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Psychotherapy Classics

too personal

Hey I know... If he just told me his mom passed away... He didn't have to tell me that his mom killed herself. That really traumatized me and triggered me big time. I already have a good P. I've known her for 6 years. The thing is...I don't really want to bring this topics to her. I guess I am not really ready to... I don't know, I guess I am still greiving. I've noticed that when I am going through pains, I keep them inside me for a long time, try to ignore it or thinking that it will go...Read More...

Have you ever sued your Therapist?

Hi there I am getting all the help that I need. People have been telling me that just think of this experience as dealt with Fucked up. I am not sure if it's because I idealized him too much, I strongly believe that he could have done more than he did with me. He was definitely sound boarding a lot with me. I think he really enjoyed how I as reacting, what I would say or do...I was very interesting subject for him. Sometimes I wonder what if he was already professional counsellor and I was...Read More...

Shrinks on social networking sites

This is an interesting point to keep in mind. Although the intensity of the change T's bring about, the fact that it's an "inside" job that takes quite a bit longer than the "outside" job of a hairdresser, makes it understandably more complex. And if there's attachment issues then it gets even harder for the patient to keep things in perspective. In fact, I don't think it's possible, at times, for the patient to keep things in perspective at all. Which is why it is so important for T's to...Read More...


Thanks for this. I will reread it whenever I feel the guiltmonster creeping up on me. (I've been feeling guilty about sharing this experience online, too. Like I'm badmouthing someone or sharing gossip...)[/QUOTE] Hey echo How are you doing with your T? I have been reading everything around here and I was just curious, any update??? I love gossipRead More...
Actually I just remembered a few things about this topic. I didn't just idealize my counsellor. Whatever he told me, said to me, I did it. I was so busy impressing him and I was burning out. If he told me to die in front of him, I would have done it. If he told me to be his dog, I would have done that too. When he mentioned to me about having my own space so I can work, I almost bought the house. I was like his puppet. I think I enjoyed it cuz I was so bored being a housewife. pathetic,...Read More...

Trusting your therapist

My advice to you... always trust your instinct. If you feel something is fishy, then probably something's going on. My counsellor's intention was to treat me as a test subject becuase he was doing his practicum and writing thesis at the same time. I was so naive... Stop wondering about what your T is thinking or will react. If you don't feel right with your T, just ditch him. There are plenty of T's who are professional and actually can help you.Read More...
my answer is NO My counsellor told me that I have natural talent in that field so I was pursing then he realized that I was really serious then he discouraged me saying " you are too emotional" I wanted to say same thing to him but I didn't want to disrespect. How would patient know that if we are dealing with psycho counsellors??? So creepy...Read More...

Give Me Strength

Hi SpaGirl, I love how you handled this with your mother today. It sounds like you set a boundary, and she noticed. I think it's okay to set boundaries when someone's behavior is poisoning us, even if that person is our mother, father, etc. From your description of how you feel, it sounds very much like how I feel when someone's behavior is toxic to me. Your post has been on my mind all day today, partly because my mom's mom's death on Sunday morning has brought me back in contact with my...Read More...


Thanks for your replies, Mrs. P and HB. I had a good appt with my P. As expected, he was worried that I had SI'd and we explored that. He does care about me and I need to believe that he will be there for me no matter what--I don't have to create an emergency for him to respond to my need to have contact. It's soooo hard sometimes. I have been rejected so much in my life that feeling rejection is so automatic even if it's just in my mind. He is going to see me again this week which is an...Read More...

T, P and others

To add my 2 cents ... To me: T means therapist ... can be a psychologist, counselor, psychiatrist. Someone you talk to for an hour regularly. P means psychiatrist, psychopharmachologist, APRN, someone who prescribes meds. It's possible for a single doctor to do both, in which case, I think it depends on the posterRead More...
Hi Helle, Sorry I didn't get to you sooner. I don't know if any of my waffle will help but I'll try my best to make suggestions, I feel it is up to you and your T to find the proper answers. I think it's perfectly natural to go numb. Were you talking about something particularly difficult at the time? Trying to make yourself feel something that you don't feel is quite impossible in my opinion. It seems like you were overwhelmed or didn't want to feel a particular emotion, however...Read More...


Hi Echo(and everyone else ) I've been avoiding this topic for a while because it was so firmly implanted in my thoughts, I couldn't bare to discuss it in more detail. I think my T was CBT, at least that's the impression I got from his work with me, nothing was explicitly said or if it was it was too long ago I think I fell for my T quite early on. I wasn't surprised, it happens often to me with men who appear kind or caring-I always develop feelings or attraction based on that. However,...Read More...

Comletely overwhelmed.

I know what you mean about being triggered but not being sure why or what about. I am the same with rainy weather, it really depresses me. I wish I could offer some suggestions to help you but I am anxious at the moment too and not finding much that helps me. Talking about it helps, here and with friends/family. That feeling of dread is the worst hey?Read More...

relationship with my therapist

I saw my "T" today and I can't say things were definitely worked out but they're better. I'm going to take a month off (my decision) and we'll go from there. I have been looking into maybe changing. I called several over the last couple days, they always ask why I'm thinking about changing so I tell them and three of them told me my current "T" is attracted to me. They even went into detail about why they think that. One of them wanted me to confront her about it. They said tell her you've...Read More...
Thank you for your replies, they are very comforting. It is very reasurring to know that I am not the only one who feels this way. SG yes the look was definitely seductive and very intense. Mrs P (love your new name) - I have always felt judged and criticised by him. Some of the things he has said such as when we were talking about how much I hate my body he said "some men prefer larger women". That made me very upset and I felt like a freak that only men with freakish fetishes would want. I...Read More...
Dear AG and HB! Thank you, thank you, thank you for pushing me to continue with my T! Limbic resonance is what he does best without reading the book. My T really knows how to smooth things out with me even though I couldn't share with him all that was going on (because I didn't know). Most of the miscommunication was because I had to change my appointment and he was not getting back to me. He apologized, and explained how to best get this done. Sometimes he does not set clear boundries, and...Read More...
Hi SD, I'm start backwards (as usual!)- I don't think you need to fret about helping people on here, if you can it's fine and if you don't feel like it then don't push yourself. IF all you want to do is just vent and let it all out I think that's fine. Just my opinion. As for your T, I'm sure it's hard for both of ye, not just her. She's just as eager as you to help you through all of this and there's no (fortunately or unfortunately) set time limit. We're all different, we all have...Read More...
Hi Summer. it's interesting to hear about your relationships with your current P and T and how they vary from that of your ex-P. I think that is the main problem with close relationships with T/Ps-that it is so hard for others to measure up to them afterward. It can also be the case that what works for you was more in line with the way your ex-P worked than your current one. But I'm thinking it might be good to try out something new for a change, and it doesn't seem as if the current T is...Read More...

erotic transference

I am a bit afraid that my transference can turn erotic at some stage. I didn't really get a chance to discuss it yet since I am still a bit afraid of talking to him openly about how I feel about him. I don't really feel desire, I do know that I feel love and some sort of admiration. However sometimes I am trying to imagine him and me in some erotic action. This fantasy doesn't quite work out. It is like I am trying to find out if there is a posibility of me having this kind of fantasies...Read More...
Hey SpaGirl. Thanks for your support and advice though I must admit it is particularly hard for me at the moment to think about my ex-T doing anything wrong, as I'm missing him so much at the moment I tend to get quite defensive of him anyways and I had kinda accepted his word on this one cos nothing seemed to be working for me. I only seem to be able to go to extremes, I do try to control it but therein lies the problem, it becomes all about control. It is extremely difficult for me to be...Read More...

Emotionally Distant Ex-Spouse

So, things have moved along and we are each trying to see new people however we still have to share the same house for financial reasons. (Until it sells.) She's told me about her love interest that she hasn't really spoken to. I know that she's been attracted to a man 20 years her elder that she works with. It's a serious concern for me on many levels. She started perusing him before we separated. Finding this out left me devastated. I was still trying to work on our marriage but she had...Read More...

Chanting Info

The way I understand "Buddhahood" or "Buddha nature" is our innate Godliness. I grew up in a Christian everything (the people, the state, my Grandmother, etc.) although we never attended church, Christianity are the thoughts I've been taught. Then I learned about Nichiren Buddhism and my own thoughts evolved. Personally, I "believe" in "God". I envision "God" as inherent in everything and everyone. Simply put, like the sun's rays originate from the sun, the heat reaches all the way to Earth...Read More...