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Psychotherapy Classics

Well, it really helped me to write that all out. It helps to be able to say these things and know I have an audience to hear me, but to receive all of your responses, too, is even more satisfying. I DEFINITELY very much enjoyed reading everyone’s input. Thank you. CD—a lot to read! I wonder if there is a record for longest post on here. Thanks for reading it all and thinking of me. Puppet—I am glad you “enjoyed” reading it. Exactly what I like to hear. It’s also why I said the same thing...Read More...


(((ninn))) Oh I love the idea of bringing kitties!! I'm sorry to hear you went through that with your son that is so awesome to me when they use animals to comfort patients, especially kids seem to respond so well to that (((pingles))) thank you!! I love that your T does that I imagine I will react the same way. Frankly I think I'd do a lot better if I could have a dog be the only one in the room with me!! lol my 2 pet dogs have an amazing way of sensing my emotions, and they truly respond...Read More...
(((Draggers))) Ahhh your loving post made me feel warm. Thank you. - Yes, this is what she tells me too...and then I feel lol I keep trying to muster up the courage to talk with her about it. So far I have just run. Very far. Have not confirmed my next appointment. I have gone down hill, haven't I? Was looking back at some old posts of mine and I sounded much healthier then. I suppose the fact that I quit therapy and have been floundering about ever since might have a small something to do...Read More...

My family + holidays = broken heart for me

((((lost)))) I'm so sorry for your deep pain I wonder if there is anyone you know or could meet through a shared interest, who might be good to spend time with, outside of family? Over the years I've had to 'make my own' family from friends and others who have no family of their own. Since then we've become closer than blood relatives. Sending support and hugsRead More...


Well, it is American in origin. It is a 20 week programme run by a psychologist x2 and a community psychiatrict nurse that helps you to "rewire" your thinking, take notice of your emotions, and take back control of your life. It is very interesting. I am part of a small group that meet regularly, currently on week 9. I am unable to do much of the homework due to the home situation but I do take it in and think about it. It is a journey of discovery. It is not a therapy session so we dont...Read More...


Hello Mork Ah, the words could have been written by myself. By the way, politicians are scum. But I will leave that for another time. I am replying to you because I know the feeling of being surrounded by amoral people. Which does connect to our current state of affairs in politics also. Do not let anyone tell you that you are in any way ill or mentally sick to feel that way, you have every right to feel angry. The dilemma is, how to live in a world that is 95% filled with very irritating...Read More...


(((pengs))) Thank you sp!! I think you're right, it is worth giving a chance, and at least seeing how she reacts. Worst case she says no at that point, at least I gave it a go? and I think deep down I'm going to have a hard time not at least seeing her once more, she was really special to me & I hadn't realized how much I'd missed her (((sandy))) So nice to meet you!! Thank you for all your insightful thoughts, I feel I should give this T a chance. My last one had some very questionable...Read More...

feeling let down after my session

I've benefited from your post and the responses because I have gone through something similar during my year in therapy and thought that it meant that I was unravelling. I'd feel good in my sessions with my therapist, usually, and then start to feel an intense but undefined emotion a little after leaving. Then, about three days of going over the session, maybe writing a response, not sleeping, and in general feeling unhinged. Then, I'd reconstitute and by the time of my next session I'd be...Read More...
Hi True North I hope that I am using the reply function properly and not posting in the wrong place. (I'm new here) I have MS and so have over the years had a bunch of MRIs. As well, I had some when I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Somebody here said that when we're in pain, we're more vulnerable emotionally, too. I agree with that. But I also think there's something about the MRI in particular: the institutional look of it, the banging, the size. It's a machine that looks inside us and...Read More...
I finally got to see T! It's been a while and it was nice to have a session. Although, now I have more homework to do. It's an assignment about ending a current relationship assertively. I know I need to do this for my own good and probably for the other person's benefit in the long run. This is just hard. I told T I would do it before our next appointment, but in the meantime I have a ton of homework/projects for school to complete. Another thing that happened in my session is that T told...Read More...
((JILLIAN)))) You really do sound very brave to make yourself so vulnerable, and you got through it. I also think it is so great that DH is willing to go to Therapy and learn new skills. Really sounds like a win-win situation. You said it all when you mentioned that "It is necessary for real intimacy, but its so uncomfortable". Thank You for being such a great example for all of us on this forum.Read More...

Second session! What is somatic experiencing therapy session like?

Smilingpenguin, Thank you. I hope I can have courage to tell T her kind listening is hard and makes me cry. This is a great idea too - I agree! Draggers, I have read articles of many deaf people who get treated badly. I have had people tell me they surprised I can read. But this security guard, he did not know I was deaf, just think I hear when I did not. I will try to find Janedoes posts. It was not at ER but just an office building with doctor offices and financial offices but still scary.Read More...

When your T tries to fix your problem instead of listening

Thanks, Liese. I wound up emailing my entire post to my T, so at least she now understands where I am at with this! I didn't have time to read the whole article but what I did read made sense. In my case I don't think it's been so much of a mismatch between my skills and what I've been applying for, as a mismatch between my temperament and the demands of the job market (especially in the height of the recession last time I was seriously looking.) So I think it's not so much that the...Read More...


Hello. Thanks for your answers’ I have seen my T, I was hurt and angry but like always I did not say anything, and he acted like he did not see my mail, he does that, if he does not reply he act like he did not read it, but few times he told me he read it but could not reply, I am ok with that. I know T is human like you and me and they make mistakes and forget. it 10 days from this untill next sessions little bit long but ok, I did ask him if I could e-mail him before my next exam wich is...Read More...
AH the only way I've found to reduce fear is to face it over and over. I'm fine with doing that with fears of heights or scary places. I'm a chicken when it comes to emotions so take my advice with a grain of salt. Can you practice walking there in the evening when you know he won't be there. Just going on that road and by his office will start to show you that you can do it. You will not let him have that much control in your life. JillannRead More...