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Psychotherapy Classics

I talked to my T for a long time about it all. And i have to rememer that my sister also has DID but she doen't actually know it, and she's not at all co-conascious. She's also lacking empathy... I guess what bugged me was that she didn't apologize and seemed insincere. Thanks for asking RobinRead More...
BW Sounds like grieving to me, which is really hard work. So you are getting something done. If this weren't you but were a friend you were talking to, would you be judging her as harshly? I recently had the revelation that I should at least cut myself as much slack as I'm willing to cut other people. Its completely understandable you're having a tough time. This too shall pass (probably not quickly enough : ) but it WILL go by. Hang in there.Read More...
Shrinklady- Thank you for your feedback and best of all, validation. I feel a lot better in general about my decision even though ZI dont quite understand what happened and I wish she had asked me more but what can I do... lol I do plan to call the supervisor and just see what happens but I think Im getting over it.... thanks again.. BWRead More...
Philippians 4:8 (New International Version) New International Version (NIV) Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society " 8Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. ' i've been thinking about the idea of affirmations some more... it even says so in the Bible. Interesting. RobinRead More...


yes.. migraines are nasty little creatures that invade your central nervous system and play jump rope with various nerve reactions to cause all kinds of chaotic misery in one's life. i was sick the next day after the pain was gone... yuk..... i probably shoul dhave gone to the ER so the lights can kill me but at least they could have given me fluids, antinausea meds and whatever... oh well.. ANyways, Welcome to the board. YAY new peoples! Hope you like it here. I like it.. it's small and...Read More...
Hi Robin- Thank you for the ideas.... I have been comtemplating on this somewhat. It's very hard... lol.... I dont like it... HAHA.... I hate when dreams stick around and aggitate my soul. My anxiety levels have been higher too. I have a chart where I mark down a general score of my mood, pain and anxiety level each day.... Thanks again BWRead More...

a cat...

awww. lol. now im blushing.... I always love to see your feedback and others... it's so great to see how others see things and its great when we have thinking along the same line too...not like all times but its validating BWRead More...
Sounds like a challenging situation.. One suggestion that I have is possibly... well first off.... time will likely help build trust.... maybe starting different projects... a journaling writing/art projects if possible and also brining in potential mentors, speakers and people who can help illustrate that there are many things out there in the world to explore from their culture... so much in life only shows positive things through the 'dominant' culture but not through anyone elses which...Read More...
I was too busy trying NOT to get tricked by the kids that i didn't have time to come up with a good trick to play on anyone else. LOL.... they did their usual stuffing my shoe toes with paper so my foot doesn't fit (you'd think I'd figure that one out eventually!) last year they switched tne salt and sugar so i kept checking before using either yesterday ScottRead More...
Well the good thing about here is that it's safe as a internet forum can be. Shrinklady, me and others accept you and take time to breathe a little. That always helps. You didnt cause any trouble annd I know its hard but sometimes it helps to tell those mean messages in your head that the abuse isn't happening now and those people are wrong. Lots of issues to deal with at 14 but you're doing great It was great talking with you too on IM. BWRead More...

cell phones...

I think in some countries like Switzerland... my understanding is that the use of cell or hand phones is so part of life that everyone has them including children and its normal. They are even used to make ATM charge transactions!! Which I think is.... weird.. but yeh.. thatd what I heard at least.. lol. I know for me. once I got a cell phone, it made life way easier. I had a power chair at the time that had tires that took air and I would get flats and needed help!!! I didnt have a phone at...Read More...