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Psychotherapy Classics

Feeling like my former therapist betrayed me.

hi annie, i'm really sorry you have to deal with this and i would also feel very betrayed! it sounds like she didnt mean anything bad with it, maybe she was even thinking you would be ok/happy with it, well it seems she didnt really 'think' too hard about it! in my (not expert) opinion, i dont think its right. i know there are a few T/writers out there who have done this, but i am pretty sure they have asked their patients if they are ok with this and probably send them a proof of the story.Read More...

Ts inner circle?

thanks Cat, Melba everyone I can see it from all angles, except maybe his. I usually get myself in a caretaking position or as he says rescuer and it bugs me that I cant be that for him. 1 of the 2 relationships, I have where I can't be that! bugs me I guess...I wound up being my former bad ts rescuer.. Cat it went ok was emotional and I admitted some things in an email and added a session. I just don't know if I can tell him this, because I know I cant be.. I just don't want to hear the ...Read More...


Monte--sorry it didn't work. Sometimes I run up and down the back stairs of my Ts building for like ten minutes before session just to try to keep myself from freezing up and going dead in the head. I hope you find something that works.Read More...

Sexuality in therapy

really interesting topic, Liese! I think for me (my T is a female my mother's age and I'm a straight female) ...I don't really think about being seductive or sexual with my clothing. That could also be because I tend not to be overly seductive/tight/revealing clothing, so I don't have any of that to wear in the first place. But I am cognizant and sometimes hyper-aware of my clothing and appearance when I go to therapy. I like to look nice (but not dressy/formal) if I buy anything new,...Read More...


same here, muff. spent last Friday evening with my mother and sister. sister was very animated and "sucking up" to mother, it seemed to me. things a normal, healthy daughter would do: lending an arm, getting lemonade, bringing findings from the garden mother couldn't walk down to in order to enjoy them on her own. sister is inches taller than me and longer legs and seemed to me she would scoot ahead of me to "beat me to the punch" and she would! i didn't have a chance. never did. always was...Read More...
i'm sorry others relate, although it makes me feel less alone and weird so thank you for sharing. thank you muff, for understanding. maybe i have to accept my 'life style' for now and my limitations and let myself fall apart at the weekends if i need to, without putting extra pressure of myself or feeling bad for it. daisy, i'm sorry you struggle with this too and i hate those 'how was your weekend' questions too! its sad that we spent so much of our energy trying to 'appear' fine to others...Read More...
Oh, I see RT. Sorry about that. I see where that would seem like a betrayal. My former T mentioned a different type of relationship that I could have with her. Then, in my last session she back peddled a lot when I asked her about it. I felt like I was letting go of the therapeutic relationship in favor of a different one that might not ever occur anyway. I also felt that she was trying to get rid of me. I still get confused when I think of our relationship, but I miss her soooo much at the...Read More...


My T does hold her boundaries and tell me what she is capable of, and has worked out outside support - my P has also offered support. I think it is great when therapists can communicate their limits and realize some patients need more to get through, and helping them accommodate that. To me it says boundaries are good, limits are good, but that needing more isn't bad or dysfunctional but a need that can be worked out in a compassionate way, respecting both people involved. Great article.Read More...
Thank you for the hugs Liese I´m so glad to have people here that understand that this is a big thing for me, and not easy. I can feel that the people around me do not understand. You are right that it is good that I understand ahead of time that this might become difficult, maybe I will be better prepared. I can feel little me inside me jumping up and down because she is so happy that she is meeting oldT again, she is saying HUURRAY!!! with her hands up in the air. Good that the grown up me...Read More...