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Psychotherapy Classics


(((GE))) I'm sorry about the transference stuff, and the content you are processing right now - it's hard. There is really no way that it's okay to talk about it with him? It must be so hard w/o your H being supportive. It's okay to be angry and want to be with someone safe... I know my T has suggested I imagine her around to see if that will help calm me. It does. Sounds like Monday... sucked!!! It's really hard to deal with leaving session activated and like your T had rocks in their head...Read More...
((((RT))) I go in motion: walking, weeding, etc. I wish I had a punching bag; I would use it after almost every session. I have also been known to go for ice cream or alcohol. Not the healthiest of coping techniques. Reaching out here is both healthy and brave. Writing (for yourself or to others) can help sort out all the feelings; forcing them out of your mind and onto paper sometimes brings relief. I'm sorry, RT. It feels like a long fight sometimes. Feelings change though, and they can...Read More...


Try and remember Blu: if you cant think of an answer, think 'fear of rejection.' It often is the answer. Rage once threatened our survival, so much so that brain repressed it. Therapy is about feeling that rage. It feels like it still threatens our survival before venting it.Read More...

Would It Be Wrong?

It is not always the client who is wrong. Therapists are not always correct. Mostly they just guess and hope and sometimes it helps. They can get vindictive and cruel just like anyone else when they feel frustrated. The important thing to me is that a client be able to see it and not let the therapist have the upper hand.Read More...

Can't stand the transference - 2nd counsellor dumped in 12 month

Hi Draggers, Thanks for the reply. I received an email from my ex T in connection with the email that I sent about termination. Nothing was mentioned about 'transference'. Instead, I was just referred to another therapist and informed that her ethics could not allow her to keep in contact with a client via email. Just felt really frustrated and in a 'dead end' situation with my growing feelings towards my T. I could never really talk about my feelings and obviously knew that they couldn't...Read More...


yeah? and your brickets are too fricking cool for your trousers! LOL! i know this doesn't make a damn bit of sense, but thanks for the eclairs! you have officially made my day. g'night, mate! p.s. don't eat all the cm ice cream whilst i sleepRead More...


(((hollow))) I do think you have some good advice here that I can't add much too unfortunately but wanted to send some and a welcome. Transference can be so hard... I didn't have to admit any transference early on... if she didn't know by the first session I had angry reactions to being "close" she definitely knew by the second. I wear my transference on my sleeve! It sucks!!! Other feelings are much easier to hold in (like attraction, people can't necessarily see or hear it right away) but...Read More...
Jill: I admire what you are able to do with boundaries with your dad. I'm very far from my fam. Has your T given you any suggestions? I saw my family last year for hours but want to stay a week. T says I wasn't strong enough last year (so I needed those boundaries), but I may be now. I took that in as.... I'm not good enough? I genuinely want a relationship, but I'm confused about if it is actually safe. I took in her words as it was/is my disfunction that separated us. My fault from birth,...Read More...


i know for me (sorry for getting personal here (ha!)) whenever i was having really bad cramps i'd whimper to myself that i wanted my mom. she was in the same house, i just couldn't have her, not the way i needed her, anyway. i also remember having the feeling like i just wanted to be home ... even though i was home. maybe this makes no sense to anybody else. just my experience. thanks for sharing this, muff. i don't think it's pathetic at all. just your kid knowing what it needed oh, and...Read More...
We do tend to be 'givers' rather than takers dont we Kid? It's safer giving than feeling obliged to anyone. I guess we have that need to feel needed still. Taking can make us feel vulnerable, weak and less in control, especially when there is that constant feeling of being rejected. What reward do we *really* want when we give to others? A good connection? A feeling of self worth? That might last for a little while, until there is nothing more than rejection again. And then comes anger,...Read More...


RT, Saw this over on the "Check In" thread and just wanted to share with you that NEVER in a million years will I hear those words ever pass my Ts lips. I do believe he loves me, we've talked about it but he will not say it to me. So I felt a little envious when I read this. I will never be hugged, so at times it can be hard to read of other people getting that (I don't want them to hesitate to speak of it however!) I will never have a regular standing appointment, he doesn't work that way.Read More...

Problem with!

My problem is that since I have a background in counseling (am one myself) I have always been trying to understand what he`s doing in our work- so I read, look at literature, etc. Sometimes, I think he`s clueless, but every once in a while, I see that he knows what he`s been doing all along. I want him to give me some credit for the fact that I am more tuned in to the process than most. It just burns me that he now apparently thinks I`m coming on to him or something and is pulling away. I...Read More...
hi elly, i'm glad your T is 'warm' and her being part of the 'object relations' school is great! it sounds like you have picked the best of psychoanalysis but like you say, its all about how you and your T fit. yeah, i try not to think about the money too much. i think of it as an investment which will pay off. puppetRead More...