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The PsychCafe
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Psychotherapy Classics

Update- I gave my therapist the letter but said to p;ease read it latter like next week.. for nexdt weeks session as I prefer to discuss the homework I did... lol so I sorta chicklened out but not really.. I felt I really needed to have a positive session and I didnt know how the other one would turn out.. even if positive in the end, it would be fraught with much trepedation and given my mental state thhis past Tuesday, I found it would bne better to not work with such an activating topic..Read More...
AG- WHat a wonderful symbolic piece representing such amazing trust and peaceful attatchment!! I feel the major transition from a barren wasteland to the open door alone no more!! I bet your therapist was very pleased and honored to have this wonderful expression of saftey and trust. Thanks so much for sharing!!!! Not to mention Im glad to not be the only one with poetry on here now... lol... BWRead More...
we believe that she is also DID, but not aware of it , perhaps not co-conscious, so she is very inconsistent! also, we believe some of her insiders (at least one) doesn't like some of us for various reasons... last week in T we talked about how to deal with her system. - dudeRead More...


the conference was absolutely AWESOME!!! It was so incredibly laid back!!! I plan to do a write up about it so once I do that, I will post it here. I hope to write a lot but it depends on things like ability to type.. lol... It was empowering as a feminist and validating as someone who has expereinced marginilized identities as a biracial disabled woman of color. I can't say enough about AWP's conference and I just really absorbed so much power and beauty. My favorite.. well one of my...Read More...

Joining In

"Hmm, wonder how many people read and not post anything!?" somewhere it says how many people are on the site, and how many members there are... a lot more members than post! but still, would be nice to have more members and more 'posters'... robinRead More...
i see.. yeh.. here you can't get liscensure with a MA... and you can get registered as a art therapist but since it's not truly really accepted, most places won't hire you with that alone unless it's a school or something with a program oriented toward art therapy. I love art therapy... i got a chance to take a few courses at my Uni's extension as they have a art therapy program and some of the classes were open to people not in the program. Here, you can get liscensed as a therapist with a...Read More...
The train set... ah... that's what helping me to be me. Something just for me. I suppose that's what ticked me off about this book (which i finished reading) was that it was for ME... and yes, interference always happens. My T is helping me to be me but encouraging me in my hobbies, and just talking to me I suppose. ScottRead More...