My parents committed her to a drug rehab facility. I was in college at the time. They scheduled family therapy for our family. I considered it awful at the time. Part of that was because I had escaped our dysfunctional family by leaving for college and hated being dragged back into it all. Before you have your family session I would suggest you and your T be very clear about what you want to...Read More...
I'm a very visual person, too, so I've dreamed up a variety of safe places to go to (to my detriment, it seems, as I can just blackout and go there without a moment's notice...but I digress...) One of my favorites is a deserted beach. I love being around water. I also have a log cabin in frozen woods and a bench under a great oak tree with the sun setting in the distance. Lately, when I've been feeling particularly bruised, I've been imagining myself nestled against my T's rib cage...which...Read More...
(((Affinity))) I think it can be so painful to feel that attachment cry inside. Those feelings shifting from daughter/romantic/erotic I think might be our way of trying to understand such a dynamic - where does it fit? I can identify with all of that and the anxiety too. I'm really dissociative. The world often seems far far away if I'm triggered and I watch another 'me' talking and being (sometimes with horror if she seems to be very little). Sometimes its more like dissappearing down a...Read More...

Licensing board complaints?

Thanks for the thoughtful reply, RT. I've been "around" reading, but too nervous to post until recently. I've read about your bad experience with your former T and am so glad you've found someone to help you forward. Good for you for being able to trust again. That's one thing I really lost through this whole process and I hope one day it will return. The fallout also caused me to lose my job and therefore my insurance, so no new T yet. I don't know how I will ever trust again but perhaps...Read More...
Hi Affinity, If I could share that for me it got a whole lot easier once we did start talking about the attachment and our relationship. Those were hard painful days prior, and it was tough work when I finally did talk about my attachment AND it really did improve and enhance the therapy I was doing.Read More...