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Psychotherapy Classics

Hello BW: So glad to hear that you have been able to bring closure to things with Adrine! Wish there was something that I could do to ease the "pain" and associated frustrations related to your flare ups. I can only have imaginings about how difficult things must be for you. I am hopeful that a successful appeal will afford you the care that you so deserve!!Read More...
Samy, You kinda stumped me on that one! Because there are people I would probably call evil based on their actions. But I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that you haven't come close to voluntarily doing the kinds of things the abusive uncle did. So I guess what I'm trying to say is that we do need to judge other people's behavior's to keep ourselves safe but it should be done as gently as possible. All that said, tracking how you're doing is good if you're using to improve but not so...Read More...
Sarah, Thanks for being so encouraging! And I'm glad that you shared some of your experience, I think being able to hear other people's experiences and being understood are really important and can be incredibly healing. And the "Hurray" came through loud and clear. Thanks! I had a session today with my T and we talked about the whole episode. It was one of those really nice "hey, look how far we've come" sessions. It was nice to skip the whole gut-wrenchingly painful thing for a change. AGRead More...
I did part 2 this morning and do you remember in the Peanuts comic strip when Lucy would play the psychiatrist, and she would finally get something Charlie Brown said, and he would scream "THAT'S IT!" so loud she would do a triple somersault? That's what I felt like going through this lesson. It captured something I've been struggling to pin down. This feeling that imperceptibly I've moved and now find myself in a new place that feels like its got a lot more space. Awesome lesson. 'Cause I...Read More...
Robin, Sorry to hear about your sick 5 year old, they still get such bad fevers at that age. I hope they feel better soon! You're really having quite the good time lately aren't you? A scrapebook page would be fine, use it any way you would like. I really just write the poetry when I can't find another way to express something I'm feeling and I'm honored you would want to use it. AGRead More...
Sarah, Thank you so much. I do know I'll see her again some day, its just getting through the intervening time. And it was bittersweet. I am so proud of the man that Tim has begun and it is incredibly important and comforting that I am so important to him also. But don't think your sadness is insignificant or trivial. Important attachments affect us deeply and I certainly think your relationship with your T is as significant as my friendship. But I am glad if it helps you to see a way...Read More...


Shrinklady: Absolutely! Yes, that sure fits, and I take complete responsibility/ownership of that. However, I had no idea that my actions would have impacted her so deeply - my misperception/fear had me believing that somehow I never mattered. (Boy oh boy things can sure get distorted when anxiety takes over!!) Perhaps her reaction was an indication of how much I did matter? Nonetheless, she was completely aware of this insecurity in me and rather than talk it through it seems that she...Read More...

Waking the Tiger

WB AG... been wondering where you have been. Hope you're feeling better. I have asthma aslo... a real bugger!!! Hope your trip was good! Well... haha.. I feel bad now for talking about my ex therapist as she did finally call me back yesterday (Monday) afternoon around 3pm and she did appologize for not getting back sooner being busy and all. I finally said "well you aren't obligated to me since I'm not your client anyways" .... cut to the chase people! LOL. I think she wanted/tried to balk...Read More...
The children's festival was great fun. We even went to the Van. Museum for a show on paleontology (sp?) you know... dinosaurs and fossils. And everyone got to go keep a fossil (rock collecting is one of my hobbies so i was thrilled!) Firstly... friday I met my folks for lunch with my sister in tow SURPRISE! all the way from northern BC! Sat. - children's festival, bbq dinner at my folks (we wanted to order in cinese but my snotty sister over-ruled that one). Sunday - bbq with all the inlaws!Read More...
lol.... could be faulty reasoning though.... LOL... Im just doing my usual way of coping.. avoidance and submerssion... lol..... I feel somewhat better when I ignore and not think too much.... I had a dream last night abotu Holly... my old therapist I liked a lot.. it was really kinda amusing and weird. I think its cause I was thinking of some things she would tell me in therapy in terms of dealing with various challenges and than i fell asleep so it got in my dreams... ha..Read More...