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Psychotherapy Classics


ugh... I have been gone from here but sorta keeping up however not enough so missed this one! I know you left IM cause it was taking up too much space on your computer or slowing it down or something... darn it! Well. don't know if you are still checking messages from here but hugs to you and good fortune in your graduate studies. Butterfly WarriorRead More...

Pschology or not?

Long time no see Dude et al... of course, it's been me that has been MIA. ANyways. one comment, I can make about this and been wanting to make about this every since I saw this post was .. as one of my mentors.. or two said.... - what do you want to do.... explain.. - now... find out who does this and what degree's/certifications, etc are needed to do the above explanation.. hehe... - find the program to accomplish them so all in all.. work backwards... I took some art therapy classes...Read More...

What Lies Beneath.....

Butterfly Warrior: I just arrived home after a wild time in the Big Apple......purchased some wonderful items.....walked and walked (from one end of Manhantan to the other--and then some).... visited all of the "touristy" sites ....whew, I am exhausted....My flight was 3 hrs late leaving New York.....It is now about to bed I I will IM you later once I am rested... Dude: Perhaps we each know CG in different ways.....she has acknowledged her blooper with a promise to fix...Read More...
Butterfly Warrior: My sarcasm is of the humorous kind as well.....thanks for making me comment on how do you feel...with your hands....that's great!!! If you find something more of interest in regards to sarcasm could you kindly let me know....would love to read more.... Take good care DebRead More...
Well, I can only give a unprofessional opinion.I recall you saying you are an alter in your system.... do you have 'dreams/nightmares' of others? I know this is the case with another alter I know in someone elses system but he also has the role of an internal therapist too. For me- I feel that when I have nightmares that cause a lot of physiological arousal when I wake up.. I tend to feel it's connected more to my trauma issues even if not a direct memory because it seem's that 'regular...Read More...
Ariellia: Wow.....quite a journey thus far for you......No health care professional has "labelled" me with borderline personality disorder....and I prefer to see individuals as unique intricate beings trying to do their best to navigate through opposed to a list of diagnoses.....I grew up in a middle class family, the eldest of three children....My father (an alcholic until 1979 when he quit drinking) provided all the materials things that life could offer; however, he failed to...Read More...

Who are you?

I know what you mean "dude"... lol I think that it's not so much a profession of insanity as it is just acknowledging that we say and do things that we know aren't really "normal", per se... things perhaps that drive others nuts or hurt them... or hurt ourselves. We drown in an inexplicable mass of pain and confusion. Ehhh, that's just me. I don't want too dig deep into this right now - I think it'd be an interesting discussion thoughRead More...

Chat room

I think that would be a great idea! I just found this site by complete accident, thinking "" would've been a fun domain to play with. As it is I'm working on building a site to help people with personality disorders. Anyway... I hope they come up with a chat soon, and that more people discover this.Read More...
hahaahah.... YAY... btw- I don't know if you're the one that left the link to this site on the yahoo group but whatever the case, it's awesome. I'm so impressed. I know some others have been checking it out as well. I plan to spread the word about it as well as soon as I get the energy to build the emails and stuff. Nice to see you too. Butterfly WarriorRead More...


well, I worked with one therapist while I was at the University on she was certified in self hypnosis along with pain management, chronic illness, anxiety/trauma, etc... We worked together pretty much my 4 years there and one of the issues we worked on was managing chronic pain due to chronic illness that I have had. IT has been progressive and annoying. Anyways, We did self hypnosis for pain control as well as anxiety control through painful procrdures. I also attended a pain group for...Read More...


Oh, hi Dude, thanks for your question. At the bottom of the home page, I've got an 'update' check mark. I change the date whenever I've been working on the site. So if the date is two days old...that's when I last did something. I'm working on a change to the Post-a-Comment. Right now, when a post comes in and when I post it to the site, the person isn't notified that it went online. It's not a very user-friendly feature so I hope we can change that. I love you other comment too...yes, let's...Read More...