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Psychotherapy Classics

Hi There

Hey...Missing Piece.... I knew we would eventually "find" you. We've been missing you! Great name....LOL.....gave me a good chuckle. Anyway...welcome to the threads. Dive right into any discussion you can relate to, the water is warm. Perhaps you'll find the rest of your puzzle? Sorry...just can't resist the analogies. I think you'll find many people here that you can relate to and will be compassionate to your situation...whatever it may be. SDRead More...

Do you cry?

Hi Kats and everyone I was raised being told that only babies cry, or told that if I was going to do 'that' (cry) that I should go to my room to do it where no one could see/hear it. So I learned young to bury my feelings, and now I am a true master. My P has been amazed since day one that I don't show any feeling, and just today I said to her "How am I supposed to 'own' my feelings if I can't even feel anything?". She had some kind of psycho babble for me that didn't answer my question as...Read More...

parent/infant transference

Attachment girl, you were so helpful! Thank you for answering my question. Its exactly what I was asking. I had to come back and read it a few times. My therapist follows much of Winicott in relation to transference / countertransference and object relations. I am not real up to date on theory. Again I appreciate your explaination MegabyteRead More...
quote: I get what you're saying about it being the "obvious" problem. If you'll permit me to say it, I sometimes felt like this about self-harm. If I was bleeding on the outside, then it was obvious .... And the inside matched the outside, so it almost made me feel better. Folks couldn't look at me and _not_ see the pain, right? Wynne- I totally understand what you are saying here. When I was cutting, I felt like it was the only thing in the world that was consistent- finally, something on...Read More...

First time caller. Also - calling and emailing...

TN: So sorry you are having such a hard time. Just remember this will not last. The knowledge that the bad days are temporal is all that keeps me going some days. But that's all it takes. After a day or 2, I can't remember the actual pain anymore, only that i'd had a really bad day ( or 2). I'm glad you were able to speak to your T and get a little bit of reassurance today. I am hoping your session tomorrow will be just what you are needing to pull you on out of that black hole. this was...Read More...
This is so hard because one moment I am fine and then the next moment I am caught up in such a tital wave of emotions and somatic memories that I can't distiguish past from present and then I am left in a daze unable to even sort through what just happened and why. Its like I keep getting that recording "All circuits are busy, please try your call again later." Russ, It is indescribable, but this sounds about right. (insert "stifling anxiety, agitation and unfocused dread." emoticon here)Read More...
I hate criticism!!! As a teacher, I have to give it all of the time but I try to always follow up with, "This is a criticism of your work, not YOU." My X all but needs a badge as a member of the fashion & customs used to make ME feel ashamed every time he pointed out how poorly a person's figure fitted their clothing, or how "dorky" some poor soul looked when they walked quickly, arms swinging. Jeez, and when it is directed my way by anybody I spend the next 24-48 hours...Read More...
1. I should have never started therapy- it hurts and its confusing and I want it to stop. I am stuck in hell????? I am glad I started therapy, because I am stronger than I was. Hold way more knowledge/understanding than I had...=) I am strong and smart and can get through this.. I am not a quitter and there is NO going back! I am working my way OUT of hell 2.I wish I never met my therapist- because the fear of loosing her scares me to death! I am SO happy/thankful to have her, because she is...Read More...
I wrote a long letter to my T once and at the end I thanked her for being such a big part in my healing and for putting up for me ect. I told her that I could tell she really cared and she can't fake that. She actually cried and said it was so nice. Although I wouldn't want my T crying uncontrollably ALL the time... I see nothing wrong with her crying during sessions every now and then. She is human.. and I feel that if she cries during a session with me it shows she really cares. Also I...Read More...

I'd like some Tranference advice please?

I totally relate to this!! And I do have MAJOR transference with my T. I hoped she would be my "MOM" replacement.... And last session I realized that wasn't going to happen. I actually realize that a lot..and it stabs at my heart every time! It makes me wish I was dead..... =( You are not alone --anyone who feels this way.. its very painful and I am sorrrrry. I actually spent most of my life confused. I was sexually attracted to men and emotionally attracted to females.... I really don't...Read More...


i've also been wondering about my need to please. and yes Transferencegrl85, i am also feeling very ashamed about being so spineless! even more ashamed about who i think i really might be. not a decent person at all. i can see in my head that's not the case but it's how i do feel. i guess under those circumstance letting the real me out of the cage feels like inviting rejection or worse. i've also been trying to appear whilst at the same time wanting to be a rebel. how impossible is that! SBRead More...
Summer That's where the conflict of KNOWING and FEELING comes in. I KNOW she is trained to not judge me, but I FEEL like she just might. She says it is more than how she was trained, it is her true self and she treats people inside her office the same as she treats people outside her office. I just have to overcome that fear of thinking she may be judging me. She knows that she needs to keep telling me over and over that she is being truthful with me. I KNOW that, but do I FEEL it? PLRead More...
Hey JM- Yes, my T does allow me to express whatever I'm feeling- adult, little girl, puppy (?jk)... whatever. I make a lot of child-like comments to her (to everyone in general) and I don't really try to restrain them. I let a lot of it just come out. However, I'm not sure the really sensitive side of my little girl is okay with really expressing her disappointment to my T yet. I mean, I'm sad about it and have told my T how sad I am, but I think my little girl really just feels to rejection...Read More...
Thanks for the feedback SC It's interesting to know what appeals to other people. I do this purely for my own process and not specifically to sell. I'm sure if I were doing this to try to sell my artwork it would be much different. A bit of a funny little story about "push or pull." We were watching the summer Olympics when I was drawing that. The S.O. asked what I was drawing...I was pretty checked out so I kinda shrugged...shook my head and looked at the paper....and said..."Gymnasts?"...Read More...
SD, I totally get this. Thank you for assuring me that I can have the confidence to know my reality better than anyone else no matter who they are. I know that instinctive feeling and I am lerning to trust it. I hate what that Psych did to you and that she went so far as she did. But it is good that you stuck with what you know is right for you.Thank you for sharing so much for me, I am really moved. JMRead More...
I am so sorry you are going through so much pain. I can deff relate to you This year is the first year I felt strong enough to go into therapy and actually work on my demons. My mom is very sweet...yet was never there for me emotionally and told me things she should never have. As a younger person she told me my dad wanted her to have an abortion when she was pregnant with me and that her dad wanted her to have one too. That stayed in me forever. I will never forget that remark. However I am...Read More...