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Psychotherapy Classics

sunnyshine I think the bottom line is that you must go with your feelings. I think that sharing emotions can be validating and helpful, perhaps even more so when processing trauma; it has been for me, teaches me that my T is a real person with real feelings, not a blank canvas, that would be so triggering for me. But I have never been uncomfortable with anything that she has told me, but would certainly feel able to tell her if it did and feel certain you must do the same. It will help you...Read More...


Draggers...I just wanted to say, ooooh, please don't torture yourslef with thinking about leaving your T right now, it was said, it is another worry for another day...a looong way off, so why be scared about it now...when you are ready, well, you won't be scared, horrified, or miserable in the way it might seem like you would now, when you are not ready for such a step, true? ((((Draggers))))Read More...

not sure what I feel towards my T (and about Februarys)

thank you so much for the feedback and encouragement. It's stuck in my mind (in a very good way) as I have tried to process this more and sit with it. I actually dared to talk about how I was feeling about my T with my T today. Although she is somewhat baffled about the changes in me, and what I am feeling, she was very accepting and kind. Which of course kinda weirded me out more. We talked about the eq T, and letting myself just feel ok. My T reminded me that if things get scary again, I...Read More...
ditto from me, i just printed that part about shame. i know so often things really ring my bell, but this is exactly IT! this supports the chinese water torture of my childhood, and the evasive subtlty of it as well. T1 said PTSD, but this shame thing is most accurate. it is not fear of my life being taken, it is more the fear of living it out! i think you know, and no 's' stuff, but overbearing anxiety at just what, i don't know. anyway, taking this right on into T3 monday and i hope we can...Read More...

my old T & the anniversary of a suicide. (caution: potential triggers)

p.s. I did have an appointment with my T today -I did talk about my old T, and that by itself was a huge thing for me, but I couldn’t get the courage to quite say this. almost. words can be very hard for me to litterally speak if the subject is really close to my heart and emotional for me. I told her that at my appointment this next tuesday, there’s something really specific I have to talk to her about. I feel a lot more encouraged to talk with her about it after reading your responses. It...Read More...


Hi Echo, I suspect it's not really about you, it's about other people's inability to face pain. One of the more painful things I've learned over the course of my healing is that there really are very few people who can stay with you when you're in pain. Because it brings them too close to their own buried pain. So instead of being able to hold still and hear you out (which is the most important part, being heard and understood, because as you recognized, you are more than capable of dealing...Read More...

Hi, I'm New

Oh wow! Thanks for the warm welcomes everyone! Amazon- The name is nothing special, just means alone and vulnerable. (usually how I feel when I'm struggling) Thanks again for making me feel welcomed.Read More...

More Boundaries

Hi Blackbird and Maclove. I think you both have made very good points, and blackbird i think i do need her to share something with me to be able to talk to her openly, i feel that is only right, it does not have to be anything very personal or detailed just a normal every day thing, this helps to see her as being normal especially for me. I also feel that what she wants to share with me is letting me know she trusts me too. Hi Maclove, i have been with this therapist for 4 years and having a...Read More...

a question about this forum

wow, great responses! thanks! ultraviolet - i think this is a great point! I think there is something about the fact that we are all working on our stuff that helps this be a community where we take responsibility for ourselves and have a lot of respect for each other wherever we are at. I agree with what several others posted that it is so helpful to connect and read about others struggling with therapy issues and stuff. It helps me so much to not feel alone in the middle of this process...Read More...


Hi Starfish, Thanks for your comments. I really do think that my symptoms exist for a good reason, and if I can ever get to what's behind them (certain emotions, beliefs, whatever) that they'll melt away. I just have to stop thinking so much and allow myself to feel more. Cheers, RussRead More...

Art Therapy

Hi Forlorn & welcome! Cool to hear you are doing some art therapy too. I've had two sessions now and one was art and the other was just talking. It will be interesting to see how it plays out. Picking up some drawing skills would be a bonus! JRead More...

My T was there for me

Lizzygirl, I'm so sorry about your dog. I had a dog named Molly once too. I'm glad she is now at peace, but sorry for the pain that it brings you for her to be gone. It's good that your husband has been sober since that night. I'm sorry that you had to see him like that. Your T sounds great and I'm glad that he has been there for you. That is so important.Read More...


Thanks for your post, LL...and I read in another thread you mentioned seeing that T for a fourth time, and now not so sure about her...I hope to see an update soon. Hugs to you {{{{{{{{LL}}}}}}}} Oh yes you were spot on with the dodgy mea culpa games played by moms. Really that's just all about them too. Still not thinking of us and how it was for us. It is probably unconscious on their part...but still...leaves us feeling guilty instead of resolved. But at least we are learning better...Read More...
What do I say to all of you? I am so touched by all of your responses. Thank you so much for reaching out and sharing your own personal experiences, it really does help. I did get a response from my T and I kind of said the same thing to my T that you, DF, suggested. Writing a little at a time. I do get frustrated and upset so if I just write a couple of sentences at a time maybe I can actually write more. ((BB)) - you're so cute! Thanks for the hug I could feel it way over here. The...Read More...
Live in that feeling Russ, rely on it- during weak times, and that will help you through it. Remember how you felt on your birthday- hold on to that because that is what is real. Let that feeling pull you through the fog. My fog has lifted for a season, and for that I am grateful. Be well! MayoRead More...

learning to live again: distraction versus escaping

Hi STRM... You describe my last two weeks perfectly. Last week I got flooded in my session and my T did not bring me down or ground me before I left. I left rather abruptly and then went through a cycle of "I'm not contacting him because I can do this myself"... but I was not so able and truly suffered through the week with no contact. When I saw him the following week I tried to explain to him how I was feeling. How I had to resort to numbing myself to survive the week and didn't use any...Read More...
{{{{{{{Echo}}}}}}} I'm sorry to see we have so much in common, Echo And I wouldn't be too quick to say my marriage isn't ending, the jury's still out on that, yet. But it sounds like you ARE there, and I'm really sorry about that. You've got a lot of pain to bear up under right now. I was glad to hear in another thread you posted about asking for and receiving support from friends...I hope that continues, and of course you always have friends here to support you, too, if you ever need to...Read More...