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Psychotherapy Classics


HB, That is wonderful. To give yourself permission to know about and access your resources. I often think that the damage we underwent clips our wings. We are meant to soar, yet we end of plodding along staring at the ground or even worse trapped in a dark cell. You sound like someone repaired your wings and you've taken flight. And it will only grow stronger. Thank you for sharing that with us. AGRead More...
Robin, Sounds interesting!! I just started my classes and it took me all day just to get the online tutorial completed!!! i like the old-fashioned way of reading a book and writing your answers on a piece of paper. lol! I wish you good luck with your classes!Read More...

1st Anniversary

Attachment Girl
Hi Woodensoul, and welcome to the forums. Thank you for your condolences. We really got off pretty easy. The doctors essentially kept my MIL alive long enough for my two brother in laws to get to the hospital and come to terms with her dying. My MIL lived with my family but both my brother in laws live out of town. So my family was much more prepared as my MIL had been going donwhill for a number of months. And all we did was stop a medication, she was still on life support when she died. I...Read More...

how do you learn to mentalize???

I have been reading this thread over and over I am sure as we all do from time to time, reading someone else's words and the way they feel about themselves and go "Uh, did I write that? How did they express what I've been feeling my entire life? How did they know?" For example: "Everything I do is wrong." "I can't even breathe right!" and as my T hears from me on a regular basis "There is something wrong with me." HB this statement particularly floored me: So often I feel that everyone else...Read More...


(((HB))) thank you for your post to my thread. I relate so much to your feelings. I once described my wrong feeling as "I'm not a real person". They didn't get it but I suspect you might. I look real but inside I'm not like everybody else. I appreciate you trying to explain observing yourself and how it feels for you. I am impressed you were able to feel and observe the fear in yourself and that you got "I can". I am so glad for you that your next session was easier (or more talkative). It...Read More...
PL that was a very courageous and big step you took today to read her what you had written instead of mailing it. Not only that, but you wrote about your feelings for her! I am so glad your words were met with such total acceptance and peace. I have had that feeling with my T that you now feel. I hope yours stays with you for a really long time. I think when our T's are honest and genuine with us is when we feel the connection most and we take that away with us when we leave them. Your T was...Read More...
Wynne, The Simarillion always make me think of The Music of the Ainur through which creation was accomplished. Especially since the discords introduced by evil are eventually resolved. The promise that in the end good will triumph over evil. So I'm good with the Simarillion. (OK, confession time, I have a first edition copy. But again, I must emphasize, I don't speak elvish, either Quenyan or Sindarin. ) AGRead More...
JM, I totally get the importance of music. I have a very broad eclectic taste in music, and I think for the longest time I used music to get to the emotions that I needed to. Music was such an important part of my healing that when my first T retired, I actually made her a 2 CD set of really significant songs from my time with her with a written eplanation for each song and what it had meant to me. So yeah, you're crazy. I have a tendency to sing alot and I'm very grateful that the woman I...Read More...

emotional immaturity?

Kat - I do the same thing to an extent, except I never really show the emotion fully - because I forced myself not to sometime in my junior high years. I don't get excited, and I don't get mad, I don't cry and I don't laugh. At parties or in groups I spent most of my time watching what other people were doing and I would imitate them. I knew there was a huge delay between the incident/joke/bad news and my reaction, so I just taught myself not to react. Everyone thinks I'm the shy, calm and...Read More...
AG, I'm really sorry for what you've been going through. But it's gotta be pretty great, through all that pain, to be able to feel like you've got a bedrock of self that isn't going to go away no matter how bad it gets. I've been hiding a bit, too. Not even reading. S'nice to feel like I can handle coming back.Read More...

Good Week

Hi Kats, Good to hear from you and that you're doing so well. It is an amazing feeling when you realize that it's quiet inside. Its a sure sign you're feeling more grounded which provides you with more resources to deal with your life. So even though some stuff may be finding a way in through your subconscious, be aware that you are even more prepared to deal with it. As we heal and increase our capacity, we can deal with more difficult material, which in turn clears out space and energy...Read More...
OW, That is a good feeling to be able to do that isn't it? It shows a deep contentment that you are able to have within yourself and that is something that is yours to hold onto forever. Sometimes it will feel crowded out by other emotions, but I think that becomes more temporary and the contentment along with positive beliefs become more of a solid base. JMRead More...


we taking a course called 'research methods' and well i were so hopin that meant math but it don't. we just gotta know how to read articles of research stuff in them like statistic stuff but not have to do the math stuff. i totally love math! but we don't got the extra time for me to also learn that statistic math stuff. stinks i say. samyRead More...

Just Feeling Blah!

justme 2
JM - I can feel the contentness oozing from your post, I am very happy for you. Your post reminds me of what my T said just this morning... when you feel a connection (usually a parent) and feel that unconditional love and acceptance, it stays with you even when that person isn't around or isn't there anymore. You just feel it so deeply that it is part of what gives you the confidence to go out on your own and live your life. She said if you didn't have that growing up it doesn't mean you...Read More...
That's a very good point JM. I never felt bad calling my doctor after hours when I was pregnant, or calling the pediatrician, so why is this any different? And when I think about it, I really don't look at my own job as a 9-5. I think about it after hours and I do work after hours too and I don't feel annoyed, in fact sometimes it makes me feel good to put forth the extra effort when it was really needed. So if I do that in my job, which is not nearly as critical as a therapist's job, I can...Read More...