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Psychotherapy Classics

Should i quit

Hi April, I don't know how your universities work - do you choose your program at the beginning and there is no opportunity to change? I changed my major (area of study) several times, and I think that was good - how many people truly know what they want when they are so young? Could you start over? A year sounds like a long time, but not compared to your whole life. Could you do what we call a "double major" - sort of what your friend is recommending, complete the management course and at...Read More...

Difficult choice

Hi River, I feel bad for even saying this because it probably just shows how cut off from people and un empathic I am, I don't mean this is a mean "get over it" way at all - it is so great that you have such a strong attachment to/relationship with your T, I know how important it is, I struggle with getting there probably because afraid it would end, which is exactly your issue. I've had to move around the country a lot and sometimes it has been very hard leaving a T, but nothing like what...Read More...
HIC (such a cute abbreviation, my dog is 2 and often gets what I call"puppy hiccups"!) You are onto something important here. Maybe ask your T a little about it if you can, because I recently learned how important a healthy, secure attachment between a mom and baby is for a baby, so your T might help you to do what you are doing even better! As I understand it, kids are looking for more than eye contact, they are looking to you to feel understood, when they are frustrated you probably mimic...Read More...


RE, i think it's kind of an insidious thing, not something that happens over night. you might like something is startingn to feel "good" and over time you may realize that's what the feeling is, is comfort. i'm working on it, albeit slowly. i hope you can get there, too.Read More...
I'm not sure where I am at right now. I know I feel shame, but don't really have words. Almost all of my communication recently (to myself) has been wordless, emotionless and just in pictures. There are a deep well of words and emotions... but they won't come out, not even to me. Really all I can do to process in therapy right now is work with visualizations. I'm very visual but I'm used to explaining, interpreting, and understanding those visuals through words. So I can only work literally...Read More...

Sabotaging my therapy

Hi Crootie, You’ve hit the nail on the head when your T said “… [we] spend a lot of time in our heads, and not communicating?” I consider all angles to identify and verbalise my thoughts and feelings but I just can’t do it which leaves me so bloody frustrated and my counselor I think? My first counsellor hugged me which I found safe and okay, in fact it helped me to speak more freely although I didn’t touch on the deeper stuff that’s coming up for me now. I have many hugs from friends mainly...Read More...

The Alone.

"There is no living thing that is not afraid when it faces danger. The true courage is in facing danger when you are afraid, and that kind of courage you have in plenty.” ― L. Frank Baum, The Wonderful Wizard of OzRead More...
Actually, I believe it was 'Honey' the adult who helped destroy her childhood demons. No one was there for her when she was a child. Maybe that is why she became a teacher to 'problem' children. She can relate to them and their fears.Read More...

Clay vs. Concrete

Resonated with me too TAS. I really don't want to be me anymore, which is good in way but also produces a ton of fear in me. Not being me means I have to change and that is near impossible it seems. Using your metaphor a tad differently, after years and years cement will start to break down a little bit but then then to redo it you sometimes have to use a sledge hammer. Therapy at times feels like a sledge hammer to me. Can be effective but what a mess in the process. Be well.Read More...


Thanks for the response so I stil have no clu y I'm on it when I havent been angry or throwing fits. I ve been submissive a thally so I keep my nose clean...& my mouth. Figure if im quiet..I don't kno. Side effects arent any better. Also started xylem which I read is very addicting. More I read more I don.t like. Thi k I'm refusing it to niteRead More...