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Psychotherapy Classics

Is this appropriate?

SimplyMe, I think you really misunderstood a lot of what I said. I mentioned morals because I was trying to point out that my feelings were so strong that I was tempted to violate MY morals. Presumably, someone's morals are based on what they think is important and should guide their behavior. A willingness to go against that guide is a strong sign that something intense and difficult to deal with is going on. It had nothing to do with your morals, whatever they are. I do not expect other...Read More...
JM, I really believe that's true. After my T's last vacation we spent two sessions processing it. The first was me being able to talk about my feelings of abandonment and the fear that he wouldn't come back and my second one talking about how angry I was with him that he left me and how much I hated not being a part of his "real" life. He was totally open and accepting of my feelings, didn't get at all defensive and really understood why I felt the way I did. It really was amazing. And I...Read More...

I must be freakn' crazy!

River, That is wonderful to hear! JM is right, your T sounds really wonderful. I especially like that she made it clear to you that it was ok to call. (and I do understand how hard it is, I think my T needed to tell me it was ok to call or email about 25 times before I actually did and he still tells me at almost every appt. And I still have a hard time. I'm a slow learner. ) The first crack in the wall is the hardest. You should be proud of yourself for staying in that place of frustration...Read More...
Awww Samy Safe hugs if you like! That's GREAT that you all called SPCA to see if something could be done. Some people would just leave the ailing feline there. There isn't anything we can do about these things sometimes but you all did what you could. How's your kitty doing?Read More...

New...Just Joined

True North
True North- Welcome to the group I'm around and not around... it's great you were able to help your T with the transference issue... i think it's amazing he hasn't really dealt with it before unless he didn't realize it... lol.... or maybe it's something that he blocks out! Who knows! LOL... Anyways welcomeRead More...


Attachment Girl
they also have time between clients to eat and go pee lol, if people all came and went on the hour they wouldn't have a moment to reflect, take notes, listen to their phone calls, etc. i know our T does these in her 10-15 min. between apointments. she also does a lot of reading and takes a lot of outside workshops to continue to learn. it's pricey for sure! scott/antoniRead More...
Thanks JM, I appreciate your generosity in being happy for me when you're missing your T so much! I can't begin to describe how it felt to hear him say that stuff. I'm glad I called too. And that I'm not quitting. (And yes, I'm starting to notice a pattern in my responses. ) And I love that you get the exhaustion, so many people don't understand the kind of energy you use dealing with this stuff. AGRead More...
Hi Charlotte, Thanks for the positive words of encouragement. This is definitely the hardest time in my life in a very long time, but I know that somehow it will work out a lot of necessary things from my past and I will be much better off for having worked through these emotions, no matter how deep and menacing they are. I am sorry to hear that you have to go into the hospital. I can imagine all these tests and trying to find exactly what is going on with you feels endless and exhausting.Read More...
LOL! That is too awesome! I want one. Man did I need to see that ths morning. I truly need to be sedated, not only am I in my 24 hour phase, but it is made worse by the fact that I won't see my T for another 3 weeks. It really hit me very hard this morning. Let's just say I literally woke up crying at 5:00 AM. The t-shirt made me laugh and smile and I would have thought that not possible today. I am so glad that is the first post I checked. JMRead More...
Hi Just Me! Honing is fine, I like honing, especially when it comes with a LARGE dollop of reassurance! I do feel ok and accepted here and actually have found the site to be a real encouragement and support for my healing, but man, on those bad days it can all come crashing down. So thank you for all the kind words. When I'm feeling that way again, I'll come back and read this so there's something to hang onto. I'm also really relating to Robin! We're heading for a full release on our...Read More...

Help Me Understand!

Hi Unknown, You have quite a story. If you are telling it to us now I hope this means that you may be ready to "turn a new leaf" so to speak. It has been my experience that no matter how hard I try I can't make any really healthy lasting changes in my life through sheer willpower. I have learned however, it can be done though through a trusting relationship with someone who can step by baby step help me learn a new way to be and change my self-destructive patterns of thinking and acting.Read More...

Hi every1

Hi Butterfly Warrior, good to see you back. Sorry to hear how it's going for you. Typing restriction? Man, I'd really hate that one. Let us know how the Acceptance and Commitment therapy goes. I've heard about it. I think they use some form of mindfulness. I'm curious to know if you have a nice connection with your therapist...but I will wait until you're feeling better. Take care, ShrinkladyRead More...