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Psychotherapy Classics

((((( AG ))))) Makes you wonder why the good feelings can’t stay good doesn’t it? Why does pain and fear have to creep in to mar something beautiful? I suppose if you work on the premise that there are four prime emotions - joy, grief, anger and fear then it’s logical that we can only feel good 25% of the time. Wish it were that simple I think you’ve been doing amazingly well AG - you’re allowing yourself to feel what’s coming up for you, not running away from it, and you’re facing it square...Read More...

Why are there so many views and so few posts?

I’ve noticed that the view count isn’t actually one per view but more like 3 each time a thread is looked at. And if you’re actually posting, I’ve seen that it can be as much as up to 5 per post - depending on whether it’s your thread or someone elses. So in fact a number like 3000 isn’t 3000 actual views but probably more like half that number. Also the view count doesn’t automatically go up immediately, there seems to be a time lag (which makes it hard to work out exactly how many views it...Read More...

Post-session feelings

What to do with all those post-session feelings. My T allows me to email him. He jokes with me sometimes to allow him to get home before I shoot him an email. I may send him one that evening or the next day. He has not commtted to responding to ever email....a boundry he put in place, but If I dont hear from him it hurts. So there is a small downside of emailing. But the upside is major. I really feel supported 24/7. I can journal my thoughts about what we discussed in session. And he...Read More...
Hi SG - Sorry it's taken me so long to come back to this, and sorry to jump in again everyone else - I know the conversation has moved on a bit. It's a whole bunch of stuff, and I'm really undecided. I'm reluctant to go into too much detail because I'm worried about identifying myself. She's not suggested art work with me for ages, and often her art table is not out. We've just been talking, and I don't know what style... just kind of general reflective reasoning ("what does he need? what do...Read More...
Hi Morgs, Sweetie, I'm no spring chicken! I'm facing 50 squarely in the face so no worries about your age. And of course it's okay with us for you to be part of the community. It's strength lies in what each of us brings to this place and in our sharing it with each other. I'm really glad that you've taken the chance to step out into your discomfort and post. And btw, Shrimp on the barbie? NOTHING says Austrailia to me like that phrase. Thank you for being so supportive throughout this time.Read More...

can my T cope?

Sheychen, I am really glad that you were able to feel 'heard' by the clincal psychologist and that you were able to gain some faith about the way you cope from it. It sounds like it was a really useful session and hopefully you will be able to gain some answers from the outcome. As for how your T will be on Wednesday I really don't know, but I do agree with the psychologist that you don't have to say everything at once, you can take your time. I really hope that you and yout T are able to...Read More...


I don't really know anything about processing trauma, DF...but I just wanted to offer my support. I know it must be really hard work, and I admire your resolve and courage to get through it...from what I read on here it is just slowly, slowly to deal with the memories bit by bit, like patiently untangling a bunch of tight knots, perhaps...idk. I am not brave to talk about my memories with my T, and mine aren't even *that bad* so I don't know how you do it. Be safe, be well... BeebsRead More...
STRMS That makes perfect sense, something that will help ground in today when everything inside feels like many yesterdays. Thank you everybody for your replies, they have really encouraged and helped me. This little starfish is taking a little break, off on holiday to find some warmer water to swim in and a little rest in the sunshine. Speak soon, starfishRead More...

Erotic Transference/Crush/In Love/Whatever

STRM, Anyone can practice but they should have some pretty good marketing strategies and credibility. I went to see this counselor because he was working out of a reputable wellness center, his blurb on his orientation and experience seemed sound, and the first session was free. Then, after experiencing him, I was sold. He was extremely skilled and seemed utterly trustworthy.Read More...


Hi DF, I'm sorry that things are so tough right now, though I'm glad you were able to talk to your T. I don't have much that can probably be of any help to you...I guess I just wanted to say that I understanding how confusing, frustrating, and seemingly impossible it can be to think about things when you have so many different conflicting opinions about it all. I can also understand your fear of believing anything, because (I'm kind of guessing here..tell me if I'm wrong) you fear that...Read More...

i should not be scared of this, but i am.

Hi Janedoe, One thing I've learned from being around horses for so long is that you learn SO much about a person by watching how they interact with their horses. Seeing their sensitivity and responsiveness to a horse seems like one of the best gauges of the type of person they truly are, because you can't fake that around a horse. I think you'll continue to heal so much from equine-assisted therapy because it's almost as if you get to observe, first-hand, a therapy session where you can see...Read More...
(((Starfish)))...thank you for the care and support...xx Lamplighter! It's so good to see you! I'm going to have to go and chaeck out what's been going on for you, since I haven't seen any posts yet. Hopeing all is well with you...thanks you for the words of support. LL, I know that continuous and regular sessions would help move things along. I'm really going to try to ask for that. It's so hard when I honestly and with every fibre of my being feel that he wants me the heck out of his life...Read More...

My therapist cried. Like I'd hit her. Too much.

sounds like we are in the same boat, Forlorn. I hope my T and I can mend it. i felt abused, she was full of how awful she felt about what I was saying and not actually hearing me cos she was talking non stop. It was awful. i am trying to live each day as though it did not happen as it would be too painful to really be living with it. I also hate the feeling that *I* have to make amends and that she could have left me a message saying 'sorry I lost it.'Read More...

triggery mess

If you find out, will you let me know? I think its all uphill with a few teasing glimpses of the peak to stop you turning tail and running back down to base camp. But something spurs you on to just see what it might be like to conquer this big hurt and climb to the top.... starfishRead More...

Therapist cancelled/I freaked

Well, I saw my T last night. He didn't say anything about me being needy, just that he thinks I acted like two people yesterday. One that had a panic attack when he cancelled, and the the one that called back to say I would be OK. I dont feel like I was two people, the one that called back was still paniced, just didnt want to admit it and feel needy. We didnt talk about it anymore. I sent him another email today (I hope he isn't mad) in kind of a frantic state about something that happended...Read More...

quiting therapy?

Preppie Girl, I can relate to the desire to quit. I also know how heartbreaking it feels to face the idea of looking for another T after so many T relationships that have not worked. Frnakly, if my choices were look for another T or give up, it would be very hard for me not to give up. I'm glad your T asked you what you needed - It sounds like your T is clear about communicating her boundaries. My equine T talks about how relationship happens at the edges of our boundaries. I don't think I...Read More...

Pulling away

Kashley - I’m so sorry you lost that special simple sweet interaction with your horse! It sounds like it was run over with heartache and problems. (section deleted to take out personal information, just me and my stuff) I can really relate to what you said about other's expectations. I’m constantly striving and pressuring myself, in therapy and in life, to meet everyone’s expectations, and my own - which are always beyond impossibly high. I dunno why. I wonder if I’m afraid others will leave...Read More...