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Psychotherapy Classics


dragonfly-sorry, I havent been around much. Have had a lot going on with sick kids and husband training new workers at his job so he has been gone more and lots of church activities going on so I have been gone almost every night. But hoping things are starting to slow down for me I am doing pretty good. I see my psychiatrist tomorrow and looking forward to another good session, although I have some stuff to talk about that is going to be difficult and I am not sure how to even bring it up.Read More...
I have never heard of Lovan, but it looks like it is Prozac under a different name. I have heard that it and Zoloft both help with OCD type issues. As long as your doctor that is prescribing knows that you're dealing with an OCD tendency and treats it as such, you should be on your way to getting past the obsessive thoughts. Mine are mostly gone, unless of course I start thinking about my T on my own and worrying about her by choice. Then that is my own fault! But yes, obsessive thoughts...Read More...


Sorry...didn't mean to come off sounding like a professor....LOL.... I'm nobody....but I think my soul is more of a philosopher than a psychologist. I think that therapy is more of an art than a science. I guess, sometimes it is painful for me to think forward...and even more painful to think back. So...I go for the "lateral" thought. It is, perhaps...a game that I play....but most of the time it is equally revealing. SDRead More...

New Here

Hi Lizzygirl, If you look at the main page on the forum there's a brief discussion of what each section is for but we're not all that formal. Take your best shot at where it fits and that will be fine. You'll be happy to know there's no thread police who will come after you! All that said, a discussion of emdr would probably fit best under Questions about being in therapy or Science of Psychology. AGRead More...

Scheduling appts triggers me

Incognito: If it's normal or not worth talking about then why is it still bothering you? (This is what I would be asking your T.) I certainly think it's worth talking about, even if your T "normalizes" it. Why does it bother you in the first place? Why are you overly sensitive to it? (I know it's the "difficult childhood" and such, but I would want to find out how you can NOT be so sensitive to these things. Does he have any ideas or solutions to help you?) In my opinion, if these things are...Read More...

Upcoming Session with T

Thanks everyone for taking the time to reply! Everyone has given good reasons for their specific answers and input. I have decided that for me the best option is to write my feelings out in a letter format, take it with me, and then try to just tell my T what I've written in the letter and use the letter for back-up if I need to (which more than likely I will! ) I'm getting really nervous about this the closer I get to D-Day (Friday), but I appreciate everyone's encouragement, and your...Read More...
Dolphinac Sorry to read your post and hear your struggles. Why does everything seem to happen all at once? It can feel so unfair. Just a thought, but have you spoken to college about your financial difficulties? I know when I have done courses recently there were grants available that were means tested . . only an idea and one you've probably considered anyway. I can imagine how disappointing it must be for you, especially with such positive encoutagement from your tutor, but the course will...Read More...

pets: am I the "crazy cat lady" now?

you all made me smile. thanks. MH - good questions! In my town, many people walk their dogs everywhere (like even into banks - seriously.) It's interesting to sometimes just watch how people handle their pets. Ever notice how some people look so much like their pets? My heart breaks to hear the pain you have seen in how others have treated animals. I think you are amazingly courageous for having the heart to rescue that dog and keep it from harm by your father. To then lose the dog again,...Read More...
Hi again, AG! I actually bought A General Theory of Love at the same time I got In Session because I read on here somewhere (probably one of your posts) that you highly recommended it. So I'll be jumping into that one next. I also bought one called Attachment in Psychotherapy, but that one looks definitely like it's more for the therapist than the patient. Anyway, I'm sure it will be helpful. I will look into Parenting From the Inside Out next, because I can use all the help I can get in...Read More...


mad hatter
MH, sorry that you missed out so much of your session... really annoying I think your T gave you some homework to do so perhaps the next session will go really well. I know you are in disagreement with her about the cutting. And the self hatred... Maybe before the salf hatred was something you did absolutely unconsciously, it was not something you were aware of, it was just the way you ware, it would not be something you would think of, right? So know she named it for you. It is something...Read More...


BB Thank You I absolutely loved your poem and I felt I could just picture your T through that description you gave in the first verse too.. . the wise old rosy owl who is welcoming and non accusatory. Perfect Well done for posting it. I too have copied it in case it came down too soon Can understand your sentiments of hoping Ps don't go on this site - but I am sure he would be very moved by what you have written. Thanks again starfishRead More...
Hi SG...yeah those things that he told me about being me and knowing myself were really powerful statements and I keep thinking about them. Trouble is... I don't know who I am. I've always been so busy trying to be what my mother wanted me to be, or what my boss expects me to be, or what my husbands thinks I should be that I have never taken the time to know who I am and what I want. I guess this is something I'm always working on in therapy. Maybe not in a focused way but it's there in the...Read More...


Yes i agree- that is beautiful. I read this one- I think somewhere on this site: Learn from yesterday Live for today Hope for a brighter tomorrow At least I think that was it. Be WellRead More...


Too funny, Monte! So...I'm wondering, how did you answer that one? I have a similar fear...for years I went to AA meetings, where the convention is, before you start talking, you say "Hi I'm so-and-so and I'm an alcoholic" and everyone says "Hi so-and-so". Whenever I'm at a work meeting I have to be careful not to say this when I have something to far it hasn't happened...that would be reeeeaaaaallllly embarrassing! SGRead More...
Hello there Amazon Thanks so much for replying. Lots of questions! I have no idea. I think I just assumed from reading the posts on forum generally that a lot of people seem pretty clear that their therapist does care, and it struck me as something I have no idea about but it seems important. You know you could be right in your last comment - maybe therapy IS all about experiencing someone who does care, in a ‘proper’ way, so we can take that experience and make it real. Don’t know, just...Read More...
Hi Dolphinac thank you for your hugs, and for reminding me that I am the expert on me. Yes it is distressing to feel so strongly about him, if I could stop caring I would, I just don't know how to stop. I love this site too and I am so thankful for each and every person too. Hi Amazon, I guess things are a bit on track but I am still obsessing more than ever. I only see him once a month which makes it easier to cope with him but I am still obsessing. New P is fabulous. Has the boundaries and...Read More...
my p believes i have not got bipolar 2. she says it is depression and anxiety with a couple of traits of bpd. i agree with this where i believe that there can be traits in all of us on the planet! i have not had a chance to understand everything completely yet i am beginning to make a lot of connections. college and cbt is helping that alongside talking more openly to my cpn and my husband. a big prt of me is on the mend i think yet there is another part of me which feels that it will all...Read More...