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Psychotherapy Classics

Shoot Me Now

L2F...amazing true. When someone speaks of their experience and you can feel what they are conveying...powerful. CD...thank you...I try to be persistent...but sometimes I lose heart... RT: Sending you hugs...for the journey... T.Read More...
(((TAS))) yes, some of the same issues come up whether male or female. but, one thing at a time. because a female T will most likely bring up male issues as well. it really is weird shit. :P one thing at a time. too overwhelming otherwise. all that stuff is wierd but inconsequential. it must be hard not to think about it, though. my best advise would be to talk with your T about the similarities if you haven't already. it was a semi-formal good-bye. it sucked to say the least. one of the...Read More...
Thank you CD, and Blu. It was an honor to have known him. We were both in pain about our lives, but somehow that pain never entered our friendship. We managed to live in the moment and go around, under and over our pain and not once permit that impostor in. A pain free friendship is rare and never forgotten. .Read More...
Well I sort of failed at the letter. T was very kind about it. She said it was a start. But that I was still turning everything back in on myself. I said things like "you really tricked me into that one", or "I can't believe I was so stupid to trust you". But that is how I feel. I feel horrible that I did not see what was happening sooner and that I let such terrible harm occur. My new assignment is to add a paragraph to the letter each day that starts with "I feel angry, or mad, or...Read More...
Your right Cat a lot of this is WTF. This isn't my 1st hospitalization but 1st time in a state facility. From what I hear from others there's a very nice facility over the state line, but I don't have anything to compare it to. I felt like I was doing well. I was making progress, getting ready for emdr & doing parts work which I've never done before. I was doing CBT, DBT & actually "using" it; I've tried it before but didn't really like it. Everything that's mandatory to go to here I...Read More...
Hi Kash Maybe a way to think about it is recovering your "true self" (both Winnicott and Masterson write about this) and being able to live freely and peacefully rather than in the constraints of your "false self" that adapted to allow you to survive your childhood but is an outdated and unhelpful way of perceiving and relating to the world in adulthood. You won't ever know what life would be like if you hadnt had to create a false self but you can heal and be able to live in a more...Read More...
thanks Erica well exams are over and while it was one of the craziest weeks I have been through recently, it was also amazing and sad at the same time. I had a three hour exam on Tuesday afternoon which involved writing 7 essays and answering 50 multiple choice questions in 3 hours. I was deliriously tired by the end. I had a session with T immediately afterwards and luckily his office was within walking distance from the exam centre but the 30min stroll seemed to drag on endlessly. I was...Read More...

Hello again :)

(((Little Me))) would you consider recording the session in case you do dissociate and can't remember much? i taped quite a lot of my sessions and i really treasure those recordings, and pick up new things each time i listen. my recorder cost about $30 ... not a bad investment. i'm making dinner so need to go, i just wanted to touch base with you and tell you to stick around if it helps and let us know where you're at in your journey. take careRead More...

An opinion please

because maybe from personal experience you know how important the role of father is. maybe you didn't realize it when you were 21 or 17, but as you get older you start to think about these things and realize their utmost importance, and you don't want your kids to suffer the same heart-ache you currently do. just a guess.Read More...

Have you?

Thank you Liese. I was thinking about you... Hope you are well... The trouble is verbalizing....I just have to keep trying. Today should be interesting. I did tell him if I quit is not because Iam unhappy about the no is because the feelings it brings up...too much to grapple with... To conquer or be conquered... T.Read More...
Mudd Anger is a very, very difficult feeling to manage. Same with rage. I actually have been struggling with this the past few days and here's how I handle it. I have come to see that anger and rage are usually underpinned by hurt relating to feelings of grief, guilt, shame and powerlessness. So when I start to notice how angry or rageful I seem to be feeling I immediately search deeper for the real reason. Anger can be legitimate but it can also be a very effective defence that ends up...Read More...
hey guys thanks av u seemed to b readin my mind with ur answer but let me jus fill you in on whats happened becuz iam TOTALLY confused... i have seen him this week but he has been chattin to a guy. the first time i saw him i smiled and he gave me a look but didnt smile, he seems like he doesnt want me around anymore, he is just in deep convo with his friend and jus not even lookin at me, its a shame i liked himRead More...