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Psychotherapy Classics

Olympics anyone?

I really wasn't watching the Olympics but my company retreat was this past weekend and there was a REALLY LARGE screen TV in the main lodge and a lot of people were watching the Olympics so I ended up seeing Mark Phelps win his 8th metal. Really awesome especially because I remember Mark Spitz winning his seven medals (yes, I am THAT old! ) Really awesome to see! Its incredible what people can discipline themselves to do. AGRead More...


River, I think that's one of the toughest situations to handle. People who geniuinely love you and care but just don't have the ability to comprehend what's it like for you or understand your struggles. There are some people I can go to with this stuff and some I can't. I am blessed in that I am close with one sister who has also done a lot of work in therapy, so she really gets it. Life is difficult enough to cope with without haveing to deal with such emotionally wrenching issues as we do.Read More...

holiday update...

Robin, Glad to hear you had some fun, although I can definitely see where having to keep the house perfect would be stressful. I'm domestically challenged, total geek but a lousy housekeeper. And I think you actually put your priorities in the right place. Money can't replace being there for your children. So, using my scale, you're more successful! And your small, messy, cozy little house sounds a lot more like a home to me. And one which I'd much rather visit! AGRead More...
it's too soon however their are things I like about it... still not great with the whole 'acceptance of pain' with how it is... ... living and dealing with the present mind of pain, feelings and emotuoions isnt my cup of tea.... lol... gee wonder why.... so time will tell but im trying... .I do like some of the themes so far in terms of being accepting of what you feel and mindful of it all as well as realizing that what youyr brain says isnt something you have to react too.... its what it...Read More...
Thanks JM, I'm actually doing a little better, down to 5 days! Not like I'm counting or anything. And please, 2 years, you're short term! I've been off and on for the last 17 years (I did take some breaks). And I relate to the business card, my T actually uses his business card for appointment cards, so I get one each session. I have one in my wallet, one on my desk at work and one as a bookmark. Embarrassing, but true! And as for the perfectly normal, you should probably consider the source. AGRead More...
Samy, Sorry I didn't see this sooner! I don't really believe in curses except ones cast by people who have firmly aligned themselves with evil. And I believe they are powerless before God. I certainly don't believe that we can accidentally cause a curse without intending to. Some things just happen or happen for a purpose we're not capable of seeing. Maybe he fell off the roof because if he had left he would have died in a car accident on the way home so the fall saved his life. Not being...Read More...
AG - I certainly identify with your "box" analogy. And yes, as I was reminded this morning, what we are feeling is natural - its just going against them bad messages. You are so right when you say how easily we see the strength and courage in others but not ourselves. I have spent more time doing and caring for others that I never acknowledged my needs or positive points. No need to be sorry for what you call a 'novel' Mine can be much longer at times, it just means theres alot you want to...Read More...
Scott - WOW! That post was so incredible, informative and touched on many of the points I have had to learn to deal with. Someone told me I should be very selective with whom I confide in. While that is very sound advice, at times you may think the person you have confided in later comes back to bite you. Once burnt, I have now learned to more cautious with whom I even mention it to. While I agree that telling your employer or co-workers, I have been fortunate to have an employer that has...Read More...
Robin, That is awesome that you didn't S/I. I'm glad you're dad got it too. The scrapbook sounds like an awesome idea. Its strange how its so easy for us to cut other people slack and be understanding but how tough it is to do for ourselves. We need to learn to as gentle with ourselves. AGRead More...