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Psychotherapy Classics

Need Some Understanding

Jillann: Thank you I will need to talk to him about those things you's just having the guts to do it instead of walking away. The biggest part for me I am having trouble reconciling is how he can only be there for me 50 minutes a week...and no more. That is really tough, especially with my background. Thank you for replying. I hope you are well T.Read More...
(((everyone))) Sorry for not responding individually, but thanks again, so much. I got a ton of sleep today and my H cleaned up the house while I rested and that helped a lot. I think I am struggling with existential shame and annihilation anxieties right now as relates to my attachment to T. I know I'll get through it. I have to remember to take things one day at a time, because the big picture can sometimes be really overwhelming.Read More...
(((Liese))) Thanks for your interest. I never considered that the three dreams in the epic series might correlate with my attempts to discuss the tornado with T, but upon reflection that actually kind of fits. Neat. Oh, I wish I could remember the exact time lapse between Dream One and the epic series. I think it was around a week, not more than two. I don't think I actually came to any conclusions in the sense of deductions with the journaling. It was more like-- emotions and memories all...Read More...
first - I think our mothers are related or were in a past life I find I slip into little girl mode here and there. it really depends where I'm at emotionally, what situation I'm in, and who I am interacting with. I am often, although not always, able to 'catch' myself in the act - or even know prior to a situation if I may be feeling vulnerable and attempt to adjust my reaction accordingly. it's not easy though. And with my mom - oh, she tends to just kinda always put me there, just an...Read More...
((cat)) you talk about doing it right and being successful, but i dont think there is a 'wrong' way and i think just taking this on shows how far you have come and that you are already a success! i hope you wont feel dissapointed in yourself, just do what you can, thats all you can do. and its not all up to you either, your parents have to do their part too! anyway, sounds like some frustrating useless advice like dont worry.. but i hope you're not too anxious and doing ok. puppetRead More...


(MDB) Its great to know your back with us, and that you're feeling better. Keep doing what your doing, and know that we care a lot. Big Hugs To You.Read More...
I'm a little late to the conversation but HIC I respond much the same as you when my children have been hurt. Scoop them up, and age what needs to be bandaged, and send them back on their way. I will sometimes at a later point in time have a more emotional reaction. T says this is classic PTSD. I don't always though. I have seen friends of mine that seem way more concerned when their children are hurt and I too wonder if I don't care enough. JillannRead More...
((((AH)))) I notice a big difference in how I react to my T's voice. He can get a bit excited and talk quickly. I don't always connect to that voice. When he talks in low, soothing tones, I tend to connect better. I can totally understand how your H's tone would have upset you even though it had nothing to do with you per se.Read More...


About 5 years ago I was an outreach worker. I was at the office doing paperwork from the night before and one of my coworkers, who had a habit of grating everyone's nerves (and he was pretty close to getting fired), had to go to the washroom. He didn't take the key with him and I watched him walk leisurely out of the office. When he left and turned the corner to the washroom, I looked at my boss, who was looking at me in sheer astonishment for not reminding the coworker about the washroom...Read More...
Thanks everybody. I only ate one small Halloween kit kat bar so I controlled my chocolate craving for the most part today. Now I just have to stay away from the chocolate. Today we just found out about the numbers. It will be a few weeks before individuals find out if they are being let go. We feel pretty good about DH job. Mine is much less secure. We have survived on just his income before and we can again. It just means cutting back on a lot of things but it can be done.Read More...

How to prepare for a session :?

Hi rissy, I'm new here too. I have the same problem you do. I am great at communicating through email, but when it comes to saying things in person I'm a terrified, nervous mess. There is another forum I am apart of and someone there suggested I handwrite a letter, to write it the exact way that I would an email but just on paper. The next step was either reading it out loud to my T, or to hand it to her to read. I tried this for the very first time last week (after a session where I...Read More...
Wow, Starfish I have a very similar tree story. My T has moved premises and I had to leave my tree behind - it was a copper beech. I like them a lot. I don't love where we've moved to as it is a set of rooms where I had some very shortlived therapy in the past. It didn't go well and I quit. Luckily there is sufficient emotional distance that it doesn't bother me as much as I originally thought it would, which is a relief. About, I'm always amazed at what our brains can do too. I hope you can...Read More...