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Psychotherapy Classics

I'm sorry you're so triggered. There are a lot of grey areas in the ethics of psychotherapy. But I can say definitively and adamantly that abuse of any kind against a child, elder, or disabled individual is not a grey area. It is wrong and illegal and action will be taken by any licensed mental health professional. It comes with the licensure to practice...licensed mental health professionals are mandated reporters and must report suspected abuse to these populations, or their license can...Read More...

grocery shopping

That's an interesting point, ((RT)) I guess grocery shopping is the one thing we do on a regular basis that lets a whole heap of strangers get a sneaky look into our personal lives (and larder cupboards!!) I've often wondered what other shoppers or checkout staff think when they peek into my basket If I see someone with a load of 'reduced item' stuff I tend to think "cheapskate" and then hide all mine at the bottom of the basket, LOL!Read More...


No you haven't Draggers. It was someones bright idea that I should extend my scribes into one long thread, so as to make room for other post's. It's obviously not working.Read More...

working on anger in therapy

Words words. Their only words to describe this fuking hell! "Toddlers also need to go through a time of being able to express their rage ...." Infants do too, to alert their primary care giver for the need to be loved. And when they were forced to stop asking, that rage was also repressed. There was a ransom to be paid for the dream of love. I'm paying for it in therapy.Read More...
(((Cat))) Thanks for checking in on me. Yesterday was pretty busy. Boo had a Kindergarten playdate to meet her soon-to-be classmates. She starts later this week, because it's a year-round school. I feel like I know it's affecting me profoundingly in some (past-related) way that I can't quite understand. Today, we are visiting with the little girl I used to watch, which is really nice. I'm not really dissociating it, but consciously putting it all aside until tonight when I can talk it over...Read More...

Therapist misunderstood

Liese, You make perfect sense, and thank you for sharing what happened to you. I am glad you and your T worked it out. I agree T's need to be forgiving on boundary crossing, especially if it is accidental. This one was a clear misunderstanding and I try to be so careful, yes you are right it is like walking on eggshells isn't it? I hate how some Ts argue and argue about a 2nd appointment. Some won't even consider. I know it has only been a short time but I am committed, and have seen that we...Read More...


Thank you for your answer Catalyst, and sorry for my late reply, I couldn't find time to answer properly and I wanted to process your answer. Thank you for expressing very well what I feel every time when she tells me she cares. Could you develop your thoughts on the attachment forms and the sense that there is a savior? It seems quite relevant to what I feel but I haven't read anything about it yet? I don't know, I just have this feeling I need to be cared for, that it would replace the...Read More...

Fun questions to ask your T.

If you could b a fictional character from any book who would you wanto be? If you could only keep one of your 5 senses which one would you keep? If your house was on fire what one thing would you grab on the way out? If you could live anywhere in the world where would you live? What's your favorite season of the year? Coke or Pepsi?Read More...


Me as the adult does, totally. But the child is confused as ever, and remains enraged. My work is in aged care Jillann, where I have nursed bubby parents for the last twenty something years. I know how it feels when they are so in need of love. I think that is the only time brain reaches beyond my rage to give it to them. That is the time I can go beyond my own needs and see theirs. But when I asked for support in caring for these people I was up against a boss who wasnt capable of empathy...Read More...